Don't Give Up On Us

The Party...

I opened my eyes and noticed that my room was dark. I turned to my cable box, it was already nine o'clock. I felt around for my phone to see a missed call from Kennedy (which I don't understand because he was only downstairs) and a text message. I started to smile when I saw his name on my phone. I opened it, reading his message:

Hello my dear

I began to blush. He always called me that. Hello Mr. O'Callaghan I texted back.

I stood up and rubbed my eyes. It was quiet in the house so I went downstairs to investigate. I checked the living room and the kitchen and no one was there. They probably went to get beer for the party and with that I remembered I only had about an hour to get ready, I ran back upstairs and took a shower.

* * *

I walked to the top of the stairs in my towel. "Guys?" I called out. No answer. 'What the hell? Where are they?' I thought. I walked in my room and picked up my phone checking to see if I had any messages. Nothing. "Okay," I exhaled and tossed my phone on the bed. I began to get ready, looking at the clock, it was nine-thirty. I heard the front door open and Garrett and Kennedy's distant voice. I rolled my eyes and walked to the top of the stairs

"Where have you guys been?!"

"We went to buy beer!" Kennedy answered with a smile. I couldn't help but laugh. You just couldn't stay mad at these guys. It was almost impossible.

"Start getting ready guys,"

"Yes mom!" They teased in unison. I flipped them off and went back to my room.

I put on a black strapless dress that I recently bought in the mall and new black heels. I put my hair down and added moose to keep it curly when my phone began to vibrate. When I walked up to it the vibrating stopped. The screen read 1 missed call - John Ohh. I hesitated. Should I call him back ? Should I wait until he calls me again ? Or maybe it was a mistake. I decided to just let it go and continue to get ready. I put on a little bit of eyeliner, silver earrings and a necklace.

"Val! Are you ready? We're going to go grab a bite to eat first, wanna come?" Garrett called out to me from downstairs. I was starving "Yeah! Let me just get my purse I'll be right there!" I took my phone and put it in my purse. Still no messages.

* * *

"Guys, you know what's weird?" I asked looking down at my burger. "John texted me and then called me, but quickly hung up I guess, because I wasn't able to pick up." I took a bite out of my burger and looked at my best friends.

Garrett shrugged "I don't know, maybe he pocket dialed you." Kennedy nodded in agreement.

"Maybe." I shrugged. "Oh, and another thing, why the hell did I pick a strapless dress to wear?" I asked trying to fix the top part of my dress.

"Maybe because you're trying to impress John O'Callaghan," Kennedy said with a wink.

I let out a nervous laugh "Shut up, Kenny."

"Alright lets get out of here, I left the beers at the house" Garrett said getting up. We payed for our meal and went back to the house.

* * *

"Ugh what's taking Garrett so long?" I asked Kennedy.

"I don't know, honk the horn"

I reached over to the driver's seat and pressed on the horn. Shortly after, Garrett came out with the beers asking Kennedy for help. "There's more beers inside !' Garrett yelled. Kennedy got out of the car and headed inside the house to get the beers. I felt impatient and looked at my phone once more. I decided to just call him. "John O'Callaghan here, you have two choices, you could leave a message at the beep or you could always call back later. Bye." I didn't want to leave a message, I just wanted to hear his voice. I sighed and hung up, I couldn't wait to see him. I looked over to see Kennedy and Garrett carrying a lot of beer towards the car.

* * *

When Garrett pulled up to Chris' house I immediately got butterflies in my stomach. The thought of seeing John again had me filled with excitement. I got out of the car and fixed my dress. I exhaled and walked in between Kennedy and Garrett to the front door. The music was loud when Garrett opened the door. We quickly spotted Pat and Jared and started a conversation with them. I looked around seeing no sign of John.

"I'll be right back, guys, I'm going to go get a drink, anyone want anything?" They all shook their heads no and I headed to the kitchen where all the drinks were. I made myself a light drink when I heard a familiar voice.

"Hey Valarie"

I looked up "Oh, hey Chris" I gave him a small wave.

"Glad you could make it" I don't think he meant it, I still think he doesn't like me.

"Who did you come here with ?" He asked

"Oh you know, the usual, Kennedy and Garrett"

He chucked "They're like your brothers, it's cute"

"Haha, yeah, pretty much" I looked down at my drink, feeling the awkward silence.

"Well, uh, I'm going to go"

"Okay, Chris, nice talking to you"

"Back at ya." He smiled and walked back to the party. I sighed, adding a little more alcohol to my drink when i heard footsteps behind me

"I don't think eighteen year olds are supposed to be drinking." I heard the smile in his voice

I turned around to see John standing in front of me with a Corona in his hand, the smile still on his face. I smiled back and began to blush. My heart was racing.

"Well if it isn't John O'Callaghan."

"Hello Val, I missed you. A lot." He looked down at me and stretched his arms out for a hug. I walked into them and we embraced. He smelled like cologne with a hint of cigarettes. He kissed the top of my head and we stood there for a while.

I looked up at his green eyes and smiled "I missed you too, John." He just stared at me with a big smile on his face making me melt. He began to slightly lean in and so did I

"John? There you are!" I turned around, annoyed that someone interrupted us. My jaw dropped when I saw John and her kiss.

"Valarie! Is that you?! It's been sooo long"

I was pissed. "It's only been like a month and a half," I told her. She put her arm around his waist.

"I'm gonna go now," I looked up at John who had pleading eyes "Nice seeing you two again." I didn't let them respond, I quickly grabbed my drink and left the kitchen.

Tears began to fill my eyes 'No, no, no, don't cry here' I told myself, I looked around the room to find either Kennedy or Garrett. No luck so I quickly went outside for some fresh air. I sat on the steps of the house and began to cry in anger.

"Val? What happened?" Garrett sat down next to me putting his arm around my shoulders.

"I don't know why I'm crying, I'm just pissed!" I yelled. I looked at Garrett "Do you have the car keys? I just want to go home."

"Did you-"

"No, Garrett, I didn't drink like crazy, this is the only cup I drank, now give me the damn keys!"

Garrett tossed me the keys and went inside. I rolled my eyes, started the car and drove home.

As soon as I got in my house I threw my heels off and ran upstairs to my room closing the door behind me. I didn't bother to take off anything, I just wanted to sleep.