Status: Its finished. Sequel coming up... Title ideas, Message me. LOVE YA! :)


Chapter 19

I got to the altar with Olivia. She decided that she wanted to go and sit in the altar. Matt was Jim's best man, And Synyster agreed to walk me down the Isle. Syn was Jimmy's brother, and most closest friend. I smiled and Synyster looked at me.
"Ready Lilly?" Brian asked. I swallowed and sighed.
"Yes sir i am." I said. Brian smiled and hugged me. I hugged him back.
"Lill, Your mother wouldn't want you to cry during your wedding. She would want you to be happy." Brian said.
"I know bri.. Synyster." I said, correcting myself before I got myself into trouble with Brian for calling him Brian instead of Synyster. I sighed and quickly hugged Brian and started crying a little bit.
"Syn, I miss her so much." I said. Brian hugged me and smiled.
"I know, and she can see that from heaven. I promise. Now lets go before Jimmy gets suspicious." Brian said. I kissed his cheek and swallowed hard again.
The wedding started and Brian walked me down the Isle. I walked down the isle. Jimmy was smiling the whole time.
I sighed and looked at Jimmy and met up with him. The wedding then started.
"Do you Lillian Natasha Saunders, Take James Owen Sullivan to death for the rest of your unnatural life?" The Rabbi said.
Johnny and Zacky tried to hold in their laughter.
"Yes i do." I said. Zacky kept his laughter silenced and Johnny got his wallet out, digging out 100 dollar bills because he lost the bet.
"And do you James Owen Sullivan, Take Lillian Natasha Saunders to death for the rest of your unnatural life?" The rabbi asked Jimmy.
"I do." Jimmy said like a little piece of heaven. Zacky kept his harder laugh in and smiled. Johnny dug out 400 more dollars and gave it to Zacky. I smiled and kissed Jimmy.
"I know pronounce you, Mr. And Mrs. Sullivan." The rabbi said.
I smiled and kissed Jimmy, I then ran down the isle with him. Zacky laughed so hard. Johnny flipped him off.
"Fuck you vengeance." Johnny said, still flipping him off. I went with Jimmy and he drove us home.