Status: Its finished. Sequel coming up... Title ideas, Message me. LOVE YA! :)


Chapter 18

The next day: I sighed and opened my eyes. I wished that i was in a coffin. Jimmy woke up and his fangs showed. I looked at Jimmy and smiled. He smiled back. I looked at Jimmy and yawned. My teeth were hurting like hell.
"Lillers, When do you want to get the wedding over with?" Jimmy asked.
"How about tomorrow?" I asked. Jimmy smiled.
"Or tonight." Jimmy said. He had an idea. He wanted me to have our child. I smiled and got up.
"Do i have to wear a white dress?" I asked. Jimmy nodded his head no. I smiled and got up.
"Okay, Get the hell out. Its bad luck to see the bride before your married." I asked. Jimmy smiled as I pushed him out of the room. I smiled and put on Bella's lullaby.
"Matt! Get your ass up here! I need help getting my tux on! I haven't worn it in a long time!" Jimmy said. Matt came up and went to Jimmy's room. Olivia came up to mine. I had a blue dress on, and I was looking at myself. I had a picture of my mother up on the wall. She had died in a car accident when I was 10. So did my father. I was the only survivor next to my brother Matt. He was 12. I was lucky to be alive.
"God, Help me through this without my mother." I thought. Olivia heard me and smiled. I sighed.
"Lilly, May I come in?" Olivia asked from behind my closed door.
"Sure. Its unlocked." I said. I stared at myself in the mirror. Olivia saw the pain deep in my eyes and she knew why i was in pain.

In Jimmy's Room: Matt was helping Jim get his tux on. "Damn Jim, You grew." Matt said. Jimmy laughed and stared at himself in his mirror.
"Do you think this is sexy enough for her...." He paused.
"I mean, your parents?" Jimmy asked. Matt swallowed.
"Jim, My parents died when Lilly and I were Kids. Lill was 10, I was 12." Matt said. Jimmy stood there and hugged his best friend. Matt sighed and hugged him back.

Back in my room: I sighed. "This is good enough, Right?" I asked. Olivia looked at me. She smiled with an idea. She ran to her room. She got in her Jewelry box and got her engagement ring out, she then ran back to my room and panted.
"Close your eyes." She said. I did as told.
Olivia took my hand and smiled. She put the ring on.
"There, now your complete." She said. Matt and Jimmy were already on their way to the altar and I was still at home. I smiled and got my black roses.
"Lets go." I said. Olivia grabbed my keys and drove me to the altar.
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