Status: One-Shot

Passion in Our Eyes

You're The One Thing

I open my eyes immediately to the sound of applause.

"Well done, Rachel!" Mr Schuester beams as he claps wildly.

"Thank you, Mr Schue, I've been working on it for months!" She skips back to her seat.

"What happened...?" I blink awkwardly, gazing around.

"You fell asleep during the second verse." Quinn leans over and whispers in my ear.

A small fire burns in my stomach as she whispers, a passionate heat flying through my body. A drape my arm over her gently, holding her close.

"Ok, that was a fantastic example of this weeks topic: Power Ballads" Mr Shue smiles as he stands before the glee club. "Pow--"

"Thank you, Mr Schue. It's one of my all-time favourites, I've been practising it for--"

"Nobody cares, Berry" Santana hisses. I glance over at her awkwardly.

"I'm sorry... I was just--"

"Oh we know what you were doing. You sing an amazing song, we applaud you, and then you go into an endless story of how amazing you are and how you're gonna be on the big stage and blah, blah..." Santana leans forward and points her finger at Rachel angrily. "Blah!"

"Hey, lay off!" Finn turns around to glare at her.

Soon enough we've got Brittany defending Santana, Rachel helping Finn, Artie protecting Brittany. Kurt and Mercedes begin laying it down, Tina disagrees, Mike agrees, they fight, Puck frowns and gets ready to join in.

"Oh my god, guys!" I shout out, suddenly overcome with range. Everybody ignores me, the intensity in the room is too powerful to break through. "SHUT UP!"

"--so damn amazing!" Santana finishes. All eyes turn to look at me, surprised by my outburst.

"We're supposed to be a team and focusing on songs for Nationals! I don't see how dissing Rachel's attitude is gonna give us a shot of winning. So everyone shut up, sit down, and let's get working on rehearsals!" I sit down angrily, shaking my head.

Confused mutters spread across the choir room as everybody takes the seats again.

"Sam, good. Nothing's ever gonna get done unless we make it. Come on. We've got this... all of us" Mr Schue smiles confidently.

"I love it when you get angry" Quinn whispers in my ear again, sending shivers down my spine.

The rest of the afternoon went swiftly. We all practised scales and got down to practising some real songs. Tina and I took the lead vocals of Don't Stop Believin' to warm up, Kurt sung a song from 'Mary Poppins', Rachel and Finn sung some sort of Duet... Quinn and I were too busy getting lose to listen to their crap.

"So cute..." Santana hisses sarcastically.

"Santana..." Mr Shue clicks his fingers at her. "Ok guys, I think that's about it... I'll see you tomorrow. Club dismissed..." He chuckles.

"Meet me in the auditorium in 5..." her sweet voice echoes throughout my head. I give a slight, nervous nod as she stands and leaves the room.

I chuckle quietly and head for the door after her.

"So, Sam..." Mr Schue calls me over casually. I glance out the door, watching her drift further and further away from me. I moan lightly to myself and rush over to Mr Schue. "So, you're gettin' on well at McKinley High, huh?" He places a hand firmly on my shoulder.

I nod awkwardly. "Uhh, yeah! It's pretty awesome..."

"You made some good friends?"

"Uhh... sure, they're ok..." I smile lightly, still glancing out the door.

"And how about Quinn, huh!?"

My eyes meet his again, heat flooding my face with embarrassment. "Uhh... yeah, we're, um--"

He shakes his head, laughing at me. "Don't worry, Sam".

I wonder if this is the end of conversation. I open my mouth ready to say "See ya later, Mr Schue..."

"Yeah I remember when I was in High School..." He sighs contently. Crap. "Me and Terri... we were the 'hot' couple. You know? The ones that were always together, never really split up" He chuckles, looking up at the ceiling. "Anyways, I got work to al grado."

I frown at the Spanish, "Uhh..."

"To grade" he pats my shoulder. "See you tomorrow, buddy."

I nod at him, smiling. "See ya, Mr Schue."

I leave the choir room casually, then pick up the pace when I'm outside. I power walk through the hallways, desperate to see my baby girl. I push people out of the way absent-mindedly, eager to get there fast.

"Hello, lady lips." An arm cuts me off. Coach Sylvester. "I hear you've been pushin' up on my head cheerleader...?"

"Uhh... I'm sorry?" I ask, confused like hell.

"Well listen here, lemon juice. Fabray is my star performer. And I won't let anything, ANYTHING" she points a finger at me, making me jump. "ruin my chances of winning that trophy. And, please, cut those greasy, vile locks of yours because a boy with hair that length literally makes me hurl,"

Before I can reply she's turned and stormed down the hallway.

"Eat it, Goldilocks!" Little Becky yells before, too, turning and storming off much like Coach Sylvester.

I stand blinking for a few seconds. Before being greeted by a weird curly-haired dude with glasses.

"Oh my gosh, that was terrifying! Mr Evans, can you please express your feelings right now?" He hoists the microphone up to my face.

"What? No, Jacob!" I frown, shaking my head before walking away.

"You're not a friend of journalists Sam Evans!" He shouts after me.

I scoff, shaking my head confused. Picking up the pace again as I make my way to the auditorium.

