Status: finished

Time Heals All Wounds


I sat in front of Alex's house for a few minutes after I pulled up. What was going to happen today? What did I want to happen? Did I want this to be a full on date, like with kissing and such? Well if course I did, I wanted Alex back. So why was it so hard for ne to make that final decision to just stay here?

I sighed and stopped thinking about it, instead getting out of the car and heading up the front walkway towards the front door. I took in a few deep breaths before bringing my hand up and knocking on the hard wooden door. My heart was pounding against my chest, my palms getting a little sweaty. All of those increased as he swung the door open. We stared at each other for a few seconds before a grin spread across his face and he reached out, placing his hands on my waist and pulling me into his warm body, my arms going around his shoulders. I smiled as I stood in the comforting circle of his arms. There wasn't a better place to be, in my opinion.

Our embrace soon broke but he took my hand, lacing our fingers together and gently pulling me into the house. As soon as I was inside, I was hit with the delicious scent of fettuchini pasta and bread. My mouth instantly began to water. Alex hadn't been the best cook back in high school bur something he made sure to perfect was my favorite meal, pasta and garlic bread. He obviously held onto that skill over the years.

"It smells delicious, alex." I commented, looking over at him, making him squeeze my hand and smile wider before he led the way towards the smell and into the kitchen.

"Would you like some wine? I also have soda and tea if you prefer." He offered as we came to a stop by the island.

"Wine would be lovely." He nodded and released my hand, going to pull out one of the chairs at the island.

"Have a seat, my lady." He said as he gestured to the chair. I smiled and sat down. He moved to the other side of the kitchen and got the wine and glasses, pouring us both a glass. He handed me mine and then lifted his in a toast form. I grinned and clanked mine against his and we drank.

Suddenly outside a loud roar of thunder shook the house at the same time a flash of thunder lit up the sky. It was followed by raid pounding against the roof.

"Well, I had no idea that it was going to storm tonight." Alex said, looking out his patio door. He shrugged and then turned towards the stove where there were two pots boilng. He stirred them both and then reached for the two plates beside the stove and plated them both full of pasta and sauce. He then got the bread out of the oven and plated this as well."food time." He grabbed both plates while I carried the wine and the glasses and we made our way into the dining room where we sat and began to eat.

"This is even better than I remember, Alex." I commented, making him laugh.

"I've become a better cook over the years." We shared a smile before continuing on in silence. I suddenly remembered how every time we ate this in high school we used to reanact the lady and the tramp spaghetti scene. The memories made me smile. "Remember how we used to do the lady and the tramp thing?" Alex suddenly said, as if he was reading my mind.

"I was just thinking about that actually." I told him making him smile and raise his eyebrows suggestively, making me laugh and shake my head.

"Let's see if we can still do it." I shook my head but he picked up one of his noodles anyway and put one end in his mouth, holding out the other end to me. I laughed and shook my head. He pouted as best he could with the noodle in his mouth and gave me puppy dog eyes. I rolled my eyes and took the other end, putting it in my mouth. We both began to slurp up the noodle, our lips inching closer. Our eyes were locked the whole time. Right as the noodle ran out and our lips should have touched, I bit down, breaking the noodle and pulled back. He pouted again while I laughed, chewing the noodle and swallowing it.

"Well we did it, basically." I said, turning back to my food while he continued to.stare at me. I don't know why I did it, I wanted to kiss him, really badly, but something was holding me back.

We finished eating in silence and took our plates into the kitchen and washed them. After the kitchen was cleaned up we ventures out into the living room where we decided to watch Archer. He sat on the opposite side of the couch than me, making me frown. Was he seriously that upset that I rejected his kiss?

"You're going to go back to California, aren't you?" I looked over at him and frowned.

"Why do you say that?" I questioned him, making him sigh and run a hand through his hair.

"I can just feel it. You keep pushing me away, ignoring me, I just know that you're going to disappear again." His voice was full of such sadness. "I know I left you but then when you left, it was like I was broken in two, and I didn't understand why it felt like a piece of me was missing until I saw you at your party. I knew then that I need you in my life, Sabrina. Please don't leave again." By the end his voice was weak and he sounded like he was about to cry. It broke my heart. I moved over so I was next to him and pulled him into me. He.buried his face in my neck and wrapped his arms around me. The next thing I knew he was full on sobbing. His whole body shook and I felt the wetness of his tears on my neck.

"Oh, Alex." I ran a hand through his hair and kissed the side of his head. "Its okay, why are you so upset about this?" I asked him, making me pull back, showing me his tear covered face, which broke my heart even more. I hated seeing him cry.

"I love you, Sabrina. Goddamnit. I fucking am in love with you, I have been since freshman year. I can't loose you again. Please don't leave." My heart was racing again. He loved me! He really loved me still, just like I loved him.

"Alex..." I whispered, staring into his eyes. " I.... I... I won't leave. I'll stay." He broke into a grin and suddenly pulled me tighter into him, in a bear hug.

"Thank God. I couldn't loose you again." I smiled and hugged him back tighter. After that we shifted to we were laying down facing one another and like thar, with the sound of the rain on the roof and the low murmer of the TV, we fell asleep.
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Cute chapter for ya. :) this chapter was already written out but I didn't post it anything like it. I like this better. :)
Also, I made a polyvore set for her date outfit and posted it on the previous chapter. :)