Status: finished

Time Heals All Wounds


"Are you okay?" Markie questioned me making me revert my attention back to her rather than out the cafe window.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I put up a smile before reaching for my coffee, bringing the mug up to my lips, drinking down the hot substance, once again not looking at my best friend.

"Erik said you haven't been letting him stay over the last few nights and that you are basically avoiding him. What's up with that?" I put my mug down and picked at a spot on the table with my nail.

"I've just been busy. I have a lot to do." I answered simply, shrugging.

"Does this have anything to do with seeing Alex at the party last week?" Of course Markie would figure out that my distress and avoiding my boyfriend would have to do with Alex, it's why we're best friends. We can read each other that well.

"What? No. I didn't mind seeing Alex." Lie. Such a lie. Seeing him tore me up. Hearing that he was unhappy and miserable tore me up. Dreaming about him that night, and all the nights that followed, tore me up. I couldn't let her know that though. If she knew, then I would be accepting the fact that I still wanted Alex in my life, and that could not happen.

"Sabrina, seriously. I get that you are denying that not only to me, but to yourself as well, but there is no use running from it. It's natural to be upset seeing your ex after so long, especially after the breakup you two had." Markie said, giving me sympathetic eyes.

"I'm not just upset, Markie..." I began, raising my voice a little.

"You still love him." She narrowed her eyes at me. "You love him and want to be with him." I sighed and nodded a little.

"I just... talking to him again for the first time in five years made me realize that my feelings never went away for him, I just ran from them, hide them and ignored them." Markie sighed and nodded at my words. "And now... I've been having these dreams about him. They are always the same basic thing."

"What happens in them?" She questioned.

"Erik breaks up with me in some way and then Alex is there and tells me he loves me, and then we'll be in some place that I have a memory of from when we were together and he'll do something sweet and romantic, tell me he loves me again and we'll kiss." I explained, reliving each dream as they all played through my head.

"Who do you love more, Sabrina? Erik, or Alex?"

"It doesn't matter who I love more, Markie. I'm with Erik and it's staying that way. I will most likely never see Alex again so it doesn't even matter. Can we drop it now, please?" I begged her, making her sigh and nod.

"Yeah. I think you need to talk about it, but I will respect your wish of moving on."

"Thanks." I mumbled, grabbing my coffee to take the last drink. "Come on, let's go shop now." She broke into a grin and nodded.

"Don't need to tell me twice." With that we both slid out of the booth and after setting some money on the table we left the small cafe and ventured out into the crowded San Francisco streets, making out way to Market street to find some shops...


"Honey!" I cringed at my mothers loud voice, bringing the phone away from my ear.

"Ma, speak a little quiet, please." I told her, laughing, making her laugh as well.

"Oh, right. Sorry." She giggled a little and I could just see her putting her hand over her thin lips. "So, you know how Aunt Nina's birthday is coming up soon?" Aunt Nina was actually my great aunt and was almost 80 years old.

"Yeah, I remember."

"Well I figure that since you are just not getting back in touch with us all after your long heitus, you should come to her birthday party." Yeah, after my run in with Jack at my party three weeks ago now, Jack told his mom that he saw me. His mom then told my mom, who freaked out and demanded that Jack give her my address. She then began sending me letter after letter, demanding that I call her. So I finally gave in a few days ago and have rekindled my relationship with my family. It was nice.

"Come to Baltimore?" I questioned. I was currently in the car on my way to Erik's house. I haven't seen him in a few days and I figure I could surprise him.

"Yeah. Oh honey, you haven't been here in so long and everyone really wants to see you. Her party is Friday. Jack and the boys get back Wednesday and I know Jack really wants to see you again." My mother pleaded, making me sigh.

"I don't know, mom. I can't just drop everything and come to Baltimore."

"Who know's when Aunt Nina will go, this may be her last birthday. Oh please, honey, please? We all miss you so much." She begged.

"Oh, fine. I'll think about it. I have to go now, I just got to Erik's. I'll call you tomorrow." I said as I parked out front of Erik's apartment.

"Oh I'm so glad, sweety! Talk to you tomorrow!" With that my mother hung up, leaving me to my own thoughts. I sighed and tossed my phone in my bag that was on the seat beside me.

Before I could think too much about my possible trip to Baltimore, I got out of the car, grabbing my bag as I went.

I made my way into the familiar hallway and up to his floor. I had a key so I easily unlocked the door, making my way into the large apartment.

"Erik?" I called out into the silence. I saw his car parked out front so I knew he was here. There was no sound, not even the TV was on. Maybe he was still in bed, it was only noon after all and I knew he liked to sleep in on his days off so I made my way towards his bedroom.

The door was shut but as soon as I put my hand on the doorknob it swung open. I started to smile, thinking it was Erik but instead I was met with the frowning face of Georgie. She was half dressed, wearing nothing but a bra and panties.

"Georgie?" I questioned while her eyes filled with panic. "What is going on?" I pushed passed her and into the room, where Erik had been lounged out on the bed, only in boxers but as soon as he saw me he jumped up.

"Sabrina! What are you doing here?" He questioned nervously.

"Uhh... I'll just go." Georgie said, grabbing her clothes off the floor and rushing from the room quickly.

"What the hell was that?" I questioned, turning back to Erik after she left.

"It's not what it looks like, honestly."

"Not what it looks like? It looks like you are screwing my best friend behind my back." My voice was getting louder and louder as I spoke.

"Okay it is what it looks like."

"You're cheating on me?!" I screamed, feeling my heart breaking. This was like with Alex all over again.

"You've been ignoring me for days. I was lonely and really confused. I just wanted someone and she was there." I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever, Erik. Good bye." I headed towards the door.

"You're leaving me?" He questioned after me sadly. "Please don't. I love you, Sabrina. I'm sorry. I screwed up, it will never happen again."

"Once a cheater, always a cheater, Erik. Good bye." With that I left the room and the apartment, making my way towards my car as tears began to fall from my cheeks.

As soon as I was in my car I grabbed my phone and began typing a text to my mother.

I'll be in Baltimore on Tuesday. I'll probably stay for awhile. was all it said. I didn't respond to any of her other messages, questioning why I would want to stay longer or if something had happened. I just stared my car and drove away from the last man I ever imagined would cheat on me. With one of my best friends, at that. Just goes to show you don't really know anyone, huh?
♠ ♠ ♠
Sabrina's outfit for coffee with Markie.

Another chapter! (:
I've had a sucky day and just wanted to write.