Sequel: Untitled Bam Margera

Wait...Bam Margera is my Father?!

Restraunts and Traitors

“Have you tried in the restaurant over there?” Skylar asked pointing to a burger joint across the road.

“Not yet, but there’s one I spotted that was one of those open ones where we could grab food and run,” I told her.

We had been living on the streets for a couple days now. And yes we had had to resort to stealing food. We found an abandoned barn that we were sleeping in. Everything had been going great until Bam had started putting the guys out to look for us. Dunn had almost caught us a couple times. Novak spotted us once and had to chase us but we lost him. Everyday more posters were being put up and people were starting to notice us. We had to wear black hoodies so people wouldn’t recognize us. I know we had to stink horribly since we hadn’t had showers in almost a week.

“I don’t get why you can’t just go settle things with Bam and we can’t be a big happy family again,” Skylar said.

“You can go back but don’t ever expect to see me again. I’m not going back there to Bam,” I said.

“Whatever, lets just go get something to eat. You can go to the open restaurant and I can go to a drive thru and grab somebody’s bag of food as they get it handed to them,” She said while looking like she was thinking something completely different.

“Fine with me, lets meet at the barn in 2 hours,” I told her.

We both went our separate ways. On the way to the restaurant I saw Rabb but thankfully he didn’t see me.

Once I got to the restaurant there was food on one of the tables close to the fence that hadn’t been picked up yet. I hopped over the fence when nobody was looking and sat down. I started eating the spaghetti that was left over.

“Now I know that the people who sat here are gone.” I heard a voice say from behind me.

I turned around to see a boy my age.

“Just let me eat the rest of this,” I asked him.

“If you come around to the back I can give you some food that’s not scraps,” he said.

“Fine with me, I’ll take any food I can get,” I said.

I followed him to the back.

“Wait here,” he said once we had gone to the back of the restaurant.

After a couple of minutes he came back with a plate full of food.

“I have to go back to work now. Enjoy the food,” he said and went back inside.

I ate everything within a matter of minutes. I sat the plate right to the left of the door and started walking back to the barn. I was about an hour early. I opened the door and walked inside.

Suddenly the guys popped out of the shadows and started running towards me.

“GET HER!” I heard bam shout.

I turned around to run back out the door only to find that the door was now locked. I turned back around to find Dunn right in front of me. I kneed him where the sun doesn’t shine. Dico was next. I elbowed him in the rib cage and punched him in the jaw. Person after person fell to the floor. Once they were down they didn’t get back up.

“Naomi just stop it. All I want is for you to come back home,” Bam said.

He was standing at the very back of the barn.

“How did you know where I was?” I asked him.

“I’m sorry Naomi. I had to; it wasn’t the place for us out on the streets. We have a better life now. We don’t have to live on the streets again,” she said.

I felt someone come up from behind me and pin my hands behind my back. I struggled but the person just tightened their grip. After getting worn out from struggling I finally gave in.

“Fine I’ll come back but don’t you ever make me see that jackass ever again,” I said in a low voice.

“Let her go,” Bam said to who ever was behind me.

I turned around to see Mike Valleley.

“I see he sent one of his strongest skateboarding idiot friends to do the easy job, nice Bam. Good job of only looking out for yourself once again,” I said with venom dripping from every word.
♠ ♠ ♠
only 2 more chapters and its the end of this story
but dont unsicribe because i will post a sequel
and let me tell ya its got tons of awesome susprises!!!
so stay tuned!!!

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and I mean it!!!!!!
-Mr. Comment Monster