Don't Give Up On Us

Just A Friend...

I looked at Kennedy and Garrett, suspicion and curiosity written all over their faces.

"I didn't do anything!" I immediately called out.

Kennedy crossed his arms while Garrett began walking around me, making the shape of a circle.

"Then what did we just walk in on?" Kennedy asked.

"Yeah, Val, explain to us what we saw."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Did you two almost kiss?" Kennedy asked.

"Oh. Ow! My head is hurting, guys, I'm just gonna go lie do-"


"Alright! Fine! Yeah, I guess we almost did," Garrett's mouth opened to speak, I quickly continued "Yes I know that shouldn't have happened and it won't happen again."

Kennedy's mouth began to open "Yes, I know he's still with Melissa! Don't you think I feel bad enough, Kennedy?"

He sighed and went to the couch, Garrett followed.

"What the hell?!" I heard Kennedy call out.

I jogged to the living room. Garrett pointed to the floor and gave me a questioning look.

"What is that?"

I looked at the stain on the floor "Oh that's just-"

"Oh my god, it's on the couch too?! What kind of sexual things were you and John doing here?!"

I felt my cheeks get hot. Kennedy began to laugh.

"Nothing sexual happened! That's grape medicine!" I told them

"So what happened? Were you two rolling around in it?" Kennedy asked

Garrett burst out laughing "No wonder you two practically fell off the couch when we came in!" The room was filled with their laughter

I groaned "You guys are retarded!" I yelled and headed to my room

* * *

Sunday is the day that I take my morning jog and I'm finally feeling better. I put on my shorts, a Nike tank top, running shoes and headed downstairs when I heard a lot of noise coming from the kitchen.

I stopped at the doorway to see Kennedy, Garrett, Jared, Pat, John and Melissa sitting at the table. They all looked at me, except Melissa.

"Uh, morning everyone." I said, almost a question.

John eyed my outfit and cleared his throat. "Aren't those shorts a little too short?"

"John, honey, it shouldn't bother you. You're not her father and you're definitely not her boyfriend." Melissa told him with irritation in her voice.

I headed for the fridge to take out a water bottle. "Yeah, John, stop acting as if you're my boyfriend." I said with a smirk.

I put my water bottle in the freezer and hopped on the counter.

"How come everyone is here? Not that I don't want you all to be."

They all chuckled, except Melissa.

"We were talking about possibly doing a special tour to celebrate our new album coming out." John explained.

"So this is like a band meeting?"

"Pretty much, yeah." Jared answered.

"So then why is she here ?" I pointed my chin at Melissa.

Kennedy and Garrett smiled, holding in their laughter. John looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Don't Start, Val" His eyes said.

I rolled my eyes and fixed my ponytail.

"I'm here because I'm John's girlfriend!" Melissa said standing up from the chair.

"Well you're not a part of The Maine so your services aren't needed here." I replied getting off of the counter.

"And who are you? Are you a girlfriend? No. Are you a sister? No. You're just a friend. A lonely, sad, desperate friend who doesn't know the difference between John flirting with her and John feeling sorry for her!"

That did it. I found myself on top of her, slapping and punching her. I heard the guys telling me to stop and I could've sworn I heard Garrett telling me to mess her up.

I felt hands pulling my grip off of her hair and another set of hands getting me off of her. I looked to see Garrett, John and Kennedy holding me back. That gave her a chance to slap me in the face.

My jaw dropped. I lunged at her but John tightly held my waist while Garrett and Kennedy held her and took her to the other room. I struggled from John's grip.

"Let go of me!" I yelled.

He turned me around to face him and gripped my shoulders.

"STOP!" He yelled.

I blinked. The room was suddenly quiet.

"This isn't like you at all," His voice became soft "Please stop."

Tears of anger and sadness fell down my cheeks. He wiped the tears away with his thumb. I struggled to find the words.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

He released his grip and held me against his chest. He kissed my forehead and I sighed.

"John, this is the reason why Melissa and I fought," He looked at me with a confused expression. "Maybe she was right. I don't know the difference and you actually just feel sorry for me."

John's eyebrows connected. He gripped my shoulders again.

"Don't you ever say that again ! Do you hear me, Valarie?"

He looked at my eyes and let me go.

"We shouldn't do this anymore." I said quietly

"We shouldn't do what?"

"This, whatever we're doing. You do this thing where you draw me into the John O'Callaghan charm and I can't snap out of it. If we're going to just be friends then lets act like it."

John sighed. "I agree. And I'm very sorry for leading you on so many times. You don't make things easy for me either."

I looked at him in surprise. "Oh, I didn't know I made things hard for you."

He smirked "Yeah, you do."

"I'm very sorry then." I smiled and so did he. I closed my eyes and shook my head. "We're doing it again, John!"

He began to laugh. "We're gonna need to work on that." He said in between laughs.

"John!" Melissa's faint voice was heard.

John rolled his eyes while I sighed.

"I should go." He said, pointing to the living room.

I nodded and gave him a small wave. He half smiled and walked away.