Sequel: Untitled Bam Margera

Wait...Bam Margera is my Father?!

Bitch on crack

“You are fucking dead you god damned assholes!” I yelled. Nobody ever even touched my drum sticks and now they were broken in pieces.

They ran behind the couch. They were trapped. I felt a pair of arms grab me and pin my arms to my sides. The twins saw their chance and took off up the stairs. I shook off whoever was holding me and bolted up the stairs. I saw heard their feet pounding up the stairs. They were going to try and lock themselves in their room. I bolted up the stairs to see that they had climbed out the window. I ran back down the stairs only to be stopped by Bam tackling me and slamming me into the stairs.

“Get the fuck off me!” I shouted at him.

“Then freaking calm down and stop acting like a bitch on crack!” Bam yelled right back at my face.

He dragged me out to the hummer, shoved me in and locked the doors.

“I will not let you out until you calm down,” He said.

“Keep them out of my sight. Now let me go pack my shit up,” I told him.

“Hey guys come here. I need you to make sure she stays in the hummer until I come back,” He told them. They all nodded their heads in understanding.

I didn’t even try to get out even though it would have been the easiest thing in the world. The guys were tackling each other for no reason. I started cracking up as Rake tackled Dunn and pushed his head into the dirt. Bam came back out and shook his head at the guys. He opened up the door but made sure I couldn’t get out.

“Here’s the deal, you go in pack up your stuff and we leave. The dumbass twins are gone so you can’t do anything to them,” He said.

“Okay,” I said.

I went and packed up my stuff.

“Hey Dunn tell Bam I went to the bathroom if he asks,” I said to Dunn.

“Sure,” He said with a bored look on his face.

I went up stairs but not to the bathroom. I walked into the twin’s room and looked for something I could destroy. I saw their autographed baseballs and knew that those balls meant everything to them. I saw a pair of scissors and picked them up. I stabbed the baseballs over and over. All of my anger was focused on destroying them. After they were shredded I put a baseball on each of their beds. I laughed to myself and was satisfied. I walked back down stairs to see Dunn trying to pick up my duffel bag that had all of my CD’s in it.

“What the fuck is in here?” he asked.

“All of my CD’s and magazines. Don’t drop it else you will be buying me all new CD’s,” I told him.

I grabbed another suite case and took it to the car. The guys were standing around doing nothing.

“Yo assholes go help Dunn with the rest of my shit!” I yelled at them.

They all turned around to face me.

“Are you going to stand there like brain dead monkeys or are you going to make me late for my flight because you are too weak to pick up one of my bags?” I said.

They all went in and carried out my bags. I guess insulting them by calling them weak really gets to them.

“Thank you. Now let’s go,” I said.

Everybody loaded everything up and got in the cars. We had to go to the hotel to pick up the rest of the guy’s stuff.
When we got to the hotel everybody got out and went up to the room. There were 3 bags. I guessed that Bam and missy shared one while the rest of the guys shared the other two. We got back into the cars and went to the airport.
We had to get through mall security and get to the plane. We were almost late.
I sat in between Rake and Dunn. I fell asleep almost immediately. I only woke up when I felt something on my face. I opened my eyes to see Novak holding a sharpie.
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i suggest reading my other stories and poems also