Don't Give Up On Us

You Left Me...

John's P.O.V.

Things between the guys and I have been greatly progressing. Our minds were merging into one instead of colliding like it constantly used to be.

Valarie and I on the other hand, well that's a whole different story. Fortunately, my house was fixed and I've been living with my parents again. We haven't spoken ever since I told her to leave with Jordan Witzi-Whatever. Autumn came way too fast and she was going to leave, all of us for two whole months. I brushed my body in irritation to try and toss aside the sadness and regret I felt when I told her to go.

I looked down at the rough draft of a new song I wrote ever since our little argument. I was also trying to figure out what song we were going to do on the show Fuel T.V. We were offered to perform one song live on television and needless to say we were nervous. My phone vibrated.

Val's about to leave now

My text from Kennedy said.

I tried to shove all the emotions I had about her away while I responded with:

Don't care.

I hit send and threw my phone on the bed. I let out a deep sigh as I thought about how much I would miss Valarie but I wasn't going to admit it to anyone.

The doorbell rang multiple times

I shuffled my way towards the door and opened it to see Melissa standing there with her foot tapping.

"What are you doing here?" I asked when I met her cold glare.

"What do you think?! I've been calling you and calling you and you don't pick up your phone! What the hell is the matter with you?!" She yelled as she stormed in and threw her purse to the couch nearest to her.

"I've just been thinking." I answered calmly. This usually seems to irritate her whenever I chose to respond this way.

"What you should be doing is answering my calls and texts."

"And why is that? Mel, you're not my girlfriend, remember?"

"Why does that all of a sudden matter?! Is it because of that slut Val-"

"DON'T call her a slut." I told her harshly.

"I'll call her whatever the hell I want to call her. She's not your girlfriend, John! She's with Jordan, even though she doesn't deserve him."

"Are you done?"

"No. Just get the fuck over her. How long has it been already and she still doesn't want you. Why can't you see that I'm here and I actually love you,"

I just looked at her with my eyebrows furrowed.

"She's going to be gone for two long, beautiful months and that will give you the perfect amount of time to get your priorities straight. Now let's go to my place so we could catch up already, if you know what I mean, babe." She said, stroking my arm.

I remained quiet as she pulled me with her and opened the front door. Just as she stepped out I slammed the door shut, locking it and jogged to the back of the house. I heard her distant screaming as I left.


I opened the back door and ran as fast as I could away from where she was. 

After what felt like an eternity of running, I noticed the direction I was headed when I saw the familiar trees guarding their front door and suddenly realized what I wanted to do.

I knocked vigorously on the door and impatiently waited for it to swing open.

All I needed was the doorknob to turn and I quickly opened it myself, barging in and calling out her name.

"Valarie!" I looked into just about every room in the first floor and headed for the stairs. "Valarie!" I called out again as I made my way up.


I barely looked at Kennedy when he called my name. 

"What?" I asked, not wanting to listen as I practically ran to her room.

"She left, man."

I kept on looking, opening her closet and peering inside. I felt crazy and out of it. "Valarie, dammit!"


I stopped myself and looked at Kennedy and Garrett who were at the doorway. I sat down on her bed in defeat.

Kennedy hesitated then sat next to me. "...It's only two months."

"I don't want to be away from her for another day let alone TWO MONTHS, Ken!"

He stayed quiet and just patted my back as I rested my head on my hands.

"Hey," Garrett said after a moment of silence. "If it's any consolation, she was hurt when she found out that you weren't coming over to say goodbye."

I looked up at him questionably. "How does that even help?"

"I said if it's any consolation! I'm sorry but, honestly, it was your fault this time."

I couldn't even object with that statement. He was right. She told me how she felt but I took her words and smashed them like a useless object. Of course it was my fault, I would leave too if I were her.

My thoughts were interrupted by Kennedy getting up from the bed. "Are you going to be alright?"

I simply nodded in silence.

He sucked his teeth. "Come on, you need some kind of alcohol in your system."

"We all do!" Garrett called out with a groan.

I got up and followed them downstairs to the kitchen. Kennedy took out three beers and passed two of them to Garrett and I. 

Not too long after that and we were already on our third beer.

"...why was she so mad at you that made her decide to leave?" Garrett asked.

I rubbed the back of my neck as I guzzled my beer. "She told me how she felt about me and I just didn't respond the way I should have. She would've stayed, man. She would've stayed..."

"Aw come on, we can get you someone else-"

"No, I won't give up on us!" Just as those words escaped my lips, I felt impelled to do something. At that moment I swear I heard a ding sound as if a light bulb had been turned on.

"I have an idea." I said as I quickly got up and left the house.
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Let me know what you all think <3