Holli Would


"Ali, be a dear and put some sunblock on my back," I said, handing her the bottle.
She took it as I pulled my hair back into a messy bun, and flipped over to my stomach. I could hear the clip snap open, and the cool lotion drip on my back in huge globs. She spread out the sun block, the when I heard the snap being pressed together, let my hair back down. I turned back on to my back and reached for my wide rimmed sun glasses, which I had waiting for me on the table separating me and Becca. Ali tossed the bottle to me, which I placed on the table, and Ali took the open chair next to me. She also put her sun glasses on, and the three of us just laid there in silence for a while.
Becca was the first to say something.
"Think we'll meet anyone big here?" she asked, flipping over ho her belly to tan her back. She'll probably burn, though, she's like like an albino--weird.
"Probably. I heard there were tons of famous actor that hang out around these parts." Ali replied, pushing her hair back into her usual braids.
"Which is exactly why I chose this spot to vacation in. Duh," I told the both of them.
"God, I hope we get to meet one," Becca said, lifting up her sun glasses to look at me.
"Aren't you dating someone?" I asked, like the know it all I am, or at least pretend to be.
"Well...yeah, but--"she started to say.
"What," Ali cut her off, "going to cheat on Phil or something? Naughty girl."
"N-no it's just..." she trailed off, obviously confused. It was clear that she didn't know what else to say, and that she was at a complete loss for words. Man, for one of the smartest (I'm sorry, EX-smartest) people in school, she really IS a dumbass.
"Ali," I said, playfully, "we must not tease her. If she wants to ruin her relationship then that is her business, not ours."
"No, what i just meant was..." Becca started to say, but was then lost again.
Ali and I laughed quietly.
"It's okay," I lied, "we're just teasing."
"And we all know that teasing is playful," someone interrupted, "but can be harmful also."
It was a man, obviously, due to the deepness in his voice. Due to the sun's glare II couldn't tell who, but just from his velvety voice I could tell he was someone absolutely gorgeous.
I took my sun glasses off to remove the glare, and leaned up out of my chair to get a closer look.
Right in front of me, shirtless and everything, tall and beautiful, was the ever amazing actor, Simon Patterson.
"Hello," he said, reaching his hand out to me.
"H-hi," I said shyly, reaching out to shake it.
"You're Simon Patterson," Becca blared out. Shut. Up. NOW, Becca.
"Indeed I am," he said, gently kissing my hand. A true genital man, indeed. "And you are...?"
"I'm Becca," Becca said, "and the one over there is Ali, and--"
"And I'm Holli," I said, insinuating for Becca to piss off, "Holli Would. Might I just say that we absolutely loved your role as Jeff in your latest movie, Prisoner of War, and can't wait to see you in Jail Bird Rock."
"What are you three fine ladies up to?" he asked.
"Nothing much, just chilling," Ali said.
"Are you three free tonight?" he asked, gleaming his sparkly blue eyes at us. He flipped his cloudy wind-swept hair out of his face and flashed us one of his Oscar-winning smiles. From the corner of my eye I could see Becca practically melting, and Ali blushing, not knowing what to do. She wasn't really good with boys, and Becca was, in the nicest way put, an very annoying groupie-fan girls.
"We have nothing for tonight." I said. "Right ladies?"
"I can't think of anything," Ali said.
"I'm definitely free," Becca said, gushing. Cool it down, drama queen.
"Would you all like to join me for dinner?" Simon asked.
"We'd love to," I said, keeping my cool.
"Great. I'll be waiting outside the entrance at eight o'clock. Meet me there." he said, the walked off. Even while he was of set, just walking to a chair to put down his towel, he still looked like a sex-god.
Becca watched him, looking like an abandoned puppy that was just ignored by someone who just gave her a bone.
Ali looked at me and tried to contain her giggling.
"Nice," she said.
"I know. First thing's first--we need proper clothing." I said, already planning ahead.
"I have a show at eight...." Becca said. "Do you think....that I can record it."
I don't know why, but there was just something about how innocent she was that bugged the crap out of me. I hated her. I couldn't tell you why, if you asked. But I just did.
Before I could insult her, we were interrupted my the splashing sound of something hard hitting the water. When we turned to see what had happened, we all witnessed Simon Patterson swimming up to the surface, gasping for breath. When he saw us looking, he smiled, and winked...at me.
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I'm actually writing this at the library, and I only had 15 minutes to write this. Hope you like it!