Status: finished

Time Heals All Wounds


"What do you mean you're going back?!" Markie seemed to yell this at the top of her lungs. Thankfully no one else was home or I'm sure they would be rushing up the stairs into our room any second to see what the hell she was talking about.

"I'm going back to California." I said calmly, staring across the room at my best friend from my place at my desk while she stood in the doorway of my bathroom, a brush in her hand, being in the middle of straitening her long red locks.

"As in... for good? I thought you told Alex last week that you're staying here?" She questioned, making me smile.

"If you would stop freaking out so much and waited for me to explain. I do not mean for good. I mean just for a little while, to work things out at work, with Erik, the apartment and to get my stuff. Alex already said I could stay with him so I have a place to go until I find my own place when I get back." I explained. I saw her let out a breath of relief.

"Thank god. You scared me, don't do that!" I laughed and nodded.

"Why do you care so much whether I stay here or not?" I questioned her. She sighed and walked into the room, going to sit on the edge of our bed.

"I want you to stay here because this place is good for you. I've never seen you this happy, Sabrina. Alex is who you are obviously meant to be with, Baltimore is where you belong. Plus... if you leave then I don't have an excuse to stay here..." Her last words were mumbled, making me frown, almost not catching them.

"And you want to stay here why?" I pushed, though I most likely already knew the answer. It was about my tall, lanky cousin who was basically attached to her hip at all times unless Alex and I pried them away from one another.

"I like it here..." She was refusing to look at me. She had her head down, her red hair falling down over her face but I could see the red tinge to her cheeks, she was blushing.

"You mean you like who is here." I corrected, smiling. I had to admit, Markie and Jack were cute together.

"Yeah... maybe." She looked up at me. "That's okay, right? I mean... you don't mind?" I laughed and shook my head.

"Markie, you and Jack are so cute together, I'd be upset if you two didn't get together." She smiled and nodded.

"Well you and Alex are cute together too. Maybe when Jack and I officially get together, the four of us can double date!" Her eyebrows rose in excitement but I quickly shook my head.

"One problem with that, Alex and I aren't together." She sighed and rolled her eyes.

"You basically are though. You two just don't kiss, that's about it. I mean when he's here he's always right beside you, holding your hand or with his arm around you in some form. You two also go out to dinner like every other night! You stay at his house constantly." She argued, making me shrug.

"We're just really close friends. We were like that sophomore year of high school too and we weren't dating then." I defended, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Yes, but you two got together soon after that. You just needed a little help from Jack and so he'll just have to do his meddling again, and this time he has my help so expect to be officially back together with Alex before the day is over." Before I could say anything there was a loud knock on the front door downstairs before we heard the door open, quickly followed by two very loud men.

"Band practice must be over." I said, hearing Alex and Jack bicker over whatever as they made their way up the stairs.

"I bet you twenty bucks Alex comes over to you and makes you sit in his lap." Markie said quickly, making me laugh and shake my head right as the door opened.

"Hey!" Jack yelled, bounding into the room, running over to my bed and tackling Markie, making her laugh while Alex walked over to me, smiling down at me.

"Hey, how was band practice?" I questioned. He stopped in front of me and held his hand out to me. I placed my own hand in his without thinking; he pulled me up and out of the seat, quickly taking it for himself and pulling me down onto his lap, wrapping his arms around my waist while mine went around his shoulders.

"It was good." I turned my head and smiled at him. He was so close. His face was just inches from mine; I could feel his breath on my face. I could see my own reflection in his brown eyes as he smiled at me.

"You owe me twenty bucks, Sabrina." Markie said, making me turn away from Alex to look at Markie who was standing beside the bed, while Jack sat behind her, his arms around her waist and his head buried in her back.

"I do not, I never agreed to that bet." I argued, making her roll her eyes.

"Just give me the money!" I laughed and shook my head.

"No! I didn't agree to it, so therefor there was no bet!"

"What are you two talking about? What did you bet on?" Alex questioned, making me turn to look at him again.

"Oh, nothing. It was stupid-" I started to say but Markie of course had to cut me off.

"I bet that you would come in here and have her sit on your lap. I win! Twenty bucks!" Markie came over to us and held her hand out expectantly.

"I'm not paying you." I said, shrugging and stood up, stretching my arms above my head. "I'm hungry. Let's go eat." I totally ignored Markie as she shoved her hand in my face.

