Sequel: Untitled Bam Margera

Wait...Bam Margera is my Father?!

Notes and Hobbits

Nobody had come up. It was almost midnight. It was time to go.

I wrote Skylar a note:

Dear Sky,
Tell them not to come looking for me. I'm going back to what’s left of the kingdom. I will be safe there. He told me that he would be waiting for me when I came back. That is my place. You belong here. I belong there. Make sure that somebody takes care of my animals. Good bye my friend.
Fuck Sincerely,

I tapped it next to my favorite my chemical romance poster. I grabbed my bag and went over to the window. I saw nobody outside. I threw my bag onto the ground and jumped out the window.

It was a far jump but I knew how to land without breaking or spraining anything. I looked around and saw that nobody had heard anything. If they did then they hadn’t come out to check on anything.

I ran out to the hobbit hole. There was no way that I was going to be able to walk across 7 states to Texas. I grabbed the keys to one of the quads. There were two gas tanks hanging on the far wall. I grabbed both. They were completely full. I strapped them onto the quad and grabbed the keys. Nobody came out to check or anything after I started it up. I knew exactly where I was going. And I bet you thought I was dumb enough to just go without a map or some shit.

All I have to say is thank god for
♠ ♠ ♠
i sooooooooooo just got 1st in a dressage competition
and then i got 2nd in jumping!!!!!
i am sooooooo happy
so now i hve a bunch more ribbons
cause i got 2 gos at the dressage and i got 1st and 2nd
then at jumping i got 3 gos and i got 2nd, 3rd and 4th
the last one i sooooooooo messed up on
i went for another jump when i was supposed to circle the jump :(
so this is the LAST chapter........