The Empress of the Seas

Chapter 11

“Wasn’t that fun love?” Jack smiled, spinning me another time before pulling me close to him.

“Yes Jack it was very, very fun!” I giggled, “I have a secret.”

“Do tell,” he said with his signature smirk.

Leaning close to his ear I whispered, “I may be drunk but ye still aren’t getting lucky.” I backed away smiling.

“I would never-“

“Sure ye wouldn’t,” I raised an eyebrow and turned to skip away but stopped abruptly when I saw someone standing in front of me. “How may I help ye?” I asked, the smell of alcohol pouring out of my mouth.

“I believe we have an unfinished date,” the man said and I looked at him strangely.

“And just who are ye?”

“Does the name ‘Dark Legacy’ ring a bell?” he tilted up his head revealing a scar that ran across his neck. My mouth dropped as I turned completely sober and remembered that night in Tortuga.

“Breate… Captain? Yeah, Captain Breate… how are you? Bad scar ye got there. Sorry about that, sword slipped…” I smiled, trying to make him believe me but that never works.

“Ye thought ye killed me, but ye should know ye can’t get rid of me that easily…” His yellow teeth sparkled through his grin and his gray eyes flashed dangerously.

“Back off Breate, Emma’s with me,” Jack came up and pushed me back protectively.

“Like Emma Read would ever stoop so low,” he laughed.

“Ye would be stooping low, Mate. I didn’t get girls in every port knowing my name by just drinking rum.” He smirked and Breate glared at him.

“Yeah well we’ll meet again,” he turned to me, “I promise.” Then he walked away.

“I could’ve took him…” I muttered and kicked a rook by my foot.

“Oh of course, right when ye were about to skip away from me!” I smiled up at him before walking away. “Where do ye think ye are going?”

I sighed. “I’m not drunk anymore, just starting to get a headache,” I rubbed my temples, “ye can trust me to go home by myself.”

“Love ye don’t live here…” Looking around, I grabbed a flyer off a near by building and ripped the ink/quill that was on a table next to it for a sign up sheet. I scribbled down an address and handed it to him.

“When ye have had enough drinks, I’ll be there.” I started walking away but turned back to tell him one last thing. “And Jack,” he looked up from the paper, “No whores.”

He looked at me blankly. “What do ye mean no whores?”

“I mean that we have to stay unnoticed for a while, Captain Corus is still behind us. That’s the reason ye didn’t want to come remember? No whores means no whores; no one can no we’re here.”

Ye… ye mean… no whores?!” he looked taking aback and I smiled.

“No whores,”

“But, but,”


He rolled his eyes, “fine… Can’t I at least-”

“No!” I glared at him.

“Well then can ye at least give the captain one small kiss since I’m going to be so lonely?” he pouted.

“Like I said, ye ain’t getting lucky tonight,” I smiled then started to make my way down the road.

A cold breeze went through the streets as I continued walking. They may have been almost pitch black but I knew my way around; I could never forget. I was almost there when I heard something like a twig snapping and I turned around fast but saw nothing. Turning back around slowly, I screamed when I saw a face right in front of mine.

“Why hello Emma,”

“Breate…” I gave him a suspicious look.

“Ye still owe me something…” I laughed.

“Ye ain’t getting anything tonight Breate.” I spoke confidently but he continued to smirk.

“Yeah well now ye don’t have Sparrow to protect ye,” he took a step forward and I took one back.

“I can take ye by myself, I have before.” I smirked, looking at his scar but his smirk just got bigger.

“That ye did, but can ye take all of us?” I was about to ask what he meant when six guys stepped out from the shadows.

“Uh well nice catching up with you...” I said and went to sprint away but two of the guys grabbed me, pulling me back.

“Leaving so soon? But the party has only just begun…” I kept kicking, refusing to give up. The two guys holding me each held my arm tighter, two more guys grabbed my legs, one took my hair and the last one put a dagger to my throat making me tilt my head up. Now I would never admit that I am weak but it’s hard to get out of a situation when six guys are holding you down.

“Filthy assholes,” I spat at them when the guy with the knife glanced down my shirt.

“Ye shouldn’t talk that way to the man with a dagger to your throat.” He glared and Breate came forward.

“Now are ye gonna do this the hard way or the easy way?” I tried to move again but on of the guys yanked my hair and kicked my back. “The hard way it is…” Breate continued to smirk. Shoving me against the wall with the four guys still holding my limbs, he kissed me roughly and I bit down hard on his lip.

“Dirty wench, your gonna be a good girl now…”
“Or what?” I dared him and he grabbed the dagger one of the last two guys who were keeping watch.

“Or ye won’t live through it,” he pressed the blade to my throat and I closed my eyes. I have gone through so many things in my life but I’ve never been raped; I refused to be treated like that by any man. But now, I had no choice.

Jack’s POV

After Emma left I went back into the bar. As I stood in the doorway I actually did not feel like having a drink. I don’t know why but it felt as if I shouldn’t be here, like I was needed somewhere else. Walking back out I started walking aimlessly down the road when all of a sudden I heard someone scream, someone who sounded like Emma.

Running in the direction she left in, I looked everywhere for her. Just when I was about to give up I saw two guys standing in front of an alleyway.

“Excuse me, just passing through…” I said and went to go past them but they shoved me back.

“This is a dead end,” one of them said.

“Yeah uh it’s private property.” The other one said looking very stupid.

“Really, I’ll only be a minute…” I tried to look around them but they moved where ever I moved. I was about to walk away when I heard something break behind them. “Sorry about this mate,” I said pulling out my sword; in a few seconds they were both dead.

“What was that?” I heard Breate’s voice. “Well go look at it!” he ordered someone and a guy came out of the shadows, but I shot him too. The shot created a split second of light where I saw three guys holding Emma back while Breate kissed down her neck.

Rage filled my entire body as my eyes adjusted to the light. When I could finally see I ran up to him and pointed my pistol at his head. “I told ye to back off…” I said, my voice shaking. He stopped kissing her but he didn’t move. Emma’s eyes shot open when she heard my voice.

“Jack!” she yelled and tried to get away.

“Shut up wench!” Breate told her and hit her head so hard it hit the cold brick wall behind her, making her pass out.

My rage controlled me and I hit him with the barrel of my pistol the shot him three times. Breathing heavily I turned to the guys who were holding her back. “Ye want to die too?!” I screamed and they ran for it, tripping over the two guys guarding the alley.

Looking down at Emma I saw blood starting to come from her head. I picked her up and examined the cut, it wasn’t that deep but it needed to be cleaned. Taking the paper she gave me, I read the address: 42 Chestnut Road; it was just down the street.

Quietly I walked down the road to the house. It wasn’t that big, looked to have about three rooms but it was better then some of the other homes here. I kicked the door open and saw I table in the middle of a big room, a small kitchen in the back right next to another door, and a bed in the corner.

Placing her down on the bed, I pulled over a chair and put my head in my hands. I shouldn’t have let her go. This was my fault. Looking at her limb figure I sighed and got up, taking the cloth that was laying on the table.

All of a sudden a little boy how seemed to be about six years old ran out from the door. “Mommy!” he yelled and ran over to Emma.

My eyes widened as I whipped around, “Mommy?!”