"Hi!" Kurt hops in front of me with a beaming face.

"Ohhh" I close my eyes, moaning, before smiling casually. "Hey, Kurt!"

"Can I just say? That sweater is absolutely gorgeous, really brings out the hair dye. Hey! Can you please do your Sean Connery impression? Please!" He chuckles excitedly.

"Ohh, Kurt..." I shake my head, before looking at his excited face. Putting on my best Connery voice I impersonate Indiana Jones, Sr. "This is intolerable!"

He bursts out in fits of laughter, clapping his hand. "Brilliant! Absolutely devine! Well, I don't want to keep you, please continue!" He skips away into the busy crowd.

I laugh slightly, shaking my head, before continuing what seems to have become a quest to see my girlfriend. I almost run through the corridors, the door to the auditorium just ahead, I can see it. A sudden cold sensation splashes over my face. My eyes sting and raspberry goes down my throat, making me cough.

"Have a drink, freak!" A jock says, walking away holding an empty slushy container.

"Oh my god..." I stand there, surrounded by laughter. I quickly regain my mobility and throw myself into the auditorium, closing the door behind me and leaning against it. "Crap, not the sweater!" I look down quickly and see a red splash on my sweater. I let out a loud, disappointed moan.

"You sure took your time..." Quinn's voice flies down from the stage. A beautiful blonde queen walks out from the wings. "What happened?" She asks, making her way down the steps.

"Jock." I shake my head. "I just got this sweater..."

She chuckles lightly. Slushy's don't mean anything to he anymore. I'm still getting used to them.

"Come here" she mutters, pulling out a make-up wipe from her purse. She cleans my face, getting rid of the horrible red mess. "There's not much I can do about that..." She indicates to the sweater. "You could just... take it off?" She giggles, turning away and heading towards the stage.

I raise an eyebrow, confused. I follow after her, trailing behind at a distance. "Thank you," I call out.

"Don't mention it," she ascends the steps and walks over to the piano.

I make my way up the steps and follow her over, leaning on the black piano. She plays a chord and the vibrations run through the palm of my hands. I chuckle slightly as it tickles.

"Aww, look at Sammy's little giggle..." she mocks me.

I smile nervously. "Leave me alone"

"Aww, look at Sammy's blush..." She giggles.

I shake my head, making my way over to her. I perch on the piano bench next to her, tickling her ribs.

"SAM!" She pulls away laughing but I don't let go. She's loving it. Her laughter fills the room. I eventually stop to let her breathe out.

"What's wrong?" I ask mockingly, receiving a sharp elbow to the stomach. "Ow-how!" I chuckle, rubbing the pain.

"Listen..." She calmly plays a chord, then a next one. "recognise this?" She repeats the chords again and again.

"Sort of..." I listen intently to the music, but cannot think of the lyrics.

"I've" she sings, playing the first chord.

"Had" I sing, smiling now that I get it as she plays the second.

"The time of my life" we sing together at the third.

"And I've never felt this way before. Yes I swear, It's the truth. And I owe it all to you..." We sing together in harmony. She giggles lightly.

"I miss sectionals," she smiles, looking into my eyes as mine burn into hers. I lean in to kiss her but she plays the next chord.

"I've been waiting for so long, now I've finally found someone to stand by me..." She sings.

"That's my line!" I chuckle, she smiles before giving me a serious look. "We saw the writing on wall as we felt this magical fantasy," I continue.

"Now with passion in our eyes, there's no way we could disguise it secretly..." We sing together. "So we take each other's hand--" I feel the need to be cheesy and grab her free hand with mine. She stops singing.

"'cos we seem to understand the urgency." I sing, smiling as I look into her eyes. she forgets to play the next chord, and when she does it's completely out of tune. She leans towards me slightly, as I do the same. I lips meet softly and her hand clasp onto my body.

I stroke a hand through her hair as the kiss becomes more intense, tongues slowly getting involved.

"Okay, you can stop now. Congratulations, you got the part!" A voice calls out from the audience.

Our eyes open at exactly the same time, we stay frozen with fear and embarrassment. Quinn sticks her head out slowly to glance into the auditorium.

"Brittany!?" She exclaims. I chuckle, before turning to face her casually. "What are you doing in here?"

"It's the auditions today... for my show..." She frowns at us as if we should have known. "I posted it on my website..."

"Brittany, no one watches Fondue-for-two..." Quinn shakes her head.

"Well, you guys are here, aren't you? That was really good, I liked the romantic vibes between the two of you..."

"That's because--" I stop short, closing my lips, walking to the edge of the stage. "Brittany, we--"

"Great, so rehearsals start next Thursday. Be here as school finishes or you will be taken off the cast list," she shrugs. "Sorry, but in show business you have to be strict."

"Wait... Britt!" We both call out.

Quinn starts laughing uncontrollably, we're both extremely confused.

"Oh my god... Britt, what the hell are you even trying to do!?" I call out as she opens the door.

"I'm doing a re-make of 'Catz'..." she frowns at us.

Quinn and I share an amusing snigger with each other.

"But, Britt 'Catz' doesn't have--"

"Don't worry. None of you have the lead role, so it's not too much pressure. I've saved it for Lord Tubbington,"