Sequel: Untitled Bam Margera

Wait...Bam Margera is my Father?!

Lonely English

As soon as the door slammed, I banged on the door, screaming obscenities at anyone who would hear me. Riley was going to get a fucking smack if it was the last thing I would do. Skylar was pacing around the room quietly, and I knew fully well she was pissed off too, because she is NEVER this quiet. After about 10 minutes of constant yelling, my voice began to tire and this obviously wasn’t getting me anywhere, so I sat on the floor.

“Niles?” Skylar mumbled, “What exactly did that asshole do? In English if you don’t mind.”

I smiled weakly and looked up, the anger fading from my eyes.

“The bastard hit on me when we were in the Lambo and put his fucking hand on my leg, the slimy git.”

Skylar’s eyes widened.

“What the fuck?! Oh he is so going to die!”

“Not before I get my hands on him,” my anger returned just as the door opened.

Bam walked in, looking not in the best of moods I might add.

“Naomi, can I talk to you?” he growled and glared at Skylar, “On your own.”

Skylar took the hint and stormed out of the room, slamming the door on her way out.

“What the fuck do you want?” I shouted at Bam.

“You scared that kid shitless! Tony is gonna kick the crap outta me! What the fuck did you do to him?!”

“Only what any ordinary person would do when some random twat comes along and starts to hit on them! He doesn’t even know me, and he still manages to treat me like shit! And once again, my so-called “father”, only cares about himself and not his own fucking daughter!”

“It’s not my fault you’ve got issues with anything that moves!” he spat at me.

My teeth clenched, Bam had totally crossed the line.

“How fucking dare you! You don’t know a single fucking thing about me! You don’t know any of the shit I’ve been through in my life!”

“Well that’s not my fault…”

“Well nothing ever seems to be your fucking fault now does it! You’re a pathetic excuse for a father to say the least, I’ve never seen you until a few fucking months ago and my life has never been worse! I wish I was dead so I could be with the only person I truly love!”

Bam’s face turned pale at this comment, clearly speechless.

I carried on, “You’re a brainless, drunken bastard. You’ve been a stranger to me my whole fucking life and now that you’re in it, I can’t wait to get rid of you!”

At this moment, my face reached up to his, even though Bam is a few good inches taller than me. I could feel the fear pouring off his face and yet anger still dominated his eyes.

“I NEVER want to see you again!” I screamed and burst out of the bedroom door.

Bam turned and grabbed my arm.
“You’re not going anywhere, you little bitch!”

I spun around and my fist collided with Bam’s face, causing his lip to bleed.

“Don’t you dare tell me what to fucking well do!”

I fled down the stairs when Skylar came running up to me from the living room. I grabbed her hand and spoke very clearly.

“We have to leave now.”

She nodded and her grip tightened on my hand. I wrenched the front door open and we sped out of the castle and out of the grounds. We seemed to be running for forever, with no idea of where we were going. I don’t really give a fuck where we go, just as long we’re nowhere near him.
♠ ♠ ♠
this is written by Evelyn Way
sry for the lack of updates but my comp wont connect to the internet
so here it is!!!!!


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