The Empress of the Seas

Chapter 19

The hit was so strong it caused half the room to turn its self upside down. Jack was at already at the door before I could stand.

“What in bloody hell is going on?!” He screamed as I raced after him. The crew was running around getting ready to fight. Some went below deck to fire the cannons.

“C-Corus.” Gibbs spat as he ran past us. I whipped my head around and saw his ship gaining on us. Wonderful.

“Turn this ship around!” Jack yelled. “We’re taking her full on!”

“Jack, are you insane?!” I turned to him. “We’re running low on gun powder as it is! And the crew’s been out in the hot sun all day! We’re in no condition to fight them!”

“Love, I am captain of this ship so this ship will follow my orders.”

“Well you’re not giving very good orders!”

“Excuse me?” he raised an eye brow and stopped himself from running of to help his crew.

“Ye heard me! Ye can’t expect your crew to try and win against Corus how they are now!”

“They will do as I say and we’re going to fight.” He glared.

I screamed in frustration, throwing my hands up in the air, and went off to look for Crystal and Kyle. I found them coming out of our room.

“Oh no ye don’t.” I said grabbing Kyle around the waist to stop him from running on deck. His small fist was clasped around a dagger.

“What’s going on?” Crystal asked, looking worried but not scared.

“Corus,” I said and put Kyle down. “And I want ye to stay down here.”

“Why?” he whined.

“Because I said so! You’re not getting hurt and-”

Princess’s loud bark and the sound of men hitting jumping onto the ship was heard over our heads. Kyle tried to run again but I pulled him back.

“No.” I scolded. “Stay, I mean it.” I said then ran above deck.

Everyone was locked in battle. Or should I say everyone in Jack’s crew was fighting at least two people. Corus had come prepared.

Princess was snapping at a man who was fighting Gibbs. In the corner of my eye I saw someone take out a gun and aim it at her. I immediately ran at him, putting my sword right through his stomach.

“Ye never shoot a princess.” I said coldly before pulling back my sword and letting him drop to the ground. And, of course, in a big battle, once they see you kill someone they come after you. Right after he fell I was met by two more guys.

I wasn’t in the mood to see Corus so I took my time with these guys. That is, until I saw a small mess of hair running through the crowd that was half the height of everyone else.

I quickly killed the guys and chased after Kyle, which was a little hard because every time I got rid of Corus’s men, more came. And these weren’t just drunks that had nothing else to do. These were trained men. Why did Corus plan this fight?

While I fought this guy who had to be at least six feet tall, I saw Kyle cutting the backs of Corus’s men’s’ legs. He was doing pretty well until three guys grouped together and went after him. Out of no where, Princess jumped on one of them to the ground and Kyle ran; but he ran right into Jack.

Jack just happened to be in the middle of a fight and Kyle made him stumble, allowing the guy he was fighting to slice his arm. After that, Jack stabbed his stomach, not watching him fall, and turned to Kyle. He was furious.

As fast as I could I sliced then men I was fighting organs and ran to them. Jack was screaming at Kyle and pulled his arm back, sword in hand. I tackled Jack to the ground, my sword at his neck. The green emeralds sparkled under the blood.

“Don’t ye ever THINK of touching him! Ye here me?” I was already annoyed that we were in this fight but now I was furious. I know I wasn’t exactly there twenty four-seven for Kyle but that didn’t mean I was one bit less of an over protective mother.

“We’re in the middle of a fucking fight with Corus, half your crew is ready to pass out, and you’re going after MY SON?! Ye really know how to get me pissed off, don’t ye? And great timing! Now what the hell are ye gonna do to get me to not kill ye right now?!”

He just looked at me, a little taken back. But there was something in his eye… I don’t know what it was but it was there. I didn’t have a lot of time to think about it though because before I could stop him, he threw my sword across the deck and his lips were on mine.

Within seconds I felt myself being picked up and thrown to the side. My head hit the deck so hard I couldn’t open my eyes. Before I blacked out I heard a gun shot and Kyle scream.