Sequel: This is How it Goes
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The Mind Killer

The Dates

I woke up in Alex's arms, with one of his t-shirts on. I saw my pile of clothes on the floor, with my boots and the bag on top.
I must've moved too much, because Alex woke up.
He saw me looking at the clothes.
"You started groaning last night, so I took off your clothes and put that on you." He pointed to the t-shirt. "Don't worry. I didn't see anything." He gave me a quick kiss on the lips.
I breathed a sigh of relief and Alex smiled.
"Did Steven and all the rest of the boys come home last night?"
"Yeah, they came in while you were asleep. I told 'em to be quiet."
I snuck over to the loft. Opening the curtain, Carson sprung out at me.
"Hey Carson! I missed you!" I laughed. I hadn't gotten to see Carson in the past few days; I was too busy with homework I was missing and he went to the park a lot with Steven. "Do you want to read a story?"
"Well then go pick out a book in the toy box."
Cason dug into the bottom of the box and pulled out a dusty journal, with a burgandy cover and a few silvery swirls lining the sides.
"What's this Ally?" Carson asked.
"I don't know, let me see it." I didn't remember a childhood book looking like that.
He handed it to me and I opened it to the first page that was written on.
May 17th, 2001 Was written on it, along with an address. But that was it. I started flipping pages and the only thing written on any of them was a date and an almost illegible address.
"Alex, could you come here please?" I was a little worried, that maybe the stuff written in this journal could mean something.
"Yeah, what's up?"
I handed him the journal. "Look at this." I pointed at the page.
"What's it about?"
"I don't know. But all the pages have nothing but a date and a random adress on it."
There was about 20 pages with dates from 2001, but the later dates were unreadable, and the addresses were all unique.
"Steven!" Alex yelled. "Come out here real quick."
Steven jumped out of the loft with nothing but boxer shorts on. I blushed.
"What do you want Alex? I was trying to sleep."
"Look at this stuff. Do you know what it might be?" I took the journal from Alex and gave it to Stephen.
Stephen's face paled.
"I think I know what this is."
♠ ♠ ♠
5 MORE CHAPTERS! OMG! Dont worry though people that love this story!!! cause i got a plot for the sequel, so YES there willl be a sequel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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