Status: finished

Time Heals All Wounds


Everything around me was completely dark. I couldn't even see my own hand in front of my face.

Where was I?
What was going on?

Had I gone blind or something?

Suddenly there was a flash, a blinding white light from over to my right. I turned and felt for some reason that I had to follow it. So rather than heading away from the blinding light, I began walking towards it, finding that it was a glowing white door.

Without even hesitating, I reached for the door knob and pulled the door open. I stepped inside to what looked like a very white living room. There was a white couch, a white entertainment center, with a white TV. The coffee table was white, it even had white magazines on it.

"Hello?" I called out, hoping for an answer.

"Sabrina." I jumped and spun around, coming face to face with Erik as he walked into the room from the black room I had previously been in.

"Where are we, Erik? What is this place?" Erik shrugged and went to sit on the stark white couch. His black clothes and hair contrasted against all the white, making him stand out. That's when I looked down at my own wardrobe to see that I was in a fluttery knee high white dress with white flats. I even was wearing white bracelets and a white necklace.

"We need to talk, Sabrina." Erik's voice was so monotone. It wasn't filled with any emotion at all. That was so unlike him, especially when talking to me.

"Okay, what is it?" I asked, going to sit on the couch beside him. He looked over at me, his eyes just as blank as his voice had been.

"I don't think we will work any more." I frowned at him.

"What?" I whispered, not believing what I was hearing.

"I don't love you anymore. It's over Sabrina." He began to stand up but I reached for him, pulling him back down, gripping onto his arm.

"No, please don't leave me, Erik. You're all I have, I need you." He stared at me, his eyes cold and dark.

"Good bye, Sabrina." He got free of my grip and stood up, stepping towards the door, which was now glowing black rather than white like it had been before. He turned back and stared at me one last time before he stepped through the door, disappearing and leaving me alone. I stood up and chased after him but as soon as I stepped through the black door, it slammed shut behind me and it felt like the blackness around me was spinning.

"No!" I began to scream. "Someone help me!" As soon as I yelled this everything stopped and the room began to have lights appearing in it. Up ahead of me I could see someone standing with their back to me. They were dressed in blue skinny jeans, a black hoodie with the hood pulled up over their head and grey Nike's on their feet.

I began running towards whoever it was, hoping that it might have been Erik.

"Hello?" I asked when I stepped up behind them. They slowly turned and I soon knew that it wasn't Erik. Instead, it was Alex Gaskarth. He had a wide grin on his face and was smiling at me like I am his world. The way Erik used to until he left me. "Alex?"

"Hello Sabrina." He stepped closer to me. We were so close that I could smell his cologne. It smelled just the same as what he used to wear, making me close my eyes and take in a deep breath, savoring the smell. "Sabrina." He whispered, making me open my eyes again, finding that he had stepped even closer to me, his face now inches from mine. "I love you, Rina. Don't ever leave me again." His arms slid around my waist, my hands went up to rest on his shoulders as he leaned down to kiss me.

Right as his lips pressed to mine everything went black again and it was like I was falling. All the wind was pulled from my lungs, making me gasp for air, trying to scream but nothing came out. I closed my eyes, waiting for the impact but it never came and soon I could feel wind on my face and the smell of grass and trees.

"Rina!" I heard someone call in the distance, making me open my eyes. I was in a field. As I stared around it I realized that it wasn't just a field, this was the one Alex and I had spent so much of our time together in. This was the field we spent our graduation together, me reassuring him that there was no one else for me, my heart only needed him.

I looked to my right to see that it was Alex calling to me, waving his arms over his head to get my attention. I felt a small smile tug at my lips before I made my over to him. I was still dressed in all the white and it confused me. I have never seen any of these clothes before in my life.

"Hey." I said when I approached the grinning man. I then looked around to see that he had set out a blanket, complete with a little basket of food. "Aw, Alex. You did this?" He smiled at me and nodded.

"Dance with me, Rina?" He asked, holding his hand out to me. I nodded and reached out to rest my hand in his. He twirled me into him, making me giggle as we began to sway back and forth to music that began to quietly play from all around us. He stared into my eyes, smiling. Then, just like when we had been in the black room, he leaned down, his lips looming over mine. "I love you, Sabrina." He whispered, just like last time also. Now though, rather than the world changing again, his lips pressed against mine, kissing me lovingly.

I gasped as I awoke. I sat up, wiping at the tears that were falling down my cheeks. I felt movement beside me and saw that it was Erik, fast asleep next to me. The sight of him beside me made more tears well up in my eyes.

I couldn't lay here beside him, not after that dream so I threw the blankets off of me and stood up, quietly making my way out of the room, going downstairs into the dark and empty living room. I bypassed everything and went straight to the moonlit deck.

I leaned against the railing, looking down at the quiet streets and let more tears fall from my eyes and sobs escape my throat.

How could I be dreaming of Alex? I didn't love him, he didn't love me. What we had was a silly high school romance. Those never last, obviously. My feelings for him are gone, replaced by real feelings for Erik.

But that dream, his kisses, the smell of him, the feel of his hands on mine. It felt so real, so invigorating. I couldn't stop thinking about how soft his lips were on mine. I've missed it more than I thought I had.

I sighed and looked up at the bright moon.

"Alex..." I whispered. "Wherever you may be right now... I still love you..."


-Alex's POV-

"Yo man, you okay?" I lifted my head from my hands to look up at my best friend Jack.

"Yeah, I'm good." He frowned but nodded none the less, leaving the front lounge area, leaving me alone in the dark room. "I'm not good.... I'm far from good." I whispered to myself as I stared out the window of the moving tour bus, watching the trees swarm past me.

I had just woken from a dream that had shaken me to the core. Sabrina was in it, along with her boyfriend, Erik I think his name was. They had been arguing when I got there and then he slapped her. After I got her away from him, her and I began kissing and she said she loved me.

Now I can't stop thinking about her. Her face, her kisses, her touch. It was clouding my brain. I needed her. Even though it's been years and I had dated other people, people who I thought I loved, that dream made me realize that I loved her and only her.

"I love you, Sabrina. I will come back to you, I promise. Hold on, baby." I whispered, staring into the bright moon...
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for the comments and subs. they mean the world to me. (:
I feel that this chapter is a little rushed and not all that great but.... I just wanted to get something out to you guys so I hope that you still enjoy.