Sharing Ashes

& downing old world wine.

I was alone on the porch, and then I wasn't.

"Mind if I join you?" It's getting crowded in there. You didn't need to say it aloud.

We stood in silence, for a minute and then two, a hand in my pocket and yours around the neck of a bottle.

The night sky, the anxiety and you, I just had to do it.

"Can I bum one off you?" You didn't need to ask, and so nicely too. And your next request was obvious.

We leaned into each other almost exactly at the same time, just inches apart. A flick of a switch, a burning moment and an exhale. The tips of our cigarettes could have been kissing, but not quite.

For a second I saw the smoke take shape, and there were open mouths and wild hands and nakedness, but I blinked and the wind stole the image into the dark.

"I'll see you inside?" You turned to leave, and I knew you won't. You won't notice me, ever again, and you'll never know how much I just want. For all the things you didn't say, I wish you had asked my name.

I was lonely, with you, and I still am.