‹ Prequel: Take a Chance on Me
Status: In Progress

The Winner Takes It All


“And so class of 2010, head for your goals and never look back on what was once a minor bump in the road. Ladies and gentlemen…your class of 2010!”

The Bel-Air class of 2010 jumped up and cheered as well as their parents and family now standing in the bleachers. The gymnasium was filled with happy relatives, friends and high school staff so happy with their graduates that made it through the highs and lows of high school.

When the ceremony had ended, and the students were now free to walk the gymnasium and meet their family and friends. One girl in particular found her mother within the crowd; she jumped up into her arms as her mother began to cry in her shoulder. Next to her mother was her new step-father, Michael. They took their pictures, one with her mother, one with her step father, and one with all three of them. After, her mother let her go to find her friends. She hugged each of the friends she came across saying how proud of each other they were until she found a certain couple she had been looking for.

“Zahara!” She shouted. When the Pakistani girl turned around, both girls ran up to each other and Zahara jumped in the taller ones arms. She then hugged Christopher, Zahara’s long term boyfriend and companion.

“Wait,” Zahara said, halting the celebration. “Where’s Taylor?”

Suddenly, a pair of arms picked the girl up and spun her around. When she was put down, she turned around to meet the brown pair of eyes that was her boyfriends. Without word, she wrapped her arms around his neck and got on her toes as he gripped her by the waist, leaning down and they captured each others lips within their own.

“Can you believe it?” The girl asked as the both of them pulled away. “We did it Tay!”
“I know,” Taylor laughed as he pressed his forehead against hers. “I’m so glad I could do this with you.”

They sighed with bliss simultaneously, so thankful to have each other in their arms and to share this moment with each other.

Robbie and Taylor had long been best friends since they can remember. The friendship wasn’t easy, there were some ups and downs, they couldn’t deny. In fact at one point, the friendship had ended more than a year ago in the middle of the school year, all because of a dent in Taylor’s own life. But when the school year was almost over they got back together as friends. But it wasn’t until Robbie and the rest of her friends left the country when Taylor realized his feelings for her. The one he’s always loved. Ever since that night in Rome, they’ve been inseparable. They just seem so perfect for each other.

And now that high school is finally over, they must buckle up for whatever the future has in store for them.
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FINALLY! THE SEQUEL HAS BEEN POSTED! I can't believe how long it's been since even thinking about writing about Taylor. Honestly, I've been contemplating on not doing the sequel at all, but inspiration struck me and lo, it has be born. I hope everyone is as excited as I am :)