Sequel: This is How it Goes
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The Mind Killer

Alex does have friends, or rather, minions

The Next Day...

Alex is snoring in my room. Curses. I got no sleep whatsoever. All I could hear was: Ally, you're a mind killer. I mean, what the hell is a mind killer, anyway? I stopped listening to what Alex was saying last night, because I wanted to figure out for myself. Like, making judgements.
I just wanna strangle that boy, he is so annoying right now. I can remember grade-school, where all the kids thought snoring was funny, and it sounded like honk-shoe-honk-shoe. Now it's just plain annoying. Period. Will he just shut up?
There's a knock on my window. Nobody from my school knows where I live, so they wouldn't be here.
"Hey! Ally! Let me in, it's cold out here!" a muffled voice comes from the other side of the window.
I crawl out of bed and move the curtains aside. A boy about my age struggles to hold on to the window sill.
"Please? Let us in!" the boy says.
"Yeah! Please?" A few more boys, all about my age, yell up to the window.
I place my index finger to my mouth in a shushing motion. I should be freaked out by the weird guys that know my name, but surprisingly, I'm not.
I open the window before the boys break it down.
"Finally!" the boy on the window sill exhales in relief.
"Yeah!" the boys on the grass yell in agreement. I can already tell they're the window sill boy's minions.
"Steven! Penn, Aidan, Carson!" I swivel around on my heels. Alex is standing by my loft, that even my parents don't know about.
"Alex!" the boys yell.
"Shhhhhhh!" all the boys look at me as if I've ruined their fun. In some ways, I might have.
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