Don't Give Up On Us

Starting Tomorrow...

Now because of mibba being a little fucker my two chapters got deleted. Thank goodness I still had the latest one (Starting Tomorrow...) still saved on my iPad (woo) but the one before that I do not have. Soooo I'll just have to tell whoever missed that chapter what happened... Officer Paterson questioned Valarie about John because they don't think what he did was an accident. Because of Valarie, he found out John was in love with her so he came to the conclusion that John shot her out of jealousy. Valarie quickly explained what happened, that John was startled by her slap and mistakingly shot her. Officer Patterson believed her but still had to warn her that she had to stay away from John until everything was cleared up or else John would be at risk of getting arrested. She doesn't know how long that would take so she's freaking out...

I looked at John's confused eyes as he leaned on the hospital bed I rested on.

"But I didn't do it on purpose." He said mostly to himself.

"That's exactly what I told him," I bit my bottom lip. "You need to listen to Officer Patterson, John."

"No, fuck that I'm innocent."

"Do you want to be arrested? It's probably just a couple of days that we won't see each other. It's not like it's the end of the world." 

Oh how I wish I even believed myself.

He ran a hand through his hair. "And what if it's not just a couple of days? What if it takes months?"

"Babe-" I cut myself short and my eyes widened. "I mean John," I quickly corrected suddenly feeling uncomfortably hot. "L-Let's talk about something else. Or maybe say our goodbyes before you end up getting arrested."

"Valarie please," He was doing a really good job pretending he didn't hear what I had just called him. "They won't arrest me for being here."

"And what if they do?"

"Then they do."

I hit his arm. "Don't say that."

"Fine. Let's talk about something else," He thought about it. "So the guys and I started working on our album more. But we're having a little trouble with the label, though."

"What do you mean?"

He shrugged. "They're not really cooperating with us at the moment."


"So the album might not happen if they don't approve of it."

"John, come on, you're really going to let a stupid label tell you what to do?"

"Honestly? Yes. How else would we be able to do this?"

"Do it yourself!"

He furrowed his eyebrows. "Are you on drugs?"

"Shut up," I laughed. "You're an independent person, if things don't work out, don't give up just because a damn label says no."

He blinked. "No seriously, did they give you another round or something?"

I nodded. "Another round of life."

"That's deep."

"Feel free to use it in a song."

He chuckled. "What would I do without you?"

"You'd probably be six feet under." I answered with a smirk.

He sighed and placed his hand innocently on my cheek. I leaned against it, innocently of course, and closed my eyes. Someone cleared their throat. I looked up and saw Nurse Tracy at the end of the bed.

"Sorry to interrupt the romantic moment." She said with no actual intention in being sorry.

John got up and moved to the other side of the room, he didn't like her much and he wasn't afraid to show it.

"There was no romantic moment." I quickly stated.

She ignored what I said and handed me a pamphlet. "Here, when he's gone you read this."

My eyes widened as I read the title.

Am I In An Abusive Relationship?

I looked up at her. "Why are you..." This lady seriously thinks John abuses me. 

Oh and that John and I are in a relationship.

"I'm not..." I had no words.

"Just please read it." She quietly told me.

"But I'm not-"




I watched as she walked away, giving John a glare that even I felt uncomfortable with.

"So apparently you're my abusive boyfriend." I told John and I couldn't help but laugh.

"How is that funny? She could have me arrested."

"Oh! What ever happened to 'fuck the police' and all that crap you said before?"

"I've never said 'fuck the police.'"


"Hush it, Daniel."

"Make me, O'Callaghan."

He sat on the side of the bed and hesitated. "I would, but you're kind of in a fragile state right now."

"Dramatic much?"

"Fragile much?"

I turned and stared at the doorway in fear. "H-Hi Officer Patterson."

John quickly looked behind him and stood up. He sucked his teeth, shaking my leg when he saw no one was actually there. "I seriously thought he came back!"

I began to laugh hysterically. "Your face was priceless, oh my god!"

"I'll show you priceless-"

"HEY!" Tracy called out. "Do I need to call the police on your skinny little ass or what?!"

"No you don't. What I do with my girlfriend is our business, not yours." John said with the most serious face he could make.

I tried to stop myself from laughing. "We're not together, Tracy."

"Honey, did you read what I gave you?"

"No. I don't allow her to read." John said, his face still serious.

She looked at him with her eyebrows connected. "What is the matter with you?"

"What is the matter with you? Didn't your mother ever tell you to never jump into conclusions? Just because I shot her doesn't mean I did it on purpose or that I abuse her. Next time try not to assume things before you know the facts, lady."

"Whoa, what's going on in here?" Jordan asked walking in the room.

I laughed. "A lot of intense shi-"

Tracy gave me a look.


Jordan walked over and gave me a kiss on the lips. Tracy's jaw slightly fell.

"Yeah you were too busy assuming things, you didn't even notice that he's her boyfriend," John told her. "I think this is the time when you apologize."

She rolled her eyes and faced me. "Let me know if you need anything, my dear."

"Don't use my nickname for her."

She ignored him and turned to leave.



"I won't be needing this." I reached to hand her the abusive relationship pamphlet.

She looked at John then Jordan and back at John. "Keep it." She said walking out of the room.

"Am I in an abusive relationship?" Jordan read. "What the hell?"

I chuckled. "Tracy gave it to me."


"She thought I was being abused by my boyfriend."

"But I've never-"

"She thought I was being abused by John. Who she thought was my boyfriend."

"Oh," Jordan looked at John then back at me. "Why did she think that?"

John looked at me. "Uh-"

"Guess who snuck in real food for Val! Me!" Garrett announced as he walked in the room with Kennedy.

My stomach growling reminded me how hungry I really was. "Bless your heart, Gare!" I told him, half meaning about him bringing food.

I saw Jordan who was still suspicious but he brushed it off and joined everyone at the table.

"Someone help me up?" I said.

"No! Don't get up, we're bringing the food to you." Kennedy called out.

"I'm not handicapped, guys, I can eat at the table."

"Val, stop. You need your rest." John said to me, his voice stern.

I looked at Jordan who seemed a bit off. "Jordan, come here."

He came over.

"I mean come here so that I could kiss you properly."

He chuckled nervously, "Oh, ha, ha." He leaned in and I kissed him.

"Are you alright?" I whispered to him.

"I'm great."



"Don't lie to me."

"I'm not,"

I eyed him.

He gave in. "I'm just, not getting too comfortable with the relationship between you and John."
♠ ♠ ♠
Mibba's stupid...