‹ Prequel: Impossible
Status: Active. :) Tell me what you think. :]

That Should Be Me

Chapter Two.

April 16th, 2018 was the date that would become known as the worst day of my life.

I remember I got home and I was in a crappy mood due to Scooter having something up his ass.

He was in a bad mood and it rubbed off on me.

I got home and I just wanted to relax, I wanted to shower and just sit, watch tv, try to get rid of my pounding headache.

But apparently, Ellie had other plans. As soon as I stepped foot in the door, she was hounding me. It was all rushing out, I couldn't even comprehend what she was saying.

"Are you even listening to me Justin? Ignoring this won't make it go away." She said defensively.

"Ignoring what? I haven't had a good day, Ellie. I just want to relax and get rid of this headache." I said, a tad bit annoyed.

"God this is just like you, Justin. Why can't you ever give me answers? If the situation was reversed right now, you'd be freaking the fuck out on me." She fumed.

"What? What did I do, Elizabeth?" I snapped.

"Whatever, Justin. Why don't you just go ask Jasmine? Since apparently you two have been getting cozy."

"What are you even talking about?" I asked.

"I'm talking about the pictures and the videos that are all over TMZ, all over the Internet. Even Perez Hilton made an article about it.

"What pictures?" I asked.

"These." She pointed to the paused tv.

On the tv was a picture of Jasmine and I, and I was handing her a flower. She was blushing, and it honestly looked like we were holding hands.

"Elizabeth, why can't you trust me? Why do you always jump to the cheating conclusion? Am I really that big of a douche bag to where you can't even ask me about it before assuming?"

"Justin, you're holding her hand, handing her a flower, smiling at her like she's the greatest thing in the world, and she's blushing," She started crying, "what else am I supposed to think? Honestly, if you're getting bored of me, I can try to become more lively..just, I don't want to lose you."

"I'm really not in the mood for this, Elizabeth." I grumbled.

"Why did you even ask me to marry you?" She shouted.

"I'm starting to wonder the same thing." I muttered, and as soon as it was out, I instantly regretted it.

I heard her gasp, before I slowly looked back. Her face was tomato red, and tears started pouring out.

"Ellie, that's not what I meant..."

She just shook her head before running away.

Fucking great.

That was when I did the most idiotic thing I ever would do in my life;

"Sometimes I wish I would have just dated Selena, and Ellie would have stayed with Nick."

That's when everything went black.



No, just five more minutes...

"Justin! Are you okay?"

What? Why wouldn't I be?

"Can you hear me, honey?" Someone said close to my ear, while that was said, I felt someone squeeze my hand.

My eyes shot open, alarmed.

That was not Ellie's voice.

I sat up to see a relieved looking Selena holding my hand, along with Nick and Ellie standing around.

Ellie looked completely relieved, she was leaning into Nick; holding his hand tightly.

"Where am I? And what the hell is going on here?" I asked.

Selena gasped, "You don't remember?"


"What do you know?"

"I'm Justin Bieber, you're Selena Gomez, that's Nick Jonas and he's holding hands with Elizabeth Sanders." I said.

"What don't you remember?"

"How I ended up here?"

"Do you remember when Nick and Ellie started dating?" She asked.


"Well that's when we started dating, remember? We all decided we were going to move in together, because you and Ellie were best friends?"

"Wh-what?" I stuttered.

"Yeah? You didn't remember that?"

I looked up to see Ellie's worried expression, and Nick give her a reassuring kiss on the forehead.

That sight broke my heart, what in the fuck had I done?

Now if you're tryna' break my heart, it's working' cause you know...that should be me holding your hand...'
♠ ♠ ♠
This is just explaining how and what, it might be a bit confusing, but I promise it will all make sense here soon.

Don't hate Ellie or Justin! I wasn't trying to make Justin look like a douche bag too much.
Everyone has bad days.

I still love them both, but maybe it helps that I know how this story is going to go.


Also, already 5 comments and a lot of subscribers for it only having the first chapter posted.

So something you're probably going to read quite often is:

You're all so dedicated, and you're all totally badass.

Iloveyouallsoooomuch. <3

With love,
Denise. <3