‹ Prequel: Impossible
Status: Active. :) Tell me what you think. :]

That Should Be Me

Chapter Six.

"Which one do you want to do first?" I asked.

She smiled, "Number five. Play in a McDonald's play area again. Which one are you going to do?"

I had to do one that corresponds with her list. That was the deal we made.

We take turns picking first, being the gentleman I am, I let her go first.

"I was thinking either number six, or number fifteen." 

She looked at me confused, "I don't have a super memory, care to name them?" She laughed.

"Number six, Dress up in a poor disguise, and walk around the city. Number fifteen, Give my number to a fan, without them knowing." I smiled.

She giggled, "Do number fifteen! So I can have time to play without trying to run for my life."

I laughed, "Okay. Number fifteen it is. Let's get this show on the road, shall we?" I grinned at her holding my arm out.

She took it and beamed up at me, causing my heart to ache. I missed her so much.

I paid the McDonalds so Ellie could play, the play area was reserved for only us.

It wasn't expensive, since you know, I'm Justin Bieber.

"You always were the one to go out of your way to make me happy." She laughed, eating her fries.

"You deserve it. And that's just how my mom raised me. Nick doesn't surprise you?" I asked.

"Not often, and definitely not the way you do. You have a certain...charm when it comes to surprising people. Probably the most amazing I know." 

"Awwwwhe, you're going soft on me, Ells."

She blushed, "Shut up!" She said and threw a fry at me.

I laughed, "But thank you. That was a very sweet compliment."

"Are you ready to play!?" She beamed, bouncing in her seat.

"You're such a child." I laughed, "But yes, let's go before you freak out."

She jumped up, grabbed my hand and pulled me to the cheap jungle gym.

All in all, it was a great time. 

I felt like a normal person again, even if I was way over the allowed age to be in here.

We left the building laughing, and it seemed like fate was on my side.

"Oh my God! You're Justin Bieber!"

I smiled at the pretty blonde, she looked about twenty years old.

"Hello, what's your name?"

"M-my name is, Sammie."

"How old are you, Sammie?" I asked smiling at her.

"Twenty." She blushed.

Ellie was watching the girl with a smirk.

All I had to do was ask the right questions, she'd ask the right one, and I'd be able to give her my number without her even knowing.

She got a picture with me, and I gave her an autograph.

She felt comfortable around me, so I was waiting for the perfect question to pop out.

It always does, my fans are so predictable.

"Just two questions? I've always wondered..."

I smiled, "Sure."

"Why didn't you and Ellie ever date? I always thought you two would, and that you were perfect for each other.."

I chuckled, and Ellie blushed. "Ellie and I are both dating other people, her Nick Jonas, and I'm dating Selena Gomez."

She frowned, "I know, and it's a shame. You two would look great together..and I've always wanted to know..how tall are you?"

I beamed, there it was. "4,043,678,793 millimeters." 

Ellie busted up laughing.

She stared at me confused, and I just grinned towards her. She smiled politely, and she walked away.

"That poor girl won't realize that was your number before it's too late." Ellie laughed, getting in my car.

"She's going to be so pissed."

"Today has been great, thank you, Justin." She smiled.

"Anything for you, Ells. But you know that. And today? It's only the beginning."

She grinned, and nodded. Playing with the radio.

I had Ellie tweet for me on the way home, and I followed Sammie just like she asked.

@justinbieber: Met a fan today.
@justinbieber: being the prankster I am, she asked how tall I was, and I gave her my number.
@justinbieber: poor girl, she didn't even know.

Justin's bucket list:
1. Complete this list before I die.
2. Get things they way they're supposed to be.
3. Fall in love.
4. Go to Times Square for the new year.
5. Watch the sunset, while relaxing.
6. Dress up in a poor disguise, and walk around the city.
7. Dress up in a good disguise, and walk around the city.
8. Adopt a pet.
9. Break up with Selena.
10. Go in a hot air balloon.
11. Get drunk, watching stupid movies.
12. Go on a pointless road trip, to a different state.
13. Buy 3,000 dollars worth of clothes and donate them to people in need.
14. Swim with dolphins.
15. Give my number to a fan, without them knowing.

Ellie's bucket list:
1. Complete this list before I die.
2. Get kissed in the pouring rain.
3. Get kissed under a mistletoe.
4. Paint a room without thinking about the design.
5. Play in a McDonald's play area again.
6. Learn how to play the guitar.
7. Fall in actual love.
8. Get a pet, name her Noodle.
9. Pet a giraffe.
10. Go to a ball.
11. Have a super romantic date.
12. Break up with Nick..
13. Get the guy who gives me butterflies to break up with his girlfriend and date me.
14. Kiss a celebrity in front of his fans. That'll show how much he cares about me.
15. Get a new look.

Oh yeah, today was only the beginning.
♠ ♠ ♠
I write my stories in my notepad; I have the iPhone 4.
I love writing them, but I HATE having to fight with this thing posting it.


Anyways, as I've said before, THIS STORY IS GOING TO BE SO MUCH FUN TO WRITE.


So let's have some fun, shall we?
I have up to day 5 written.
Day two-
Day three-
Day four-
Day five-

Guess which numbers I'm going to do from each list!

Fun right?!?


I tried.


Damned If I Do Ya

I wanna see that list doubled.

No smart ass comments! ;)

And no double comments, if it's an accident I understand, but eh.


This is getting too long. Oh btw, that isn't Justin's phone number..I wish.

Gotsta run, y'allll,

Denise <3