Sequel: Untitled Bam Margera

Wait...Bam Margera is my Father?!


Bam told me where the race track was and we were there in a little under an hour.

“Stop here for a minute,” He said once we reached the gates.

He got out his phone and called somebody. A minute later the gates opened and I drove in.

“Let me drive for a minute,” Bam said.

We switched sides and drove up to a building. A guy came out of it. He was tall and dressed kind of like Bam.

“Hey man, so you said you wanted me to watch someone race?” he said to bam.

“Yeah, I want you to watch my daughter race. Hope you don’t have a problem with that Jared.” Bam told him.

“You’re kidding me she doesn’t even look like she is 16.” Jared said.

“I’m 15 thank you very much. If you are scared to race then I guess you can back out.” I said.

“Let’s race. Let me go get my really fast car that you could never beat.” He said.

He went and pulled around in a Skyline GT-R 33.

“You’ve got some tough competition kid.” Bam told me while staring in awe at Jared’s car.

“Don’t kill my Lambo and don’t kill yourself. Be careful.” Bam said as he got out of the car.

I got into the drivers seat and pulled up to the drag strip. Once we were both in position the light started going. I took off right on time. Jared took off a second to late. I was already at 80 mph and gaining speed. Jared was catching up to me. I let the engine recuperate and then pushed it as much as I could. I was gaining speed and gaining ground on Jared. I could see the finish line and I had to push the motor faster if I was going to win. I slammed on the gas petal and left Jared behind in the dust. Once I hit the finish line I had to slowly stop because if I slammed on the breaks there was a chance that the car could flip. Once I had stopped Bam came around to the driver’s side. I opened the door.

“You fucking smoked him! Nice job. Even I can’t race like that.” Bam said.

“I’m used to street racing and faster cars but oh well.” I said.

“Illegal street racing, I never thought you would be the type.” Jared said.

“There are a lot of things you would never think I would do. But you judged me from appearance. That’s bad flaw to have.” I said.

“I say we go celebrate!” Novak yelled randomly.

He only wanted to have a reason to go drinking but that’s Novak. All of the guys seemed to agree.

“But what are we gonna do with her?” Glomb asked.

“You make it sound like I don’t drink.” I said.

“You drink?!” Bam asked being shocked.

I was in for it.
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i am so sry tht i messed up the chapter!!!
so sorry for the confuslement