Status: finished

Time Heals All Wounds


Things in Baltimore were hectic. I never got a momet alone. Even when I was going to bed Markie was with me, as we were sharing a room. Occasionally we would stay over at either Jack's house or Alex's house. I was always being passed from family member to family member, all of them wanting to catch up with me and make up for lost time.

I am currently leaving a small italian restaurant where I had met up with my aunt, Jack's mother, meaning of course Jack had tagged along, being far too loud and obnoxious for such a high end restaurant.

"Where you heading now, Sabrina?" Jack asked me as we walked out of the restaurant.

"Let me guess Jack, you want me to drive you somewhere, most likely Alex's. Am I right?" I qestioned him, making him shrug and me laugh. "Yeah, I could go for some hang time with Alex. I'll take you there." He smiled and reached over, pulling me into a hug.

"Yay! You are the best." He then turned to his mom who was smiling and shaking her head at her son. "I'll see you later, mom." He leaned over and planted a kiss on his mothers cheek. We said our good byes before she went to her car and Jack and I headed to mine. "So, talk to me, Sabrina. Is everything alright?" I had just pulled out onto the road when Jack asked this, making me look over at him for a secong before back at the road.

"Everything is fine." Knowing Jack he would see right through that lie. Since Markie mentioned me staying in Baltimore, my mind had been tossing the idea all around, trying to decide what to do. Her and I had spent many nights laying awake, talking about the pros and cons. I still hadn't made a decision.

"Markie told me what she thinks, that you should stay here."

"What do you think should do? Should I stay?" I asked him, keeping my eyes on the road.

"Well here's something that may need to go into consideration." He said. "Would you want to get back together with Alex? I promise you, Sabrina, if you move here he will do everything he can to get you back. He basicaly told me that himself. So, you stay here and have Alex back or you go back to California and most likely get back with Erik. So it isn't about the where you want, it's more about the who you want." After Jack finished speaking I let his words sink in. I knew he was right. Who did I want? They both had hurt me but Alex was making steps to make up for it. He was being sweet and not bugging me about 'us' but all the while still being there for me. Erik hadn't called or text me in days. I wasn't sure he cared about me at all.

"Can't I just stay here and be alone? I love Alex, I do Jack, but I'm just not sure that want a relationship right now." I explained. This was all to much for me, just wanted to relax and stop thinking about all these decisions.

"Then don't be in one. Alex will understand. He will give you the time you need." I just nodded as I pulled into Alex's driveway. We got out and walked into the house, not knocking or aything, we never did. Or even had for that matter. The guys had even begun walking into my parents house with out knocking; it was like old times again.

We found Alex in the living room, laying face down on the couch. The TV was on but his head was turned away, his eyes closed. Is arm hung off the edge of the couch, a bottle of vodka gripped in his hand.

"Dammit. Not again.." Jack grumbled. I frowned.

"Alex gets drunk and passes out at two in the afternoon often?" I questioned. Jack leaned against the door frame, crossing his arms, looking very annoyed. I walked over to the drunk man and took the vodka from his limp hands.

"Yea. It's been a common thing since Lisa left him." I sighed and looked down a the sleeping man. He looked so... at peace while he slept but obviously he was far from that in the real world. I brought a hand up and brushed some hair out of his face, my fingers brushing his forehead. The gentle touch seemed to have woken him as he sighed and his eyes fluttered open. I stepped back as he sat up, his eyes fluttering open and his hair flying every where. It was actually really adorable.

"'Rina?" He questioned as his eyes found me. "What are you doing here?" I shrugged.

"Me and Jack wanted to come hang out." I answered, making Alex look behind me to where Jack stood, still against the door frame and still looking annoyed. Alex nodded and ran a hand through his hair before he stood up.

"I'll just go get changed, i kind of stink, and then we can do something." That's when I noticed he was wearing the same black tshirt and grey skinny jeans he had worn to dinner with me last night. Meaning he had been passed out down here all night. This was all just too much for me.

"Actually, you know what, I just remembered that my mom needed me to do something for her. I have to go." Alex frowned and began to sa something but I had already turned and walked out of the room. I was at the door when Jack grabbed my arm.

"Where are you going?"

"I can't see him like that, Jack, I can't." He sighed and nodded.

"Alright. I'll take care of him." I nodded and hugged Jack before I left the house and went back to my car.

What had happened to Alex? Where was the cute, laidback, fun guy I loved in high school? That's who I loved. Not whoever that was inside who drank himself to passing out. I want the old Alex back.
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Still no working computer but Ive had a bad day so I wanted to write to get my mind off it all. Hope you all enjoy. :)