Don't Give Up On Us

Here We Go Again...

"Excuse me, where do you think you're going?!"

I turned to see a tall buff guy about John's age, or maybe older, quickly stand in front of the door blocking my way backstage.

"Um. In there?" I said pointing to the door he was blocking. He was pretty big.

"Yeah, I don't think so." He crossed his big arms.

"Who are you anyway?!" I asked feeling annoyed.

"A lot of people have been sneaking backstage to see The Maine. I have been hired to stop that. Now who are you?"

"Valarie? Valarie Daniel - Are you kidding me dude?! I know The Maine!" I yelled. He didn't even move. He just stood with his big arms crossed.

"Of course you do." He said sarcastically.

"Oh my freaking-" I could feel the headache returning. I pulled out my phone and practically shoved it in his face. "I'll just call them! Oh, you'll be sorry."

I dialed Garrett's number, put it on speaker, and showed him the screen which said

Garrett Nickelsen

A few awkward moments later and Garrett's voice mail started. I looked up at Big Guy who had an eyebrow raised.

"I still have four numbers to go-"

"Yeah, I've seen enough. Just go home."

I grunted

"You are so lucky I don't feel good. I would've kicked your ass!" I glared at him and stormed out of the venue.

Brushing passed a group of girls still excited from the concert, I got in my car and went home.

* * *

Feeling dizzy and a little weak I just crashed on the couch when I came home. It wasn't long until the doorbell rang. I ignored it. At least I tried to. Whoever it was wasn't giving up.

"Alright!" I shouted which I quickly regretted doing, feeling the headache get worst.

Trying not to move my head so much, I got up from the couch and opened the door.

"John? What are you doing here?"

He looked down, his hands in his pockets.

"Can I come in?"

"Uh, sure," I stepped back, giving him room to come in.

He sat on the couch and I followed

"Where's Kennedy and Garrett?" I asked.

He looked a little dazed

"John," He looked up "Where's Kennedy and Garrett?"

"Oh, they're still at the venue."

I studied his face. He looked like he had something to tell me.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

"Just promise me you won't get mad. I just want to tell you myself before someone else does."

My eyebrows furrowed.

"What happened." I repeated.

John looked at his feet. "Melissa and I are. Back together."

I felt cold. My blood was boiling but all I could say was "What?"

"Melissa and I are-"

"DON'T SAY IT AGAIN!" I yelled ignoring the pain in my head.

"Val, please-"

"When was this?" I asked after I somewhat calmed down

"At the end of the show," He answered slowly. "She came up to me backstage about how she's sorry and that she loves me..."

He trailed off seeing that my head was rested on my hands. I looked up at him.

"Why did you even kiss me?" I asked softly.

He looked away. "I don't know."

"Wow, okay."

"It was wrong-"

"You two were broken up!"

"We were taking a break, Val!"

"Oh, big difference!"

"I'm sorry I kissed you," He said after a moment of silence. "I was confused. I never want to lose you as a friend and I'm afraid that would happen if we were ever together and broke up. I love Melissa. And I love you, Val. As a friend."

I blinked. "What the fu-" I couldn't believe it. "Get the fuck out, John!" I stood up and pointed to the door.


"Go!" I opened the door. He slowly walked out and turned around.


I fought back tears "I hate you."

"Oh come on I know you're upset, but you don't mean that."

I looked at him in the eyes "I really do, John."

He winced. I could see the hurt on his face but I ignored it and slammed the door. How does he think I feel? Far from good!

Feeling the tears threaten to fall, I forced myself up the stairs and into my room. I collapsed on the bed and wiped my tears. I tried to forget about what just happened, I took out my phone and went on twitter.

@JohnO_Lover and many others tweeted me saying things like "Awww nooo, you and John are like so perfect for each other !" and "You 2 are a match made in heaven, hehe"

That did it. I burst into tears, crying on my pillow. Wishing I never even knew John.