Status: active;

Mark of the Beast


We were all destined to die.

Some will live our lives to their full extent, some will be cut short, others will be lived in misery. Some will be stolen from the arms of a mother, like the work of a thief in the night, their trembling maws called to bright angels by the forlorn sounding of trumpets.

And some will be marked.

Some will harken to the darkness and dwell in it like vicious beasts unknown to modern world. Some will sleep in a bed of sin and eat upon a platter of deception, fed lies, tasting sweeter than the first summer rain.

Those, who love not the trickery, shalt not taste the fires of Hell.

Those who love, shall burn.
♠ ♠ ♠
Welp, I'm not sure if I like this prologue, because it doesn't really tell you what the story is about just yet. But, it's not super religious, I assure you, even though it's based on Revelations. It's... more dystopian/survival, really. Think The Hunger Games + the Anti-Christ.

Comments would be cool! :D