Sequel: Untitled Bam Margera

Wait...Bam Margera is my Father?!

Food Fight and Slapping

“Naomi, I didn’t mean to sound demanding but I just want you to be able to be a kid, and not have to grow up so soon,” He said.

“I’m used to doing this and I’ve already grown up. I have no time for being a kid,” I said.

“Then we will have to make you back into a kid,” He said.

“That sounded really jacked up,” Kat said from behind me.

“It did. I have a question. How do you guys know each other?” Bam asked.

“Kat is the only ones I trust to give me my tattoos,” I said.

“You have tattoos?” he asked sounding shocked.

“Yeah. You just can’t really see any of them now. I have a phoenix that wraps around my leg. I have two Chinese characters on my neck that means truth and trust. The rest of them are my own art. Total I think I have almost 20 tattoos,” I said.

“Damn, anything else like that I need to know about?” he asked.

“I have snakebites, 4 piercings on each ear, a belly button ring and a nose ring.” I said.

“Wow, Ville will like you,” He said.

“I FOUND FOOD!” I heard Novak shout from upstairs.

“Lets go eat before there nothing left,” Bam said.

I ran up to the table and sat down at the table. With in two minutes all of the CKY crew, HIM, Bam’s parents and Kit Kat were at the table.

We started eating and everything was peaceful until I saw Novak fling food.

I walked over to him.

“I cooked this meal. Eat it, don’t fucking fling it asshole,” I said while towering over him.

Him threw some at me and that just pissed me off.
I slapped him and it wasn’t a weak bitch slap. He had a huge mark on his face.

“Now is anybody else going to throw food?” I asked.

Nobody said anything.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here is the update that I have been working on.
I ran out of updates and I had to write a couple, sorry for no updates for a week.
I'm truely sorry and if their are spelling and/or grammar mistakes then i apoligise because i didnt have time to send this to my co-writerish person.