Status: finished

Time Heals All Wounds


My Aunt Nina's birthday party was in full swing. My parents house was completely full of relatives and family friends. I had no idea that this may people cared about an old ladies birthday party. The thought occured to me that a lot of these relatives may just be here because they had heard that I had returned from where ever I had run off to all those years ago.

I currently stood up against the wall in the living room, a drink in hand and my eyes sweeping across the crowd of people, searching for someone I didn't actually mind speaking to. As far as I could tell, the guys had not arrived yet. They were usually the loudest at these get togethers and right now the place was so quiet I could hear my Cousin Sam across the room talking about her latest boyfriend and how perfect he was; for now. She'll have a new boyfriend in about a week, two weeks at the most.

"Aunt Nina! You're favorite nephew has arrived!" Everyone laughed as none other than Jack burst through the door. He walked in, kissing relatives cheeks, even our uncles who were so used to it they just stood there as if nothing happened.

The guys walked behind him, smiling and giving a few people hugs as they passed. Soon Jack got through saying hello to everyone and walked over to me, the guys forming a sort of half circle around me. They all crossed their arms and stared at me, excpet for Alex who came to lean against the wall beside me.

"Did I do something?" I questioned, laughing as my eyes traveled from one guy to the next. "What did I do?" I leaned over to ask Alex.

"They are still pissed that we ditched dinner with your parents the other day." He explained, making me laugh.

"Oh come on guys, don't be mad. Me and Alex are sorry. It'll never happen again." Alex laughed.

"Actually. She lied. It will happen again. Right now." Alex grabbed my hand and suddely pulled me away. We both laughed as we manuvered our way through all the people, away from the guys who yelled at us to come back. We ignored them and ran up the stairs, and into my room where we closed and locked the door.

"Why exactly did you kidnap me, Alex?" I questioned him as we went over to my bed and sat down.

"Why not? I knew It'd piss the guys off more." He said, lounging back against my pillows. Sure enough the guys couuld now be heard running up the stairs, banging on the door and yelling at us to open up. Alex and I laughed and yelled nack that it would never happen and then ignored them. "So, Rina, how long are you going to stay here in Baltimore? You aren't gonna leave now that the party is today? I mean isn't the party the whole reason you came back?" He questioned, sounding a little sad.

"I haven't decided when I'm going back." I responded, making him nod. "What do you think I should do about Erik? I want to work things out with him, I just don't know if I can ever trust him again." I have no idea why I was asking Alex this, I just had to decide what to do and wanted someone to talk to about it with. I wanted to talk to Markie about it all, but she was in Paris for Fashion week and was far to busy to deal with my problems. She didn't even know about what happened with Erik as she had been on a plane when it happened and I hadn't spoken to her.

"Do you still love him?" I thought about Alex's question. Erik was my life for five years. He was my other half. He was my everything. He was the last persn I had ever imagined would cheat on anyone, especially me.

"Yes, I do." I finally answered. Something changed in Alex's face. His eyes darkened and his mouth tightened into a hard and angry line. Alex wasn't jealous of Erik, was he?

"Then why not work it out with him, right? You two basically lived together, you love him. People make mistakes, you love him so forgive him. I'm sure he won't do it again." Alex's voice was so tight and forced. He really was jeaous of Erik. I wasn't sure how this made me feel. Happy, no. This shouldn't make me happy. I had Erik. Or at least i used to have Erik and I might havehim back, depending on what I decided.

"I'm sorry I asked you about this, Alex. I just don't know what to do and my best friend Markie is-" I was suddenly cut off by a very loud bang on the door. I hadn't even noticed that the guys had stopped.

"You're best friend Markie is right outside the door. So open up." I recognized that voice. It really was Markie. I jumped up from the bed and ran to the door, throwing it open to see my redheaded best friend givng me a sympathetic smile before I threw myself in her arms, the tears beginning to flow out.

"What are you doing here? How did you know where to find me?" I questioned her, pulling back to look a her.

"You never answered my calls so I called Erik and he told me what he did. So after I verbally abused him, I got a plane ticket and came here as soon as I could. I knew you'd come to Baltimore because I had talked to Jack at the party awhile ago and he said this is where you guys grew up. Luckily Jack and I had also exchanged numbers because he had the hots for me so I was able to get the address for this place from him." She explained, still hugging me. "Now come on, we have some girl talk to do. All boys must leave." She pulled meinto my room ad looked at Alex who still sat on the bed.

"I'll be downstairs if you need me, okay 'Rina?" Alex said as he stood up. I looked up a him with watery eyes and nodded. He patted my shoulder as he passed me, closing the door after him.

"So, let's talk about Erik. Actually, let's talk about Alex. Honey, what is going on between you two?" Markie and sat down on my bed, our legs crossed and facing each other.

"I'm not really sure. I guess we're friends again." I said, shrugging. "I still have feelings for him but I just don't think it'd work out if he and I were to ever get back together."

"You think though, that getting back with Erik would work?" I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

"I don't know,maybe." She shook her head and sighed.

"You want my honest opinion, though you may not like it?" I nodded. "Forget about Erik. Go back to San Fran but get you stuff from the apartment, give your notice at work and then come back here. I honestly think San Francisco has nothing left for you. Baltimore is where you belong." I just sat in thought. This wasn't helping me. I'm even more lost and confused on what to do than I had been before Merkie showed up.
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Sorry that it has been a while. My laptop is broken so I have had no way to write but I have been dying to get something out so I am currently on my Kindle. It is incredibly frustrating to type for long periods of time on this thing but I just had to do something. I know there are typing mistakes in this but those will just have to be dealt with until I get my laptop working again.

If you are reading any of my other Alex stories you will have noticed that they have not been updated in an even longer time then this one and I would like to apologize for that. I have major writers block for them all but hope to come up with something for them soon so please hang in there.

I hope that you all had a great Holiday and New Years. The celebrating is not over for me yet. Not only do I not return to class until the 9th but tomorrow the 3rd is my 18th birthday. I am so excited!