Status: Its finished. Sequel coming up... Title ideas, Message me. LOVE YA! :)


Chapter 3

I sighed as I looked at the ground. I didn't like anything anymore. I didn't want to disappoint Jimmy when we went to the city of evil. I sighed. Jimmy looked at me. "Look, I love you. Okay. But i have a girlfriend and i need to break up with her." Jimmy confessed. I nodded. "Okay. You invite her over and we play assassins." I said. Jimmy was puzzled. "What assassins?" He asked. I smiled and looked at him. "Assassins is where we try to kill each other." I said.
Jimmy smiled. "Let the game of assassins begin. Matt! Liv! and any other people who live in my house! get over here!" Jimmy yelled. They all came to Jimmy. "Okay, Lilly here has explained to me what the heck assassins is. Wanna play?" Jimmy asked. All of them nodded. "Who's playing?" Olivia asked. "Well, Lena, me, Jimmy, and everyone here." I said. Olivia looked down. "Uh... Jim... We have to talk." Olivia said. Jimmy nodded okay.
They both went into the hall and shut the bedroom door. "Jim... Lena's.... Lena's dead. She died in a car accident this morning. I should have told..." Olivia said. Jimmy hugged Olivia. "Its alright. That's why we were playing assassins in the first place. I wasn't happy with her. I'm happy with Lilly." Jimmy explained. Olivia was shocked. "Okay then. We better tell Lilly." Olivia said. Jimmy sighed. "We are going to Vegas because she wants to gamble or something and i want to be with her. I'm considering asking her to marry me." Jimmy said. Zacky Matt and Johnny were staring at me in desire. "Okay guys. Lets play Halo Reach." I said. "First one to kill me, wins." I said. Johnny's eyes lit up. "Your on!" Johnny said. I laughed and turned the PS3 on. Jimmy came in and saw I was playing Halo with Johnny. He chuckled. "Wow... Your good." Jimmy said.
I had killed Johnny 5 times in a 2 minute radius. I smiled and killed him a 6th time. "Awww... I got killed." Johnny said, I smiled and kissed Johnny's cheek. "Good game bro." I said. Matt sat down next to me and we played again. I was hiding behind crates. I stood up and shot Matt, Instantly killing his character. "Whoa! Ur a gaming Jesus!" Matt said. He wasn't paying attention, so therefore i shot him again. He smiled. I killed him more. Jimmy smiled. "Okay, so what next?"Matt asked. "Okay. Now you have to face Zacky. Hes good at halo." Matt said. I laughed. Zacky sat down. "I wish you good luck." Zacky said, Kissing my cheek. I smiled and Jimmy stood back. I got in the gaming zone. Zacky hid behind a bush of where i could not see, He quickly shot up, and killed my ass. "Matt was right." I thought. Zacky laughed and killed me more. I finally gave up after 20 minutes of playing. I stood up and bowed to Zacky. "No need to bow. You did well." Zacky said, Kissing my cheek again. I kissed Zackys cheek. It was so cold.
His coldness burned my lips. I bit my lips and looked at Jimmy. "Are you finished packing?" I asked. Jimmy smiled. "Yes Darling, Lilly." He said. I smiled. "Okay, Well. Guys. I have to go. But i will see you later because i love you all." I said. Jimmy smiled and gave me a peck on the cheek. I smiled and looked at him... After Jimmy did that we started traveling to the city of Evil.

On the road: I looked at the road as i drove down interstate-67. I was so tired, but i didn't want to get off the road. Jimmy saw I was getting tired. "Hey, Uh.... Lilly. Pull over." Jimmy said. I did as told and smiled. I leaned back the chair. Jimmy smiled and stopped me. "You get in the back and I will uh... Drive." Jimmy said. I smiled and looked at him. He smiled and got out of the car. He then opened the drivers side door and picked me up. I smiled and fell asleep in his arms. He had a pillow in the back already in the seat. He smiled and laid me down. He buckled me in and smiled. I was still asleep.
Jimmy had gotten into the trunk and put a blanket over me. He smiled and looked at me. He put the blanket over me and kissed my cheek. He then got into the car and turned on Clair De Lune. He wanted me to get all the sleep i could. He knew i was tired. A couple hours later: I woke up and yawned. It was 2 o'clock in the morning. We were stopped in a rest area parking lot. Jimmy went inside to pee and i got out of the car and stretched my legs. I finally went into the bathroom and had to pee also. I sighed and flushed the facility toilet. Jimmy was now at the vending machines, buying snacks for the trip. I yawned and met him there. He saw I was awake. "Good Morning." Jimmy said. I nodded and yawned again. "Where are we?" I managed to spit out.
Jimmy didn't even look tired. Not even a yawn. "We are 300 miles from Las Vegas, We are in Phoenix." Jimmy said. I nodded. "Okay. I'm going to go back to the car and clean up the backseat." I said. Jimmy smiled and nodded. "Alright." Jimmy said as he hugged me. I gave him a peck on the cheek and went to the car. Just then, there was a guy wearing an Avenged Sevenfold sweatshirt. "Hey baby. Where ya off to?" Said the man. The voice sounded so familiar, that i couldn't put my finger on it.
I looked at the man, who seemed to be getting closer to me. He met up to me and smiled. "Remember me?" He asked. I sighed and looked at the ground. He smiled again as if he wanted to fuck me.
"Its me. Johnathan." Johnathan said. I sighed. "Where ya headed to?" He asked. I sighed again. "To my car. I'm going to take another dose of NyQuil and go to sleep." I said. Johnathan smiled. "Alright. That sounds cool." He said. He smiled and kissed my cheek. I smiled and kissed his cheek back, But his cheek was so cold, that it burnt my lips.
I sighed, And was becoming more suspicious. First Zackys cheek burned my lip, and then Johnathan's? Something wasn't right. And i could tell.