Sequel: This is How it Goes
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The Mind Killer

Ally is a psychic, who visions people dying. Little does she know, she is the one who kills them. Accidently. Anytime she sees them in a vision dying, they really are dying. She doesn't mean to. She doesn't want to. She doesn't even know that they are dying because of her. People just think she faints for no reason sometimes.
And then Alex comes to town. He has the same "gift" as her. Except he can control it. He doesn't faint for no reason now. Less people die because of him now.
He knows theres another person like him around town somewhere. He can sense it.
Only guys have ever been mind killers. But Ally is special. And Alex knows it.
  1. Joseph Tarik Macon Died
    Ally is at a funeral. Her best friend died. But there's just one secret that even she doesn't know. She killed him.
  2. 1 Week Earlier
    Ally flashes back to when she first had the vision of Joseph dying, and when she had the first glimpse of Alex.
  3. Meet You There
    Ally finally meets the mysterious guy that caught her eye, when she was looking out her loft window.
  4. A Big Shocker (With a Little Explanations In Between)
    Ally figures out that she is a mind killer, and she also figures out what a mind killer is.
  5. Alex does have friends, or rather, minions
    Alex's friends show up in the morning at Ally's house.
  6. Ally is Special
    There has never been a girl Mind Killer before, so does Ally have what it takes?
  7. Is There Something More?
    Ally might have feelings for a different guy. But who?
  8. Another Thing Horrific
    Ally has another vision, and Steven, Aidan, and Alex try to help her stay out of it.
  9. A Deep, Dark Time
    Ally slips into a depression.
  10. Hold On One Last Time
  11. All That Wish Well Live Well
  12. Never Again Will I
  13. I Broke The Wall And Built It Back Up Again
  14. The Walk I Took... Again
  15. Just Like Him... It's A Playback
  16. The Dates
  17. One Prophecy
  18. One Small Moment Equals a Goodnight's Sleep
  19. Will You Wait For Me There
  20. We Leave