"I'm up for food." Alex spoke while he stood up. He wrapped his arms around me from behind, buried his face in my hair and squeezed me tightly. I couldn't help but smile as I relaxed into his arms.

"Fine but you are buying my meal, Sabrina." Markie said, tossing her hair over her shoulder before she stomped out of the room dramatically making all three of us begin to laugh before we followed her.

We all got into my car and went to a small diner down the street. The guys and I used to come here a lot throughout high school, the waitress always knew us and didn't even have to take our order, she just knew what we wanted. She was like the groups mother.

"You think Marie still works here?" I asked Alex as I drove. He laughed and shrugged.

"She might. I haven't been here since whatever the last time we all went was." I nodded and pulled into the parking lot.

"Oh good lord, look who's back." Those were the exact words we were met with as soon as we walked through the door. Sure enough Marie still worked there. She looked the same as she had all those years ago, but with a few more wrinkles around her eyes. Her brown hair was still in a tight bun on her head and she was wearing the same uniform as they had years ago.

"Marie!" Jack yelled, running up and squeezing her tightly. "I've missed you!" Marie smiled and shoved Jack away from her.

"You're bunch is smaller, where's the rest of the guys?" She asked us as we all walked to our usual table, the one in the back right corner, away from everyone else so that when we got loud, which we always did, it didn't bother as many people. This place was never very busy though, right now there was only about four other tables occupied and that was about as busy as it'd get.

"Busy, just us today but someday soon we'll get everyone together and come in here like old times. We have a new one though! This is Markie, she's one of Rina's friends from California." Alex said as we sat down.

"Well welcome to the group, Markie. I know what they all want, but what would you like?" Marie asked Markie.

"You still remember our order? It's been like five years, Marie!" I said, making us all laugh.

"You all are a memorable bunch." We all nodded. After Markie placed her order, Marie left the table, leaving us to do whatever.

"You guys got up to a lot of mischief as teenagers, didn't you?" Markie questioned, making us laugh and shrug.

"Maybe." I mumbled, making Alex smile.

"Rina was the worst of us all. She was the sexy girl so she got away with more." He said, putting his arm around me, pulling me into him.

"That is true. I was always the one getting us the alcohol." It was true. We would drive around the whole city sometimes, looking for a gas station that had only guys working there and I would go in, wearing a short skirt and a tight top and do a little flirting, some fake promises and have a 24 pack for the night easily. Alex could never come in with me though because he'd always get jealous and one night even got in a fist fight with a guy over me. It was hot, if I must say so myself.

"You're thinking about the time I got in that fight, aren't you?" Alex asked me, making me smile and nod.

"It was hot, seeing you fight over me." He laughed and rolled his eyes.

"I'd do anything for you. No creep was going to come near you, and he was getting far too close for my liking." I wanted nothing more than to lean over and just kiss him right here and now. All this blast from the past stuff, especially being here, was making me miss how it used to be. We were so care free, so happy, so ... in love.

"Will you two just make out already! Damn!" Jack yelled, making the few people in the building turn and look at us but Marie laughed from the counter, expecting this.

"Jack..." I mumbled, gesturing for him to lower his voice but he shook his head.

"No. I'm sick of this. This is high school all over again. You two obviously still love each other. So stop being idiots and get back together already. All you two are doing is causing unnecessary tension." Jack was actually angry, like he wasn't just playfully saying this, he was extremely serious.

"Stop lecturing us about our relationship, Jack, when you are doing the same thing. You and Markie like each other and you haven't gotten with her yet." Alex retorted, making Jack shrink back as if Alex had swung at him. It was true though. Jack and Markie were doing exactly the same thing that Alex and I were, the only difference was that Alex and I had dated before, Jack and Markie hadn't.

"Well... It's just not the right time." Jack explained, his voice a lot quieter than it had been minutes before.

"Whatever Jack, just stop lecturing me on my relationship and I won't get into yours. It doesn't concern you." Now Alex was angry too. Markie and I just sat there in silence beside them, looking from one man to the other.

"This does concern me, Alex! This is my cousin for fucks sake, not only that but she's also my best friend. I lost her once because of you being an idiot and I swear to God that if I lose her again because of you, there will be no more of us. Our friendship will be over." When Jack said this, everyone's mouth dropped open.

