Don't Give Up On Us

Full Of Surpises...

"So are you too cool to follow anyone on twitter? What's up with that?" I told John as we walked to the kitchen.


I opened the fridge and took out two water bottles "And what about actually replying to people. Too cool to do that too?"

He took a water bottle "Hey! I actually-"

"No. Everyone, including myself, is just having one way conversations with you. Get over yourself and start following your peeps or at least reply to someone."

"If I do then everyone will want me to reply to them. It'll be madness."

"Not my problem bro."

He laughed "Bro?"

"I'm experimenting."

"Well, don't."

"Shut up O'Callaghan."

"You just love saying my last name, huh."


"Well if you'd just accept my proposal it could be yours."

"Very funny. I'm gonna go get ready to see Jordan."

John's expression changed

"Hey, you know what? Cool it with the hate, John. He's been nothing but nice to you. Everyone else likes him but it's just you. You could at least be less of a douche, alright?"

"Whoa, someone has their big girl panties on."

"You know it."

He sighed "Okay, I'll try-"

"No. You'll do it. I'm serious, I'll kick your ass."

"Mhmm." John gulped his water, not sounding convinced by my threat.

"I'm hungry. Make me a sandwich would ya?" I told him

He raised an eyebrow

"And this time, cut back on the cheese. Last sandwich had way too much."

"You obviously can't handle a mature sandwich."

"Guess not. Get crackin' Jay." I winked at him and went upstairs to get ready.


I knocked on John's door and heard him get up from his bed

"Yes my dear?" John said as he opened the door

"Do you know where the guys are? I didn't get a text or anything from them all day."

"They're with some girls they met at Jordan's party."

"Seriously?" I stared at him in disbelief

"Yeah. I think they really like the girls," He shrugged "Anyway, is that all?"

"I think so." I fixed my shorts "So you're just gonna stay home?"

"Yeah I think so."

"Do you want to come with?"

"Hell no." He shooed me away

"Hey don't shoo m- don't close the door on me!"

I heard him chuckle behind the door "Have fun."

I rolled my eyes and waited for Jordan to pick me up to go to his house.

I heard a honk.

"John I'm leaving! I'll be back whenever!"

I left without hearing a response

I closed the door behind me and a big smile appeared on my face when Jordan got out of his car


I giggled "Jordaaaan. Dammit I don't have a cute little name for you."

He laughed and brought me close "You'll think of something."

I could hear my heart beating "You're amazing."

"I'm what?"

I cleared my throat "You're amazing." I repeated

"Aw, well thank you." He leaned in and lightly placed a kiss on my lips

I felt many butterflies in my stomach and I heard him sigh

"Come on." He said almost a whisper

He took my hand and led me to the passenger seat of his car.

He went to the driver's side and sat down "I have a surprise for you."

"You do? Oh god, what is it?"

"It's a surprise, Val."

"Ahh, fine."

He started the car and drove us to his house, throughout the car ride his hand intertwined with mine.

When we arrived at his house and walked inside I was expecting to see a welcoming face

"Where's Cindy?"

"She went out with her friends. I kind of told her to, ha ha." He laughed nervously. 

He led me to his room and gestured for me to sit on his bed. I sat down and he sat next to me.

"So Val. There's something I've always wanted to ask you but I never got to-"

Wallace appeared and leaped onto my lap 

"Hi Wallace! I missed you, cutie!" I scratched his neck and he purred in response.

"Ugh, Wallace get down!" Jordan ordered. He grabbed Wallace and set him on the floor "Anyway, Val, you know you're amazing and funny and just so lovable,"

I blushed and felt a bit nervous.

"Would you be my...uh," He repeatedly moved a part of his hair that constantly went on his face. He cleared his throat "Would you be my date to my friend's housewarming party?"

My face fell. I was surprised by my reaction. I always thought that I didn't want to be in a relationship but I was secretly hoping he would ask me.

"Oh. Sure!" I said after he waited for me to speak

He took a deep breath "Actually that's not what I wanted to tell you."

I got a little excited again "Okay, tell me."

"Valarie, you're amazing. I can just be myself when I'm with you. You're funny and beautiful and I know I can trust you with anything. I don't even know why I didn't tell you from the beginning. My friends get in my head, whatever. I'm, uh, The Ready Set."

I looked at him in confusion "Ready set for what? What are you ready for?"

He looked at me funny. "No I'm not ready for anything. I'm The Ready Set. I'm the guy."

"...No you're not."

"I am."

"Jordan, please-"

He cleared his throat and sang the chorus of Love Like Woe leaving me completely shocked and speechless when he finished.

He looked at me, waiting for a response.

"So..." I tried to regain my speech "...At your party..."

He smiled, quickly knowing what I was talking about.

"When I was singing and dancing along to Love Like Woe and you asked me if I knew who sang it..." I began to slap his arm repeatedly

"Ow, what?"

"You made me look like an ass!"

He laughed "I just wanted to see if you would figure it out on your own."

"Umm obviously not!" I studied him and raised my eyebrows

I took out my phone and typed in The Ready Set. I saw many pictures of Jordan on stage and his friend Andy with him.

"Andy too?" I asked mostly to myself. 

I even looked up a video of him on YouTube. I watched in disbelief.

"It's you. How did I not know this? Am I that oblivious?"

He chuckled "Guess so."

I playfully slapped his leg "Hey."

I studied him again "Holy shit, Jordan, you're The Ready Set. Wow."

He nodded "I'll sign an autograph for you later." He joked

I laughed "Is this even possible that you've become even more amazing? You're full of surprises, Jordan."

My phone vibrated

I looked and saw John's text.

I'm having a friend over if that's alright with you, mom

I rolled my eyes

lol mmkay

I replied, I looked at Jordan who was smiling at Wallace and added:

I might be home a little late, just to let ya'll know

We spent the rest of the night lying on his bed with music playing and his cats resting with us. Talking about pointless and also important things.

"This might be random and stupid but there's something about the music. Just music in general that makes me want to fall in love. I don't know, it just has that affect on me." I said after a long and comfortable silence while the music played.

"That's not stupid at all." He told me

He began to play with my hair and sang along to the song in my ear while I rested on his chest.

It was getting later and later and I felt tired.

"I think I'm gonna head out."

He looked a little disappointed "Okay."

We got up and headed to the front door

We had a long and meaningful hug.

"Remember the party's Saturday."

"Got it." I smiled at him and kissed his cheek. 

I walked up to my car and sighed "I've missed my baby." 

"You're just lucky I found the car keys."

"But you couldn't find my phone. Or my clothes!" I blushed, remembering the morning after the party and how I was just in my bra and shorts.

He laughed and waved goodbye

I got in my car and headed home.

When I got to my house I unlocked the front door and went inside

A girl walked out of the kitchen. I squinted to see who it was, she wasn't facing me. She turned and looked at me when she heard the front door close.

I looked at her in surprise

♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry I haven't been updating so often, I suck! Whenever I get an idea it just isn't long enough for a whole chapter so that gets me all stuck. But how do you guys feel about Jordan? He makes Val happy but John will always have a place in her heart, that will bite her in the ass.