Status: Its finished. Sequel coming up... Title ideas, Message me. LOVE YA! :)


Chapter 2

I sat in the drivers side of my car and thought about what had just happened. "Wait a second, wait a second. How did my car get here? And how did Jimmy know my name?" I asked myself. Alot of things were on my mind and I wanted to know what to do next. "Its another worthless game. Another light. But where do I go now?" I asked myself. I sighed and Jimmy knocked on the window. "Hey, is there anyway that I can be of assistance? "Jimmy asked. I sighed. "No thank you. Im okay on my own. I just dont know where to go to." I said. Jimmy had a twinkie in his hand. "Go to the City of Evil." Jimmy said, as he ate his twinkie.
I was puzzled. "The City of Evil? Wheres that?" I asked. Jimmy chuckled. " Las Vegas." Jimmy said, taking the last bite of his twinkie. I nodded. "Okay. That makes sence." I said. I started the ignition and smiled. "Thanks for the help. I appreciate it." I said. Jimmy smiled. "I hope you find what your looking for." Jimmy said. I nodded. "I hope i do too." I said. Jimmy sighed and looked at me. I smiled an eerie smile and looked at my hands. I hadnt moved the car yet. Jimmy looked at me. I smiled. "Okay, Uh.. I kinda gotta go, so... Uh... Yeah, I wish you good luck with your life and I will see you around." I said. Jimmy smiled. "Alright. Can I try something?" He asked. I nodded. "Sure." I said. Jimmy turned on clair-de-lune. I smiled. "You like Debussy?" I asked. Jimmy smiled. "Yes, I love it. Now close your eyes and hold still." Jimmy said. I did as told and sighed. Jimmy slowly leaned in and put his hand on my leg. I smiled and sighed. I felt Jimmy breathing on my face. He finally pressed his lips up againsed mine.
He kissed my lips and then kissed them again and again. I kept breathing very lightly. My face was turning pale, and my blood level dropped again. He finished and smiled. Uh..." I said. Jimmy smiled. "Dont, Leave me.... I want to travel to The City of Evil with you. Will you help me pack?" Jimmy asked. I smirked and smiled. "Sure. I would love to help you." I said. I turned my car off and got out. I then went back inside and helped Jimmy pack his things. "Hey, Lilly Right?" Matt asked. I nodded. "Yes." I said. Matt smiled and blushed. Olivia looked at matt. "I was wondering, Your Part of Alice can be a Butterfly, Right?" He asked me.
"Yes." I replied back. "Well, can i get you to sign my CD? Its the first one i bought. I love your drumming skills and your voice." Matt said. I smirked. "Thanks." I said, pulling out a sharpie and signing his copy of "Letters to my Love." I smiled. "There ya go." I said, handing matt the CD. Matt smiled and looked at me. I smiled back and looked at the door. Jimmy was packed, all we had to do know, was to go to my place and pack my stuff. "Alright. It was nice meeting you guys, im going to the City of Evil and starting a new life for myself. All of them waved as I left. Johnny was giving me the eye. He wanted me too. Zacky wanted me as well, but not because of my body, but because of my blood.