Sequel: This is How it Goes
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The Mind Killer

Meet You There

There's a wet slurping sound behind me. I look. Nothing.
Slurp. I look again. Nothing. I walk a few more steps, while keeping my head turned. The guy i saw a few days ago comes out from behind a tree timidly. His head his turned toward the other side of the street, so he doesn't see me looking. He looks back and sees me looking. He abruptly stops.
"Were you following me?" I ask. His face is a little red around his nose and around his eyes from the cold.
"Uh-Uhm." He clears his throat. "No way. Why would I be?" He looks down.
"Do you want something?"
I turn around and start walking again. He follows.
"What do you want?" I ask.
"Meet me at the park tonight. 8p.m. Don't be late." He turns around and walks the opposite way.



I get out of my loft and walk downstairs. Once I'm outside, I turn right, and follow the sidewalk, toward the park. There's a name for the park, but nobody uses it anymore. After about 5 people died last year, we wanted to somehow name the park after them. Everyone got busy, and forgot about renaming the park, so everyone just calls it "the park".
He's not here yet. I sit under the slide. My phone says 7:55. It starts sprinkling, then raining. The people in the sky are crying. Who knows why.
I hear steps on the small pebbles coming toward the slide. I peek out, and there's nobody. I can only see out 1 side of the slide. The other side is a wall. I sit with my knees against my chest, and rest my chin on my knees. It's scary here at night. It's pitch black. Someone is going up the slide. I can hear the footsteps. I crawl out from under the slide, and walk toward the swings. I fall backwards. I ran into someone. The person turns on a flashlight and shines it on my face.
"Omygosh! I'm so sorry!" It's that guy. He helps me up. His hand clutches mine, and he leads me to a seat under a slide. He lets me sit first, and then he sits, facing me.
"First of all, I'm Alex."
"Ok, that's great. Now what do you want from me?"
"Ally, I think you might be a mind killer."
♠ ♠ ♠
maybe another part tomorrow? idk. if not tomorrow, then next weekend. love you subscribers<3 lol. please comment!