Sequel: I'm Coming Home

In the Long Run

t h i r t e e n .

"Oh goodness! Her name is Alice." My mother told the boy. She even gave him a little shove on the shoulder.

He smiled at my mother, than at me. This entire situation was crazy.

"Oh look at that. She's blushing!" My mother gushed. I could hear Ian chuckle.

"Mom, I think we should get going." I pushed her towards check out area. I turned back to Ian, this time more composed, "Thank you for your help."

My mother stopped resisting and allowed me to lead her to the long, winding line ups. After awkward questions and a rude cashier we headed home.

"Oh, that Ian boy is adorable! You should of gotten his number." My mother said as I turned into the driveway, "Oh, but he might have a girlfriend. That's okay, I'm sure he'd dump her for you." She winked once the engine died.

"Mom. That would make me a home wrecker. I don't want to be a home wrecker. Nobody wants to be a home wrecker, let alone know one." I grabbed as many grocery bags as possible and sauntered into the house. Avoiding conversation with my mother was harder than I was hoping it would be.

"Well then, how are you gonna get a boyfriend? We don't want you to die alone."

"Thanks mom. That really raised my self-confidence." I said sarcastically.

"I'm just saying that I don't want you to end up like your great aunt Luciane."

I rolled my eyes and finished up putting away the groceries. My mom didn't say anything after than. Once we were done I made my way to the recreation room, where my brother usually spent his time.

"Jordan!" I slid open the door and entered, closing it behind me.

"Oh hey Alice!" I turned around to see Nathan.

"What the hell are you doing here? My dad's gonna kill you if he sees you in here!" I almost yelled, running up to him and covering his mouth.

He dropped the Xbox controller and struggled to get my hand off.

"Your dad already knows I'm here." She said once he got my hand off, letting it rest in his.

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whoot whoot. happy merry sunday guise.
omg i love the vancouver canucks, then the nashville predators, then the winnipeg jets, then the chicago blackhawks omgyesss. LOL, k.

can I have like uh.. how about two comments? then i'll update again. thanks guys.