Status: finished

Time Heals All Wounds


With my job being where it was and what it was, I was always dealing with parties and concerts. I was always in the party mood. Occasionally I would get jobs such as plays or recitals and those were no where near as fun as a concert or a birthday party or just a random party someone decided to pay thousands of dollars to throw.

It was times like that when I began itching for a party. I needed the thumping music all around me, the masses of people, most if which I did not know, and the drinking. I needed the hecticness of a good party.

So that is why I am currently creating the invitation that I would be posting all over the internet, in hopes of having such a large party that there wouldn't even be room to walk in my home, which I must say isn't exactly what you'd call small.

I lived for this. The advertisements, the organization, the deciding, the plans. It was what I was made to do and now instead of following countless guidelines from a client, I was following rules made by none other than myself.

I decided this party would be fancy, but not ballroom gown dress fancy. More like wine and cocktail dress fancy. I specified so on the invitation before posting it on all of my social network sites, as well as creating an event for it on Facebook and inviting every single one of my friends, saying that they should invite their friends as well.

Soon enough, I began getting notifications, messages, tweets, emails, all sorts of replies saying that they were definitely coming. It was on. The party would happen this Friday. It was time to go dress shopping.


"So tell me again why you decided to throw a random party?" I looked into the mirrors reflection to meet the eyes of my best friend Markie as she stood in the doorway of my bathroom. She was a strikingly gorgeous red head. She stood at five foot seven and was very curvaceous. I was jealous of her body, her face, her poise. I wanted to be her. I even once dyed my own blonde hair red but I didn't work as a ginger so I bleached it back to blonde and have kept it that way since. I liked how I looked but I loved how she looked.

"I feel that a party would be good right now. I've been stuck with nothing but dance recitals, and even last week a bagpipe recital. I am in desperate need of a good party. Plus, I haven't seen anyone recently apart from you and Georgie, I need to catch up with everyone." I explained, turning back to my own reflection to continue applying my purple eye shadow.

"Alright. You know I'm always up for a good party." Those were her parting words as she turned and disappeared back into my bedroom, most likely to put on her white and black dress and white shoes. She had already straightened her hair and did her simple black makeup as well as put on her matching jewelry.

"Hello! Where is the gorgeous party host?" A man's voice fluttered up the stairs, making me smile.

"Erik, I'm in my bathroom!" I called back to him as I stood up, finished with my makeup.

"Well don't you look even more gorgeous." My boyfriend spoke as he stepped into the room after sending a wave to Markie who was sitting on the edge of my bed, slipping on her white lacy high heels, which were actually mine, but we borrowed each others things constantly, like I'm wearing her necklace and bracelets.

"Why thank you, sir." I said, grinning at him as he stepped up to me, sliding his hands to my waist, which was clad in a pair of booty shorts and a tank top, as I still had yet to put on my dress and shoes; it was the only thing I had left to do as I had already curled my hair and of course done my makeup and jewelry.

"Why aren't you dressed yet?" He questioned, looking down at my attire.

"You know I take a long time to do my hair and makeup." He smiled and rolled his eyes, releasing my skinny waist and shoved me towards the bedroom door.

"Go get dressed. I'll go downstairs and let people in, people will start showing up soon, I'm sure." I nodded and leaned over to kiss his lips before walking over to my dress that was hanging on my wardrobe door. He blew me a kiss and waved at Markie before he left the room, closing the door after him.

"I swear, you two are like a fairy tale. He's crazy about you, you're crazy about him. It's perfect." Markie spoke, a small tinge of sadness laced within her voice. "I wish I had that." I sighed and sat on the bed beside her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders, pulling her against me.

"Don't worry, sweetheart, you will find someone as amazing as Erik. Maybe he will be here tonight." She rolled her eyes but followed it with a curt nod anyway.

"Let's hope so." She stood up, grabbing my hand to pull me up with her. "Now get dressed!" She guided me in the direction of my forgotten dress and zipped up the back for me when I had it slid on. The purple dress was one shouldered, sort of tight, went to the middle of my thighs and was absolutely gorgeous. I also loved the strappy black high heels I had with it.

"How do I look?" I asked Markie as I stepped in front of my full length mirror, adjusting the hem of my dress a little.

