Status: finished

Time Heals All Wounds


The road seemed to stretch on and on. There was nothing in front of me but road. Just a vast, boring stretch of concrete. I had already been driving for almost nine and a half hours and was exhausted.

I was only at Las Vegas, still having almost 2500 miles left before I reached Baltimore. I decided that since it was almost midnight I would stop for the night and start early in the morning.

When I found a hotel and checked in, I called my mom, letting her know where I was and that I wouldn't be getting in until at least the day after tomorrow, which is what I had planned on.

I had just gotten out of the shower when my phone began to ring. I rushed over to where it was laying on the bed and answered it without looking at the name on the front.

"Hello?" I answered, sitting on the edge of the hotel bed.

"Sabrina? Finally you answer." The voice of my ex boyfriend greeted me.

"What do you want, Erik?" I questioned, feeling myself getting angry.

"Where are you? I went by the apartment this afternoon and you weren't there, and I'm there now and you obviously still aren't here." I sighed, regretting the decision to have Erik pay half the rent, meaning he of course had a key to my residence. We hadn't thought about what would happen if we broke up. We figured it wouldn't happen for a long time, if at all.

"I'm in Las Vegas right now. On my way back home to see my family." I responded. He didn't know where I grew up, as I had always been very quiet and secretive about my life before San Francisco so he luckily couldn't follow me out to Baltimore.

"Why? You haven't spoken to your family in years." He questioned, making me sigh and run a hand through my hair.

"It doesn't matter to you why I'm going to see my family, Erik. We are over. Now leave me alone." Before he could respond, I hung up and quickly turned off my phone before crawling into bed and doing my best to fall asleep, not thinking about Erik or the long journey ahead of me but instead, just like my thoughts did every night, they went straight to Alex.

In the morning, after having a dream that consisted of Alex and I sitting in Rian's basement where band practice used to be held and he and I dancing to Can't Take My Eyes Off You by Lady Antebellum, I quickly packed up my stuff, checked out and was back on the road by 8:30.

I drove and I drove, only stopping for gas and food. I drove all the way until about 3 in the morning. I was now in Omaha Nebraska. I was now only about 1,150 or so miles away from my destination. If I started early in the morning like I had this morning, I could get there at about 3 in the morning, if I left at the latest 9 in the morning. I decided that instead of doing that, I would sleep in tomorrow and only drive to Indiana and then finish up the rest of the trip the morning after, getting in on Wednesday afternoon rather than Tuesday night but it wasn't a huge setback, as the party wasn't until Friday anyway.

I then remembered that on Wednesday is when the guys get back from tour. Would my mom make me go see them? Would they already be at the house when I arrive? What will Alex do when he seems me?

I sighed and pushed those thoughts away and got ready for bed, it had been a long day.

Tonight was the first time I didn't dream of Alex. I didn't dream about anything surprisingly and woke up feeling very refreshed and ready for the drive ahead of me.

This trip wasn't half as bad as I thought that it would be. I had kept my phone turned off except for when I called my mom every night so I didn't have Erik bothering me. I had planned on just flying out but then decided that a car ride would do me good. It would give me more of a chance to get over everything with Erik. I had the time alone to cope with it. And it was nice seeing the world. Plus, I like having my own car, I didn't want to rent a car or depend on others to drive me places.

The next day passed by pretty quickly, ran into a little traffic but got to Indiana at a decent hour and went straight to bed, anxious about seeing my family in the morning for the first time in five years. Though truth be told, I was still more anxious about seeing Alex again.

I got up Wednesday morning and turned on my phone, about to call my mom and let her know I would be in Baltimore around four or five that evening when my phone began to ring in my hands, an unknown number popping up. It was a Baltimore area code so I decided to answer, it could be another family member calling me.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Sabrina!" I heard about five guys yell.

"Um, yeah? Who is this?" I questioned, getting laughter in response.

"You don't even recognize your old best friends and cousin, that's wonderful." I then recognized the voices. It was Jack, Alex, Rian, Zack, and most likely Matt Flyzik, as I had been really closet to him too before I left.

"Oh, hey guys. I didn't recognize your voices or the number. So what's up? Wait... how did you get my number?" I questioned them.

"The number is Alex's." Jack began to explain. "We got your number from your mother."

"Oh. Okay. Why are you calling me?"

"We heard from a little birdy, also known as your mother, that you will be in Baltimore today!" Someone exclaimed and I recognized it as Matt's voice.

"Yeah, I am. I figured five years was long enough to be away."

"Damn right it is. We're on our way back right now too. Wanna go out to dinner tonight? Just you and us guys? Like old times." Zack suggested, making the guys yell in agreement.

"Yeah, that sounds good to me. I'm just about to leave my hotel right now and I should be in Baltimore around four or five so how about around... eight we meet up somewhere for dinner?" I suggested while getting up from the bed, making my way over my suitcase, grabbing my outfit for the day.

"Sounds good. We'll text you where to meet us." Jack said.

"Alright. I need to get going now. I'll see you guys tonight."

"Bye!" They all yelled and then there was silence. "Wait, Sabrina?" I was just about to hang out when Alex's voice stopped me and my eyes went wide.


"Um... I just wanted to tell you that I'm really excited to see you tonight. I've missed you." My heart was racing. Just hearing his voice should not make me feel like this.

"I'm excited too." I told him honestly. Yes, I was nervous to be seeing him, but I was excited all the same.

"Great," I heard a smile in his voice. "I'll let you go then. See you tonight, Rina." I couldn't help but have a smile of my own creep up on my face.

"See you, Alex." This time we both hung up. I sighed and fell back against the wall beside the bathroom. God, seeing Alex was going to be tough tonight. Being with Erik had stopped me from jumping his bones at the party. Now though, I was single. Who knew what was going to happen tonight.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sabrina's road trip outfit for getting into Baltimore and dinner with the guys.

Yeah I know that this is an awful chapter. Super rushed, jumbled and just... bad. I'm sick today and feel like doodoo but I really wanted to get an update out to you guys so comment and make me feel better, yeah? (: