Status: finished

Time Heals All Wounds


"Rina, is everything alright? I feel like you're ignoring me. Its been days since we last saw each other. I wanna get together tonight. We can get together at my house. I can make dinner and we can watch movies. Just like old times. Call me." I sighed as I listened to Alex's message. It was probably the 10th message he had left me in the last four days. I hadn't seen or spoken to him since Jack and I found him passed out on his couch.

I had been ignoring him but it was killing me to do so. I missed his face, his smile, his jokes, his smell, his voice, just him.

"Call him back!" I jumped at the sound of my best friends voice. I thought I had been alone in the bedroom but had apparently been so lost in thought about Alex I hadn't noticed the door open.

"He wants to make me dinner tonight." I told Markie as she sat down beside me on the bed.

"So go. I know you want to." I shrugged.

"You think I should? What if he like... puts moves on me?" I questioned, making Markie roll her eyes.

"You accept them and jump his bones like you know you want to." We both laughed. I couldn't deny that, it was the truth.

Before either of us could say anything else, my phone began to ring from its place on the bed beside me.

"Its him." I said, looking down at the name flashing across the screen.

"Answer it!" Markie yelled but I shook my head and reached to reject the call but Markie reached over and took it, answering it and bringing it up to her own ear.

"Hey, Alex.... yeah, this is Markie.... oh that's my fault, her and I have been out site seeing. She's been showing me around Baltimore... she'd never ignore you..... she's actually in the shower right now, planning to go see you." I gasped and lunged at her, trying to get the phone fro her but she held me off. "Yeah.... she'll see you in two hours than. Bye." She hung up and handed me the phoneme

"What did you just do?" I questioned her, getting a large grin in return.

"You have to be over at Alex's in two hours. Now go shower, I'll pick you out an outfit and then do your hair and makeup." She pushed me from the bed, making me stand up and groan.

"I don't want to go, Markie!" I protested as she pushed me in the direction of my bathroom.

"Just go! You'll thank me later." She then slammed the door in my face, giving me no choice but to get in the shower. When I walked back into my bedroom after, she was sitting on my bed with a bundle of clothes next to her.

She smiled at me, stood up and patted the pile.

"Change into these and meet me in the bathroom." She instructed before rushing into the bathroom.

The clothes that she had picked out for me was a black knee length skirt and a red slouchy blouse that was so sheer it needed a red tank top underneath it. There was also a pair of cute black heels. It was actually quite a cute outfit.

I changed and went back into the bathroom where she was rummaging through her large bag of makeup. She looked up at me as I entered and smiled.

"You look hot! Makeup and hair time!" I rolled my eyes and allowed her to push me into the vanity chair. I knew if I struggled, she'd just make this worse, it was easier to just go with it.

She spent the next hour doing my hair in soft curls and then pulling it gently to the side to.create a cute side pony tail. She finished off the hair with a red flower pinned in it. She went all out for the makeup, applying enough foundation and blush to make me look like a porcelain doll. She completed it with Smokey eye shadow that made my eyes pop. As a finishing touch she handed me a red and black necklace and red feather earrings.

I had to admit, in the least conceeded way possible, I looked pretty good. It seemed to be a little much though for just dinner at a friends house. I voiced this.thought to her.

"You can never go overboard when trying to impress.the man you love." I opened my mouth to say something, I wasn't sure what as I couldn't deny loving Alex. Before I got.a word out though, there was a knock seconds before my cousin walked into the room.

"Well doesn't my cousin look gorgeous! Hot date, Sabrina?" Jack questioned. Markie answered for me.

"Yes actually." Jack's eyes widened.

"With who? You never told me about a new guy being in the mix!" I rolled my eyes and stood up.

"Its not a new guy and it isn't a date." I defended, crossing my arms.

"Then why you so dressed up? And let me guess, you're going to Alex's?" Jack questioned, making me nod.

"I'm so.dressed up because Markie likes to.go over board on things." I explained, glaring at Markie who laughed.

"Hey, you look hot. Alex will love you." She said, making me shake my head.

"I don't want to go, Markie." She rolled her eyes and took my hand, pulling me from.the room.

"You are going to go, you and Alex will have a nice romantic dinner, confess your feelings for one another, get married and pop out mini Alex and Sabrina's. Its destiny." She explained all of this as she pulled me down the stairs, Jack following.

"You have the rest of my life all planned out, huh?" I grumbled as I took the keys and purse she was holding out to me.

"Yup! Now go or you'll be late." She pushed, making me sigh.

"You're really making me go?" I questioned, one last time.

"Yes, now good bye!" She shoved me towards the door.

"Jaaaaack." I whined, hoping he'd help me in some way.

"Have fun! Remember to use protection!" Good old Jack, always my Savior. Not.

"You guys suck." I muttered before begrudgingly walking out of the house.

I was about to have a date with Alex.
♠ ♠ ♠
This was supposed to be longer and include the date but I'm on my phone, which is minutes away from dying and I didn't want to loose what I already had s I cut this one short. Sorry!
Next chapter is the date, which is already written out so I may post it tonight. Comment!

I finally got to a computer, though its not my laptop, :'(, and I made a polyvore set for Sabrina's date to Alex's.