Sequel: Untitled Bam Margera

Wait...Bam Margera is my Father?!

Damned and Deals

Another night, another concert

That’s all it was anymore. Unpack all the equipment, play a show, pack the equipment back up and worry about my two boys back home, I was tired of all of it. If I didn’t need the money so badly then I wouldn’t even be in the stupid band. But I had to have money to support my two boys. They were everything to me and I couldn’t let them go.

“Hey Zoe, come here!” I heard the lead guitarist shout.

They only know me by Zoe not Naomi. I had to change my name so Bam couldn’t find me. Nobody associated with Bam had been able to track me down yet. That was what I wanted.

I walked back to where my band mates were.

“And this is our other lead singer Zoe,” the other singer, Samantha, said.

I saw who she was talking to. I froze where I was standing. I saw the last person I wanted to see standing there. It was Bam.

I had dyed my hair black and light blue. He couldn’t recognize me by my hair but once I took off my stage makeup he definitely would notice that I looked a lot like his daughter that just happened to run away. I was screwed.

“Nice singing out there,” Bam said.

“Thanks, so what are you doing here?” I asked trying not to speak that much incase he caught my voice.

“Well, I heard a lot about you guys so I decided to come see if it was true,” he responded, “I have someone I want you to meet.”

He dragged me over to some guy. When I looked at his face I saw none other than Ryan Dunn.

“Dunn meet Zoe. Zoe meet Dunn,” he said.

He stood there for some odd reason. There was an awkward silence as Dunn looked at me. I knew that he knew who I was. He was the only one smart enough to realize it.
Bam’s phone rang suddenly. Bam answered his very expensive phone and walked off.

“So nobodies recognized you yet Naomi?” Dunn asked.

“What the hell do you want?” I asked him with a very serious look on my face.

I didn’t need anybody coming and messing up anything right now.

“I want you to come back home,” he said.

“Would you tell anybody if I promised you that I would come back in a year maximum?” I asked.

“Fine you have a year and then I will so bust your ass. If you don’t show back up then I will hunt you down. You have no idea how much Bam has been affected by you running away,” he said being serious for once in his life.

“He seemed fine a minute ago,” I said and walked off.

I went over by the leader of our band.

“I quit the band. Give my crap and paycheck to Ryan Dunn,” I said before I walked off to find a greyhound buss.
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this is what leads to the sequel which i hve sooooo yet to post
but it will be posted before the summer is over
so i hope u enjoy the setup well at least part of it.......
theres another random chapter that i will posting later this week
and man a wendys ice cream comercial just came on
it lookzz soooooooo good
but i ate all of the icecream earlier :(