Dream On

What do We Know?

After God knows how many hours of driving, we arrived at Bobby’s. Deep down I knew bringing Caleb into this could potentially ruin his life, but something is telling me that this could potentially be good for him too. I can’t protect him from this life forever.

“Wow, I haven’t seen Bobby in years.” I stated as Jacqueline killed the engine to her Camero and we got out of the car. Seconds later, Dean, Sam and Caleb pulled up behind us in the Impala. Caleb got out of the car and instantly ran over to me, wrapping his arms around my torso. “What did you guys do to my kid?”

“Nothing.” Dean scoffed. “We didn’t tell him stories of our travels or anything.” I just rolled my eyes, knowing that’s exactly what they did. “Hey, he asked.”

“You’re staying up with him if he has nightmares tonight.” I sternly told Dean.

“You’re a Dream Walker, you can cure his nightmares before they even happen.” He pointed out. I just smirked before walking up to him.

“But it’s so much better to see you squirm.” I whispered in his ear before pulling away with a smirk on my face. A smirked formed on his lips too before he pushed pasted me and started heading into Bobby’s.

“It’s good to have you back.” Sammy said before following his brother into the elder hunter’s house. Jacqueline looked at me before walking over with Caleb behind her.

“I know that look.” She smirked as she leaned up against the Impala. “That’s your ‘I’m in love with Dean’ look.” I just rolled my eyes before getting up and started towards the house. Once inside, I was greeted with a hug from Bobby.

“Look what the iigits drug in.” He laughed once he released me. “I was beginning to think I’d never see your mouthy self again.”

“I kinda got drug back into this.” I shrugged just as Jacqueline and Caleb walked into the house. Bobby’s eyes widened at the sight of my son. “And now you know why I’ve been MIA for the last couple years.”

“Caleb, how about we go get the shit from your aunt’s car.” Dean said quickly before dragging his son out the door, just as the creature in the basement started screaming. I looked at Bobby with a raised eyebrow. He just sighed before he went downstairs followed by Sam and Jacqueline. I sighed before going outside, not wanting to deal with any of this shit. Once I was outside, I saw Dean showing Caleb how to load a shotgun. I rolled my eyes before clearing my throat as I got closer.

“You’re not showing our son how to load a shotgun are you?” I asked with a chuckle. Dean looked up at me with a smirk on his perfect lips. “He’s ten Dean.”

“We knew how to load and fire a shot gun when we were that age.” He countered.

“Look who our fathers were though.” I pointed out. “Your dad was obsessed with hunting and my dad was just as crazy.” He just sighed, which caused the chain reaction. I knew I hit a nerve when it came to his dad. “Look I’m sorry.”

“No need to be.” He quickly said. “This just proves, I’m going to turn out just like my father.” He yelled, causing Caleb and myself to flinch. “This is the reason why I stayed away.”

“Caleb, go inside.” I ordered my son. He was about to open his mouth to protest but I quickly cut him off. “I said go inside.” He sighed in defeat before walking back into the house. “You were seriously afraid you’d turn into your father? I’m sorry Dean but no one could ever be as obsessed with hunting like your father was. You’re better than your dad. You at least had good intentions.”

“You’ll never change huh?” He chuckled. “You’ll always see the bright side of things.”

“You got to have hope in this world, despite seeing all the bad that could happen.” I shrugged. “I thought I could shelter Caleb from all the bad in the world, but I think our dads had it right. You can’t sugarcoat things. But I’m not going to go as far as giving our kid a gun to protect him from the things that go pump in the night.” Dean laughed before wrapping his arms around my waist. “Well we kill whatever we’re after, Caleb and I are going back home.” I told him after a couple minutes of silence. It killed me to say it, especially looking at the hurt look in Dean’s eyes. “I still can’t raise him like how we were raised. That’s one promise, I’m going to keep.”

“I don’t blame you.” He muttered before pulling me close then kissing my temple. There was something else bothering Dean. I could just tell. That’ll be another thing I have to deal with along with my sister possibly seeing Lucifer in the fridge…