The Empress of the Seas

Chapter 13

Crystal and I could not help but laugh when Kyle ran onto the Black Pearl so fast he almost fell off the gang plank.

“Careful!” I yelled to him. “Ye’re not on solid ground anymore!” But he wasn’t listening and continued his self tour of the ship.

Just then, Jack strolled out of him cabin, proud of his ship as always, but froze when he saw a small blur dash in front of him. Hearing us laugh, he immediately turned to me looking for an explanation.

Crystal smiled, “Looks like somebody’s in trouble…” I simply rolled my eyes and she ran off after Kyle.

“Please, Emma,” he said trying to stay calm, “Enlighten me: why did and six year old and a whore just come running onto me ship?”

“Because, Captain, I said they could.”

He laughed slightly, “And what exactly gives ye the right to invite people onto my ship?”

“The fact that I always get what I want…” I starred at his eyes, only once allowing them to dart to his lips. And he noticed.

“Well,” he cleared his throat, “Is there anything else ye might want?” He took a step toward me but I didn’t back away and let him push a strand of hair behind my ear.

“Maybe…” I was teasing him and I could tell he was having trouble holding himself back.

“And just what might that be?”

I smirked, “For to actually try to not get foolishly tricked by me.”

He blinked a few times, confused; before he noticed we were already a while out to sea. Looking back to me he glared.

“That was a dirty trick.”

“And there are many more where it came from.” Smiling, I pushed past him to find the new passengers.

“So where do we sleep?” Crystal asked after laughing what just happened. She was sitting on my bed (that I finally made out of boxes, straw, and lots of blankets) while Kyle climbed a stack of extra boxes I left in the corner.

“Here if ye want,” I told her, catching Kyle as he fell when the ship moved. “If you don’t the Captain would be happy to have ye in his room.” I rolled my eyes. She laughed as I grabbed two bottles of rum.

“It’s ok, I won’t step in on your man.” I froze.

“W-what?” I tried to keep cool but for some reason my voice cracked.

“Oh don’t give me that,” she took one of the bottles out of my hand. “Ye totally like him. Wonder what Lord Grotter will do when he finds out he darling was won over by the second pirate he hates most.”

I was just about to say how wrong she was but something hit the ship so hard Kyle and the boxes toppled over.

“I’m ok!” he yelled, crawling out and rushed behind us to the deck.

Once we got there, a smile crept over Crystals face. “Speak of the devil…”

Lord Grotter and his men were running across the gang plank, swords at the ready.

“What do I owe to this surprising visit?” Jack asked calmly, walking to the middle of the deck to Lord Grotter. Crystal, Kyle, and I followed.

“I have a deal to make with you,” he said then saw me standing there. “Emma Read, it’s been too long.” He smiled a hateful smile.

“Not as long as ye’d think,” I mumbled but he apparently didn’t hear.

“What can I help ye with?” Jack asked.

“I come to offer your freedom, a clean slate if you help us take down a pirate by the name of Captain Corus.”

I scoffed. What could he have done to make Grotter stoop so low as to asking a pirate to help him.

Jack shot a glance at me, almost as if to see my reaction, then looked back at Grotter. “That’s not my problem, mate.”

“Then today you die,” Grotter said and took out a sword. Our of no where, Kyle sprang from behind my legs, trying to balance a big sword above his head, and ran at Grotter. Once I saw him, I grabbed his shirt and pulled him back.

“Ye don’t hurt them! Ye pig faced bastard!” he cried and Crystal took him.

“Watch your mouth!” she scolded him and held him there in her arms.

“Adopted the local whore and her son? How charitable.” Lord Grotter spoke uninterestedly.

“Look,” I spoke up and he turned to face me completely. “We’ll let ye leave now because we have some important business to attend to but don’t make the mistake of trying to fight. Ye know ye can’t win anything.”

“I highly doubt that, Ms. Read.

“Oh yeah, what about little Emma Smith? Couldn’t win her either.”

“Emma…” Crystal warned but I figured it was time he knew, maybe then he would be able to get on with his pathetic life.

“How do you know of her?” he raises his voice and let his hand drop down to his sword.

“I am her ye idiot!” I heard some men gasp from his crew. “Emma Read, Emma Smith, not that hard to figure out! Why do ye think ye haven’t seen me on the seas in a few years?!”

He was silent for a few seconds, trying to think it through. “You’re lying.” He finally said, his voice softer.

“Here!” I rolled up my sleeve revealing the bracelet on my wrist. “Look familiar?! Now go before ye get killed by the one you thought you loved!”

He stared in complete shock for a moment. After that he called to his men angrily and stormed off the ship. As they sailed away I sighed. Finally, no more stupid guys trying to propose to me.

The entire crew was starring at me but only Jack was smirking.

“That was a lovely story love,” he said swaying over and dismissing everyone back to their jobs. “I never knew ye had a fan club.”

“Not anymore,” I said plainly.

“But I thought ye liked having guys at your feet. That’s definitely what it seemed like back in Port Rockford.” He stepped forward still until he was right in front of me.

“That’s different, Grotter’s just annoying.” I shook memories of his persistent questions out of my head and went to walk around Jack but he stepped in front of me again, not letting me pass.

I eyed his smirk suspiciously. I jumped to the right; he followed. I jumped to the left; he followed. “Is there any specific reason I can’t pass?”

“No,” his eyes glistened playfully. “Just want to see if ye really don’t fall for persistence or ye just really hated Grotter.”

“Both,” I said simply and took out my sword threateningly.

Jack’s smirk got bigger, if possible, but fell when he found no sword in his belt. “Where’s my sword?!” he glared at me.

I was about to say ‘How the hell am I supposed to know?’ but something clicked in my head.

“Kyle,” I turned to him as he spun the sword around on the deck. “where did ye get that sword?”

Kyle looked up happily. “Jack’s belt,” He said proudly.

I laughed out loud then turned to Jack and laughed again before turning away and walking down to the galley.