Status: finished

Time Heals All Wounds


The next few days were one big happy blur. Alex and I were back together, Jack had calmed down and he and Markie often joined Alex and I on double dates. I was now staying with Alex all the time, all of my stuff out of my parents house. Markie stayed usually with us in the guest bedroom but occasionally stayed with Jack.

Alex and I leave for california in the morning. Im very nervous. Erik and I have arranged to meet for lunch tomorrow. He doesn't know about Alex coming with me or even about Alex at all. Erik and I have a lot to discuss.

I had begun looking for a job and haven't been too successful yet but an old friend from the regency ballroom heard about a marketing job in Baltimore, as she has family who live here and are in the business. I have an interview set with them when I return.

Markie has arranged with her modeling agent for her to relocate to the east coast. She came out here for work constantly anyway so really it was a smart move. Her and I were both just so happy here. I've never been happier than when im here with Alex and the rest of the guys, and markie of course.

I was currently sitting in Alex and I's room, attempting to fold the laundry that I had just done. I kept getting lost in thought though, staring off in the distance, thinking about how great things were right now.

"You've been up here for an hour and that's all that you have done?" I jumped at Alex's voice in the doorway and turned to smile at him.

"Yeah. I'm slow." I answered, grinning, making him smile too.

"I'll help. We need to be mostly packed tonight because of the early flight." He spoke, walking into the room and over to the pile of clothes on our bed, where I also sat. "And we have to leave in like an hour to meet Jack and Markie for dinner and the movie." I nodded at his words, remembering that we had in fact made plans with the couple for tonight.

So he and I began on the clothes. We put some in the closet and dresser while what we wanted to go to california with went into the open suitcases on our bed.
We finished in about 20 minutes. I then got an outfit and changed as I had been in sweatpants and one of Alex's t-shirts all day. After I changed, I fixed up my hair and makeup.

"You ready yet?" Alex asked me, leaning up against the door of the bathroom as I put on mascara.

"Yeah, one second." I then reached for my foundation but alex rushed across the room and took it from my hand. "Alex! Give it here." I demanded, holding my hand out for the makeup but he shook his head.

"You look beautiful, you don't need this." He said, tossing the makeup on the counter and as I went to reach for it, he jumped at me and grabbed me around the waist. He spun me around as I laughed. When he stopped spinning us, I was now facing the door rather than the counter. He shoved me lightly out the door, shutting the bathroom light off as we went. "We must go." I sighed and nodded and allowed him to guide me from the room with his hand on the small of my back.

Even with the makeup hold up we still arrived at the restaurant before Jack and Markie, which isn't really a surprise, they are always late. After they showed up and we ordered, Alex and Jack got in a heated discussion about what blink 182 song was the best. I
had enough of this topic throughout high school so markie and I tuned them out, having our own discussion.

"Are you nervous at all? I mean this will be the first time seeing Erik since the breakup." She asked me, her voice lowered so neither of the boys next to us would really hear.

"I am nervous. Im ready though. I need this. I need to just clear the air with him and clean everything up. Ill feel better after I do." I was making no move to keep my voice quiet. Alex and I had already had this discussion so it didn't matter if he heard now.

"And what if he tries to get back with you? I know you, sabrina, you have always been so powerless and weak with Erik; what he wanted, happened." She wasn't lying. Erik had always had control, but it wasn't a bad thing, I didn't mind then.

"That was before I got the greatest boyfriend ever back. I won't jeopardize what I have with Alex." Apparently Alex was listening as he now leaned over to kiss my temple before he went back to his discussion with Jack which had now moved onto what the best city to play a show in was.

"I can see that things are different with Alex than they were with Erik." Markie said, smiling at Alex. "Im glad. When I heard about what Erik had done, I knew you must have been a mess. You two were so perfect together. You never argued, you were his world, I never expected him to do that. Especially with Georgie of all people; she's such a bitch. Have you spoken to her at all?"

"No. She tried calling me a few times but I never answered." I responded,making her nod.

"I talked to her. Well actually it was more of a yell." I actually laughed. Of course Markie would have a go at the slut who ruined my fairy-tale romance. "I can't believe she would do that to you." I just shrugged.

"Doesn't matter now. In the end, it was good that she did. If I hadn't caught Erik cheating on me then I wouldn't have left and come here and then I wouldn't be back with Alex." I looked over at Alex and smiled, seeing that Alex too was smiling though he was still looking at Jack.

Without looking at me he held his hand out to me, making me smile before resting my hand gently in his, my heart racing at our skin touching as our fingers slid together. As our linked hands rested on my thigh, I leaned over and kissed his cheek.

"I love you." I whispered in his ear, making his smile grow and his eyes finally turn on me.

"I love you." He responded, making markie and jack smile across the table before Alex leaned over to press his lips to mine softly. There was nothing better in the world than this, nothing.


Eventually we finished dinner and went to a movie. It was a very boring movie, I'm not even sure of the title. I fell asleep on alex's shoulder fifteen minutes in; that's how bad it was.

When Alex and I returned home, Markie staying at Jack's for the night, we finished packing and went straight to bed. We had a flight at 7 the next morning.

California, here I come...
♠ ♠ ♠
I should be getting my laptop working tonight, I find out as soon as I finish class in an hour, I just really wanted to update for you!
Are her and alex just so cute together or what?
Comment! :)