Status: finished

Time Heals All Wounds


"How about these?" I turned away from the clothes I was packing into a box to see Alex holding up a pair of red high heels that I got almost four years ago and haven't worn since. I cringed and shook my head. He laughed and tossed them to the pile of shoes that we would be donating. There was also a pile of clothes that I had made beside it, which we would also be donating.

"So what are you going to do with this place now, Erik?" I asked my ex who was across the room, emptying my drawer of undergarments. I was going to do that drawer, or at least have Alex do it, as its a little creepy for my ex to be fondling my panties and lace bras, but he insisted. Creep.

"Probably move in here and move outta my other place. This is so much nicer and I've been here more lately anyway." He answered, making me nod. Alex finished sorting my shoes and stood up from where he sat on the ground, going over to join Erik. I rolled my eyes as Alex grinned at all the lace.

"You are so wearing this tonight, babe." Alex said, holding up a black teddy that I had never even worn. I laughed and shook my head.

"In your dreams, sweetheart." I responded, still boxing the clothes I was taking back to Baltimore with me.

"Trust me, this will be in my dreams." He muttered, putting the garment in the box, as I shook my head once more.

Alex and I decided that rather than flying back and shipping my things, we were going to rent a small U-Haul truck and drive back. We were going to stop on the way and site see, make it a fun road trip. With this decision I was also able to take some of my furniture. We were going to replace Alex's couch with my much nicer one, my dresser would too be coming to house all the clothes I was bringing as it was already cramped in Alex's closet with just what I had there. My bed would also be moved into the place of Alexs, mine was much more comfy and the bed frame was pretty. I was also taking a few little things to give Alex's home my touch so it was my home as well.

"Alright, that's finished." I spoke as I closed up the last box of my clothes. I never noticed how much I had until today. "Now move, I'm doing this. Ya creeps." They were making no progress in this because they were too busy fondling it all so I shoved them out of the way and grabbed handfuls of it and threw it into the box, finishing quickly while they watched, Alex pouting.

"You aren't taking any time to appreciate them though." He said, reaching down to grab a pair of panties from the box but I slapped his hand away and closing it.

"It can be appreciated some other time, we need to finish." We then spent the next twenty minutes trying to dismantle the bed frame but they were both just as useful at that as they had been with the underwear so I did most of the work for that too.

"Okay, we have my room finished. I thinl that's enough for today. Who wants to go to dinner?" I asked when we finally finished the bed.

"I can't, I have to go into the office. Ill see you guys tomorrow though to finish this up." Erik spoke, making me nod. After we said our good byes and he left I rounded on Alex.

"So that's the only way you get along with him? Both of you touching my underwear?" I questioned, crossing my arms and making him laugh. He came over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist, my arms unraveling and going around his neck by habit.

"I've just never seen you in that kind of stuff, it's hot." I laughed and shook my head.

"Well maybe on our way home I'll give you a show." I winked at him before stepping away from him. "Now come on, I'm hungry." I took his hand and pulled him from the room.


"So is that it?" Erik asked, staring into the packed U-Haul truck. Its been four days in San Francisco and Alex and I were finally leaving.

Things were good with Erik at first but as our trip came closer to ending, he began demanding to spend every second with me, taking me to dinner or breakfast,leaving Alex to pack alone. He also kept randomly bring up a memory from our relationship, making it extremely awkward and tense with Alex. Alex was fed up with him and was ready to leave. He had even already started the truck, coming back to us to close the back and lock it.

"Yeah, that's it." Alex answered for me, apparently having heard Erik. "Let's get going. Goodbye." He held his hand out to Erik for a handshake.

"Bye. Take care of Sabrina for me." Erik said, returning Alex's hand shake.

"Trust me, I will. I'm never letting go of her again." Alex said as they released hands. Alex turned to me and kissed my forehead before getting back into the truck.

"Well bye then." I said, stepping up to hug Erik, making sure it didn't last longer than necessary.

"If you ever want to come back, I'll always be here." He said, I simply nodded.

"It won't happen, Baltimore is my home, but thanks." I smiled at him one last time before I got into the passenger seat. "Let's go." I told Alex who smiled.

"Gladly, my lady." He put the truck into gear and pulled out of the drive way. "I'm so glad to be getting out of here." He said as he drove down the street, Erik disappearing from view.

"Trust me, me too. Now it's just me and you for the next week." I told him, both of us smiling.

"Just me and you." He repeated, holding his right hand out to me, making me lace my fingers in his, my heart racing with that familiar rush it got every time Alex and I touched.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm really cold right now..
That's all I have to say.