Not Acting Anymore

Not Acting Anyomre

“Wait!” A hand caught a hold on my wrist, turning me around so our faces met. Forest green eyes met his with water glazing over, like a full cup ready to spill. Every single feature about him just made my heart ache even more. The curve of his jaw, those almond shaped eyes, and smooth lips I better than the back of my hand.

Distressed, I could only freeze under his words, and a haunting chill arose when he touched my cheek just barely, following the trail a tear had left.

“Please do not cry Mademoiselle,” He begged, letting his hand fall to my collar bone “you’re more alive when you smile, and when you smile... you are extravagant.”

He leaned down and kissed my head “I love you, my beautiful Rose.”

Casting weary eyes upon him, cupping his cheek, caressing the baby’s smooth skin with my thumb.

“As do I, my reckless Donovan...” Our faces became closer, drawing eyes shut. I could feel his warm breath against my tingling lips, I whispered to him “as do I.”

“Bravo!” An eruption of claps sounded from the audience of classmates, some ‘whoops of encouragement rang as well.

We dropped our hands from each other and stepped away from what could have been a steamy scene a few seconds later. Gripping each others hands we bowed as we would for a serious event. Beck flashed me a smile and I returned it with a wink.

“Very well done you two!” Mr. Sikowitz applauded as he made his way to the stage, he wrapped his arms around Beck and mines shoulders “You both have brought ‘The Mantra of Rosette’ to a new light!”

We thanked him and I walked over to my seat right next to my friend, Tori Vega. When I sat down, we did our traditional fist bump and she whispered, “You were on fire up there!”

“Mucho thankies,” I replied then glanced around the room. Other than the sea of impressed faces, I caught Jade glaring daggers at me.

“How long has that been going on?”

She gave me a pity smile, and patted my shoulder “The moment you entered this school.”

I shoved her playfully and we refocused ourselves to the front of class to our Improv teacher.

“Now that all of you are done with your snippets of plays I think I am going to assign I new project.”

If you were to hear this in any other class like magical math or spontaneous science the class would groan but Sikowitz’ class was the greatest. Sure he was a little off and a little coo-coo but he did teach us the greatest things in ways that are exciting and uplifting.

“Since you all did so well with your partners, I will allow you to use them again for this assignment.”

My heart literally stopped its pace when I heard that. ‘I get to work with Beck again?!’ I thought excited. Keeping the smile of my face so that Jade wouldn’t kill me was hard to do. I peaked at the two in the corner and saw the fuming Jade practically having steam coming out of her ears.

Tori nudged me and I gave her a ‘quit it’ look. Other than Andre and Tori, no one knew about my somewhat huge crush on the tall, dark, and handsome Beck Oliver. I couldn’t tell anyone else because I really liked living. One whisper to Jade and that could easily be taken away from me. It was a blessing that we had been paired so many times. He and I just clicked when we were acting.

“So this time, you and your partners will choose a word from-” He pulled out a black top hat with frills of paper sticking out, “this hat. And whatever word is on your paper, you must choose a scene to perform. But you all must plan it in a matter of seconds for you all will start immediately once you get it.”

“Thank god I have Cat!” Tori sighed “She is the greatest at improv!”

Beck was smiling the whole time and sent me a wink almost sending a mental message ‘we got this.’ Jade saw this and pushed his arm off her shoulders and sat a seat away from him. He rolled his eyes and I shot him a sympathetic look.

Tori and Cat were called and chose ‘crazy’. Tori acted out a deranged old woman who thought everything was dark and gloomy while Cat was her blind daughter who hugged everything. The class laughed and laughed, and Sikowitz gave them his approval.

Jade and Andre received ‘happy’, so they decided to go with two friends who loved to eat ice cream and had gone to the beach. It was so revolutionary how Jade could go from angry to a small child to a tragic mess within seconds. But I guess that’s what acting was all about.

More and more people passed when finally our names were called. I pushed my hand through the millions of papers and gripped tightly on one. Pulling it up, I read it and my jaw dropped. Why... why would he put this word in?!

“Ah!” Sikowitz clapped excited “I was hoping you two would get the ‘passion’ card!”

“What?” Jade growled

I looked to Beck frantic. His face was completely composed and he flashed me a smile that made a small blush arise.

He shrugged “We gotta do what we gotta do.”

He saw my eyes glance at Jade again but a hand gripped my cheek, bringing me back to his loving face “Don’t worry, it’s just acting right?”

I saw it in his light and swallowed it all down, nodding “Right.”

“And please start!”

It was all so sudden how it all played but I instantly wrapped my arms around Becks torso, pressing my ear to his beating chest. The soft hum was maybe the most soothing thing I’ve ever heard. His hands gripped the sides of my face, making my eyes connect with his.

“I can’t stand it any longer...” He growled, the lust dripped heavily from his words “I need you.”

His lips attached them to the crook of my neck, sucking lightly but I could feel the push of his tongue. I groaned, actually enjoying it rather than portraying a character. But I felt something was missing. Drama.

“Stop...” I whispered, my hands tried to push him away “not here... please...”

“Why so I can just have every single one of those guys marvel at the most beautiful woman in the world?” He asked, I resisted the urge to yelp as he nipped the soft flesh. “When I could just claim her right now?”

He gazed into me and caressed my back; a love driven look donned him. It almost looked real.

“And I wouldn’t want anyone to steal the world’s most desirable man in school.” I inwardly smirked and pressed my lips to his. He wasn’t surprised and began craning his neck to make things deeper. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he picked me up. He wound my legs around his waist and I felt my back meet the cold surface suddenly.

Gasps rang and some shouts, ignoring them, I focused my all on Beck. Lips moved heatedly on each others, I felt his teeth tug greedily on my lower lip. It was a known rule that you were never to use tongue when acting a make-out scene. Any good actress would cut the scene right now.

But who said I was a good actress?

He explored my mouth from top to bottom, feeling every nook and cranny. My own began to wrestle his in child’s play. Things were starting to get hot and heavy when I felt Beck tug at my shirt.

“CUT!” Beck’s soft lips were ripped from mine and I sat up from the desk in puzzle. Jade had him by the back of his jacket and was already yelling at him

“What the heck is your problem?” Beck asked the mad Jade, starting to loose his cool.

“MY PROBLEM!” She yelled, flinging her finger at me “You were just about to rip the clothes off her skimpy, little chest!”

A pang went to my chest and it crossed my face. “It was only acting Jade!” I yelled

“Oh please do you think I’m blind?!” Jade gripped the front of my shirt, seething “I know you have a thing for my boyfriend- NO ONE STEALS MY BOYFRIEND!”

“Then we won’t have a problem,”

Everybody gasped, Jade and I looked at him with wide eye. She dropped her hands and walked to him “What?”

“I’m breaking up with you.” Beck stated, passing to me “I just started to realize there’s something better.”

Jade didn’t know what to do. She stepped aside, letting Beck walk in front of me, he placed his hands on either side of my face.

“Now... where were we?”

I hesitated then saw Jades hurt eyes raging. I smirked and whispered “I’m not sure we are acting anymore.”

Beck chuckled lowly “Babe, I never was.” and pressed his lips to mine.