Status: Its finished. Sequel coming up... Title ideas, Message me. LOVE YA! :)


Chapter 13

I looked at Jimmy as he drove. His complexion was pale, His skin was ice cold, His cheek keeps burning my lips. I started thinking. "So is Zacky a..." I started. Jimmy nodded.
"His dad transformed him. It was 1989. He was dying of a rare disease. His dad, Knew how to cure him, But didn't want to cure him because he didn't want to hurt his only son. He wanted him to live. So he had to make the choice, Let his only son live forever, or have his only son die." Jimmy said. I nodded.
"So he did what was best for Zacky." I said. Jimmy nodded.
"Yeah, he bit his neck." Jimmy said. I gulped.
"So when you... transform, Does it... Burn?" I said stuttering. I was thinking about Zacky.
"Yeah, its an indescribable pain. It burns though, and stings. When you feel the venom go through your blood, poisoning it, It feels really, Terrible. It feels like your still dying. But 20 minutes after your transformed, You don't feel a thing. You feel better than you did." He explained. I nodded.
"Wow." I said. Jimmy nodded.
"Yeah, If there was another way, Zacky would be put under a tombstone." Jimmy said. I looked down.
As tears rolled down my eyes, I thought about texting Zacky and telling him how grateful i was for him.
"Jim, What would Zacky do if i wrote him a letter about the tombstone and the transformation?" I asked. Jimmy sat there and thought for a second.
"I don't know, Why don't you text him on my phone, and ask him in my point of view. I don't think he wants you to know." Jimmy said. I sighed and grabbed Jimmy's phone out of his back pocket.
"Hey Zack, What would you do if Lilly Sent you a letter saying how grateful she is about your existence?" I texted, Pretending I was Jimmy. Zacky sat there for a minute. He then texted back: "I don't know, I guess it would make me have a little bit more hope for life."
I smiled and looked at Jimmy. "Do you mind if i have a night with Zacky and talk to him?" I asked Jimmy. Jimmy nodded.
"Thanks baby." I said. Jimmy smiled and looked at me and then back at the road. I smiled and looked out the window again. I turned on Miss Murder by AFI. I was getting really happy.

An hour later: We were 30 miles from Jimmy's house. I was already asleep. Jimmy put his right hand on my left leg, and had his left one on the steering-wheel. I woke up and Jimmy didn't move a muscle. I yawned as I woke up.
"Have a nice nap baby?" Jimmy asked. I smiled and yawned again.
"Yeah." I managed to spit out. I smiled and laid back. I was in desperate need of a drink.
"Jim, Can we stop and get a drink?" I asked. Jimmy sighed.
"Babe, We were getting rid of your problem alright?" Jimmy said. I sighed and sat back. He pulled over and got out. He got into the cooler that was in the trunk and got me a mountain dew. He got back in the car.
"Try this." He said. I took a drink and started to like it.
"Wow... Mountain Dew. Never had it until now." I said. Jimmy laughed.
"There's different flavors." Jimmy said. My eyes lit up.
"Really?!" I said. Jimmy nodded. I smiled and looked at Jimmy. We were now 10 miles away from Jimmy's house.