"Jack," I gasped. "That's a little harsh, don't you think?"

"No, Sabrina, I don't." Now Jack turned to look at me. "I'm sick and tired of him doing this. He's such a coward and an asshole to do anything." I didn't know how to respond to that so I stayed silent and looked back at Alex who was turning red with anger. This was not good. I reached out and grabbed Alex's arm, pulling it to me and taking his hand, lacing our fingers together.

"It's okay, Jack. Both of you just calm down. Nothing is wrong here. There is no need to get so worked up. Jack, Alex and I will get back together when we want to, we are going at our own pace, just like you and Markie. We aren't rushing you, so don't rush us." I rationalized, trying to just calm everyone down.

"I just don't want you running off again." Jack said, looking at me, making me nod.

"I'm not leaving, Jack..." I had to tell them that I had plane tickets to go back next week, but I don't think now as the time. Markie had other ideas though.

"Apart from when you go back to work things out with your job and Erik." She spoke, making me sigh and Alex turn to look at me.

"Work things out? What does that mean?" He questioned.

"He and I share an apartment. I need to talk to him, get all of that settled. Then I am coming back here to stay with you. Like we talked about." I explained, squeezing his hand.

"You said you were just going to have him send your stuff here and that you've been talking to your job on the phone and have it all worked out. You said nothing about going out to see him." Now Alex's anger had turned on me.

"It's not right to do it like that, Alex. I need to just go out there, work things out, and cut every thing from there off, not leave it like this. I'll be happier once I do that. I already have my plane ticket, I'm going next week. I'll only be gone for four days." He frowned at me.

"I'm coming with you." Now I frowned up at him.

"What? Why?" I questioned him, making him sigh.

"You really think that I'm going to let the women I am in love with go back to California where she will be seeing her ex boyfriend without me? I'll help you pack and I'll be there for you if anything happens with Erik." I opened my mouth to say that nothing would happen with him, that he didn't need to go but he spoke before I could. "You can argue and say you don't need me to come all you want, but I am, no matter what." I knew Alex and I knew that no matter what, even if I ran off to the airport without him, he'd still show up; he'd find a way. So I just sighed and nodded.

"Alright. You can come with me." It was just easier to say it, rather than argue more.

"Fuck. You guys frustrate me." Jack said before he stood up from the table and stormed off, leaving the restaurant.

"I'll just..... follow him..." With that Markie too got up and left, leaving Alex and I at the large table alone. I sighed and let my head fall onto his shoulder. He rested his head on top of mine and squeezed my hand.

"Don't worry, he'll calm down." He said, making me nod and lift my head to look up at him.

"I'm sorry that you two are arguing." He shrugged and smiled at me softly.

"Don't worry about it, it's not your fault." I brought one of my shoulders up in a shrug.

"Actually it kind of is." I answered, making him shake his head.

"It doesn't matter whose fault it is. He'll get over it." He said, making me smile and nod.

"Yeah, you're right. He will." We smiled at each other before Marie walked up with a tray of food.

"How's about I wrap up their food so you can take it to them?" She offered, making us nod.

"Why don't you just wrap up all of our food? We should get going too." Alex said, making her nod and leave with our food once more, returning a little later with two bags. Alex thanked her, paid the bill, leaving a rather large tip, and we left, finding Markie and Jack leaning up against the side of my car, their lips locked together. Alex and I laughed and got into the car, making them jump and get in the back.

"Way to man up and finally get with her, Jack." Alex said as we all buckled up.

"Yeah, when you gonna grow a pair and do the same thing?" Jack retorted, still angry. I sighed and looked over at Alex, seeing that rather than being angry like I expected, he was smiling at me.

"Right now." Before anyone could say anything, he moved quickly across the car and the next thing I knew, his lips were on mine in a long awaited heated kiss.

I was finally back in heaven with the man that I belonged with....
♠ ♠ ♠
This feels a little rushed to me but... I still like it.

They kissed! Ohhhh yeahhhh.
Finally, eh? haha.
comment! (:


hahaha. i Made a HUGE mistake and switched up the names of my characters for different stories. if you find the name Scarlet in here, rather than Sabrina, I'm sorry. I've gone back and fixed what I could, but I'm sure I missed some. Please forgive my mistake. I have TOO many stories.