‹ Prequel: Impossible
Status: Active. :) Tell me what you think. :]

That Should Be Me

Chapter Five.

The next morning, I woke up at about ten. Ellie was passed out.

I laughed, shaking my head and went to get her some headache medicine, and a glass of water.

She was going to need it.

I walked quietly up the stairs, and she was sitting up, rubbing her head groaning.

I grinned, "Here, I thought you might need this."

She chuckled, "You're a lifesaver."

"Take a shower, it'll make you feel better!" I laughed, walking downstairs to make breakfast.

After breakfast, Ellie was on the phone with Nick.

The smile on her face was real, and it broke my heart.

This wasn't going to be easy, but after everything that destiny made happen, I had to believe that I could do this.

"Yeah, I miss you. Love you, too." She beamed.

Hell, I can't do this.

Not alone.

That's when I called in back up.

"You know how completely insane you sound, right?"

I groaned in frustration, "Ryan, damn it! You're the only person I trusted to tell this too, why the hell would I be making this up?"

"I didn't say you were making it up, Justin. I'm just thinking, maybe you hit your head too hard."

"If I wasn't right, how could I know everything about her? Things she claimed she didn't tell anyone?"

"Like what?" He asked.

"Like how she has back dimples-"

"That's so fucking attractive. Mmm."

"Ryan! Focus." I laughed, but I didn't disagree. Back dimples were such a..such a turn on.

"Right sorry, continue."

"Back dimples, twin moles on her inner thighs, so many things about her personality that would take days to name."

"Well, you could be a creeper.."

"Ryan! Don't make me regret calling you instead of Chaz." I warned, "I haven't watched her, stalked her, creeped on her-anything like that! We used to be together. I used to be happy." I whispered the end.

"I'm going to help you. Because you're my best friend, and I can tell you aren't pranking me."

"This won't be easy," I warned him.

"Nothing with Ellie ever is." He laughed.

"Isn't that the truth."

"I hope you know, this won't be instantaneous."

"I know, Ryan. I'd do anything for this girl."

"Well, we're about to test that. I just thought of a plan."

Ryan's plan was impressive. It wasn't exactly a two day plan..but it was definitely doable.

And I wanted to start immediately.

"Ellie! Are you home?" I yelled, walking in the house.

"In the kitchen!" She called back.

I grinned, tightened my grip on my bag, and walked into the kitchen. I set the bag on the table, and she turned around.

"What's that?" She asked, washing a plate.

"It's a surprise. When you're done, come sit."

"Lucky for me, this is my last plate." She chuckled.

I started setting it up on the table, and she happily sat down.

"A notebook?" She asked.

I rolled my eyes, but didn't answer her.

"Oh, two notebooks? And pens? What are we going to do? Pretend we're still in school?" She laughed.

"No, stop trying to figure it out, you'll give yourself a headache like you always do." I laughed.

She pouted, and stuck her tongue out.

My heart beat furiously, "Mature." I smirked.

She beamed.

"Okay. You have the yellow notebook, because that's your favorite color, and I have the purple one."

She reached for hers, smiling with amusement and excitement in her eyes.

"Now what?" She asked.

"Now we're going to make a bucket list. Write down fifteen things that come to mind, anything you want to do."

She grinned like a four year old, and quickly started writing, so I followed suit.

1. Complete this list before I die.
2. Get things they way they're supposed to be.
3. Fall in love.
4. Go in a hot air balloon.
5. Watch the sunset, while relaxing.
6. Dress up in a poor disguise, and walk around the city.
7. Dress up in a good disguise, and walk around the city.
8. Adopt a pet.
9. Break up with Selena.
10. Go to Times Square for the new year.
11. Get drunk, watching stupid movies.
12. Go on a pointless road trip, to a different state.
13. Buy 3,000 dollars worth of clothes and donate them to people in need.
14. Swim with dolphins.
15. Give my number to a fan, without them knowing.

I glanced up at Ellie who was writing away.

I smiled, this was going to be good.

She finished a couple minutes after me. 

"Are you done?" She asked.

"Yes, are you?" 

"Uhhuh, can I read yours?" She asked smiling innocently.

"Only if I can read yours." I smirked.

She thought it over, and nodded, handing me hers.

We switched, and I felt excitement build up in me as I opened hers.

1. Complete this list before I die.
2. Get kissed in the pouring rain.
3. Get kissed under a mistletoe.
4. Paint a room without thinking about the design.
5. Play in a McDonald's play area again.
6. Learn how to play the guitar.
7. Fall in actual love.
8. Get a pet, name her Noodle.
9. Pet a giraffe.
10. Go to a ball.
11. Have a super romantic date.
12. Break up with Nick..
13. Get the guy who gives me butterflies to break up with his girlfriend and date me.
14. Kiss a celebrity in front of his fans. That'll show how much he cares about me.
15. Get a new look.

She was blushing when I looked up at her.

I laughed, "Don't be embarrassed, your list is what you've wanted."

She laughed, "We have some similarities."

"I noticed that." I smirked,

"Great minds think alike." She smirked back.

"Well, figure out which one you want to do first. We're completing these. One of each every day, until it's done."

She blushed, "Okay."

Ryan is a genius, plan on.
♠ ♠ ♠
This story is going to be SO much freaking fun to write!

I'm so pumped.

I literally have to stop myself from posting like a gazillion chapters in a row.

So after reading this, you may think you know how this story is going to go.

But when have I ever been that predictable?

Exactly :)

So don't try and figure this out. I'm alllllways full of surprises.

Hahahaha, I love to keep you guys guessing.


I want to literally GASP when I come back on. I want to be astounded at the number of comments.

16 comments now, MAKE THAT NUMBER JUMP!

Lol, wishful thinking.



Oh, subscribe too :)

Denise. :)