Sequel: Untitled Bam Margera

Wait...Bam Margera is my Father?!

Ferret Freedom

Recap: “I will never do that to you,” I heard him whispering in my ear like he used to do.

A single tear ran down my face as the song ended, the emotion getting too much. I quickly brushed away with my hand and looked over at Skylar, who was smiling at me. We drew our attention to the stage and at the hot guys upon it.

“Wooooo!”, Skylar and I applauded at Avenged Sevenfold

“So, did you like your private little show, girls?” Brian asked

“Hell yeah we did, thank you so much for coming.”

“OI! What about me?!” Bam demanded.

Skylar and I giggled, “Oh yes, uh thank you too Bam.”

The band started to pack their stuff off the stage when Dunn came running out of the castle towards us. He stopped in front of me and panted.

“Naomi.....Wil… Nick….gone,” Dunn spluttered out.

“WHAT?! What the hell did you do?!” I demanded.

“Wait a minute, who are Wil and Nick?” Johnny asked, clearly listening into our conversation.

“Her ferrets. Don’t blame me, Novak let them out,” Dunn caught his breath at long last.

My eyes narrowed, “The bitch, he will die.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll find them, won’t we guys,” Skylar came next to me and out her hand on my shoulder whilst everyone else nodded.

We all ran to the castle and began searching for the missing ferrets. Avenged Sevenfold went upstairs to look and Skylar, Bam and Dunn went looking around the downstairs area. I, however, had a bone to pick with Novak. I went into the kitchen and found my husky, Syn and April, making some food.

“Ape, have you seen Novak?”

“No, I haven’t, why? What’s he done now?”

I giggled, “He let out my ferrets and now we can’t find them......”


Curses and screaming echoed down from upstairs, which caused Syn to bark. We both ran upstairs into my room to find Jimmy throwing his drumsticks on the floor and hopping around the room. Syn began sniffing around my bed, the dog that is, as the rest of the band were in hysterics.

“Get them out of my fucking pants!! It’s not even funny anymore,” Jimmy squealed.

“Hold on a minute, Wil and Nick are IN your pants?!”I giggled out.

“No, I’m just doing this for the good of my health! PLEASE get them out now, they’re heading towards my valubles,” Jimmy whimpered out the last part, causing the guys to roar back into laughter.

Trying to be of use, I coaxed Nick and Wil to come out of the end of Jimmy’s jeans, after which, he fell on the floor. I grabbed Wil and Nick before they ran away again

“Well YOU guys were no help!” He shouted, pointing at the band. Jimmy picked up his drumsticks and walked out of my room, the rest of the band followed him downstairs. Rolling my eyes, I carried the ferrets down with me and put them in their cage.

“SYN! Come here Syn!” I yelled upstairs.

“What the fuck? I’m right here,”Brian said, looking confused.

“Not you, my dog,” And right on cue, Syn came bounding down the stairs, colliding with the human Syn. Being the idiot that he is, Syn began licking Brian’s face and all I could do is giggle more.

“Brian! We gotta go to the venue now, we’re already late as it is,” Matt yelled from the van.

“Right, I’m coming,” Brian heaved Syn off the floor and towered above me. He tusselled my hair and smiled, “See ya around Naomi.”

I waved as Brian got into the big black van and closed the door. The engine roared into life and sped off down the drive of the castle. Skylar, Bam and Dunn walked out of the castle and stood with me.

“So I take it you found Wil and Nick,” Dunn asked.

I nodded, “Ya know, I never got Novak back for letting them out of the cage.”

Skylar stifled her giggles and Bam stepped in, “Follow me.”

We walked round to the side of the castle to a tree, where Novak was receiving the most ultimate wedgie ever, hanging from the branch of the tree. As soon as I saw him , I burst out laughing, again. April wandered to where we were standing and screamed in horror.

“BAM! Get him down, that’s gotta hurt.”

“No shit, my balls are been squished into nothingness, now GET ME DOWN!”

Bam and Dunn got him down from the tree and we all walked back round to the castle, where we could finally get some food.
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thank you so fucking much!!!

she is one of the AWESOMEST people ever!!!
PS: I shall eat them both if u dont comment!!!
~Mr. Comment Monster (i so almost put cookie monster!)