"You look absolutely gorgeous, now come on. It sounds like a lot people are already here." She took my hand and pulled me from the room. I did hear loud chatter from downstairs, which was weird as no one in San Francisco ever arrived for a party on time.

"There's the party host!" I heard someone yell as I descended the amazing spiral staircase I had in my living room. The living room was completely packed with smiling people, all of them with a drink clutched in their hand; some of them were wine glasses, others beer bottles, and a small few had small mixed drinks in crystal glasses. All of them were dressed semi formal, all the ladies in gorgeous dresses, and the men in slacks and button down shirts. It was just as I had imagined it to be.

I found Erik in the crowd, easily taking the crystal glass full of rum and coke he was offering to me. Together he and I weaved our way around the crowd, greeting people with a simple hello, while stopping for a small chat with others.

I was in the middle of a deep discussion with Madeline Claire, a possible client in the near future when I heard a voice that I had no heard in almost five years. Not since I left Baltimore and all that my life there held.

"Well well well. If it isn't the cousin who ditches her whole entire family to come be a big shot in San Francisco." Jack Barakat's voice was riddled with humor but underneath it I could hear the hurt; the betrayal he felt for my abandonment.

I turned around and came face to face with my tall and lanky cousin, his big brown eyes staring down at me. He looked similar to how he had when I had last seen him, though now his large blonde patch on his head was gone, replaced with all black. He had stubble growing on his cheek and was clad in a leather jacket rather than a ratty old t-shirt like he usually was adorned with.

"Jack Barakat, what a surprise." I fell into his waiting arms, giving him the hug I knew he had been dying for since I walked away from the family all that time ago. "How did you know about this party?" I questioned when I pulled back.

"Someone had taped a poster for it on the wall of the Warfield, where we played tonight. I begged the guys to come and crash the party." He explained, making me as confused as ever. I knew the Warfield was a concert hall, much like the Regency Ballroom was, but I don't know why Jack would be playing there. And then it clicked in my brain. All Time Low.

The guys had formed this band not long after I had introduced them all during freshman year. They had gone on a few tours through our senior year and actually got signed on Valentines Day of that same year. I had completely forgotten about their band when I ditched the state and all that resided in it.

"All Time Low actually made it, huh?" He grinned down at me and shoved me a little, making me stumble on my heels but Erik's hand on my lower back stabilized me.

"Don't sound so shocked, Hamilton." It then dawned on me that when he said guys that had to mean the whole band was here. And if the whole band was here that meant.... he was too.

"Jack," I reached forward and grabbed my cousins arm, pulling him down so our faces were closer together and I could speak to him without the spectators around us listening in. "Is he here?" I knew Jack would know exactly who I meant.

"Sabrina.... it's been five years. Don't you think it's time to move on from all of that?" I sighed and let go of his arm, rolling my eyes.

"Does he know that this is my party? That it's me?" Jack shook his head and looked around us, presumably trying to find his best friend. I too looked with him, and as soon as I spotted him, I wished that I hadn't. He stood against a back wall, completely alone and staring down at his phone; oblivious to all around him.

He looked completely different from when I last saw him. When he and I had last been face to face, he had long light brown hair with blonde high lights and always wore t-shirts, hoodies, skinny jeans and flip flops. Now his hair was cut shorter but still ran crazy and wild on his head and was dyed a brownish red color. He was dressed in a jean jacket and a t-shirt, complete with black skinny jeans and finished off with grey Nike's. He looked even better now than he did when he and I dated; and that was saying something as he had all the girls in school swooning over him.

"Keep him away from me, Jack, please." After Jack nodded, I grabbed Erik's hand and quickly pulled him away from my cousin who stared after me with a sad look adorned on his face but he didn't follow or say anything more.

"Is everything okay?" Erik asked me as I refilled my drink.

"Everything is perfect." I said, chugging back the whole drink before slamming the glass down on the table. "Come on, I want to dance." I grabbed his hand and pulled him into the center of the designated dancing area, as far from my ex boyfriend as possible.

How was it that even after five years of no contact at all, he can still make my heart flutter in my chest and my knees weak. I hated him... but I still loved him all the same...
♠ ♠ ♠
Sabrina's party outfit
Markie's party outfit

nice long update for ya. (:
I love this chapter...
thanks for the one comment I got last chapter from MBNSNATL
comments are much appreciated. <3