Sequel: This is How it Goes
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The Mind Killer

Is There Something More?

"Alright, guys. Come on. Let me sleep." I said. I was tired. I felt like I was gonna pass out.
"Seriously guys, lets sleep." Alex said. At least he was trying to help me get the boys to settle down.
"Party pooper." Steven murmured.
The boys organized their pillows, and a few minutes ago, I had just gotten blankets for them, so they wrapped themselves up in them.

Once everyone, besides me, had gone to sleep, I finally got to go to bed. I wrapped myself up in a blanket and fluffed my pillow, and closed my eyes.
"Hey Ally?" Aidan said. He was laying on the ground, propped on his elbows.
"Yeah?" I answered.
"Sorry I didn't say hi earlier."
"It's okay. It's not like I expect everyone to say hi to me."
"Oh. Can I sleep up on the bed with you?"
"Maybe.. Just don't try anything."
"I won't."
"Then fine." I moved over and made room for him.
He layed down beside me and covered himself up under my blanket. His back was facing toward me. He rolled over onto his other side and faced me.
"How old are you, Ally?"
"16. How about you?"
"How old are the other boys?"
"Penn is 14, Carson is 7, and Steven is 18."
"Oh." Carson is so young. How does he understand about killing people by accident, I thought to myself.
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not enought time to write more. and this chapter is probably not the best. sorry!