Status: started it on Sunday, don't expect me to finish this before WTF

Only A Coincidence

July 12

My Mom gave me this journal for my birthday. I shouldn’t waste trees and throw it away. But how could she?! To mothers in this world: Guys like me have their imagination, we can have and do everything we want. Mom do not read this. I’m taking it around the world and into my grave if I have to; get it out where you can’t reach it. No offense to Mothers.
It sucks that my birthday was a load of bull crap. All guys my age who went to my place were paid by my sister. I love my little sis but sometimes she can just be a pain in the butt.
I don’t care, I repeat, don’t care about people. The ones I hang out with are Tabitha and her twin brother Casper. And I hardly care about them. They just stick to me like lapdogs.
Why can’t I have a better life? With a nice mother that knows she doesn’t need to get me anything. Or friends I actually want to hang around with. No offense to the twins. They are worse than me: Tabitha caught drug dealing with her little group and Casper raping 2 chicks because of a dare. And those were the only things cops can find out about them. Those twins are going to ruin their lives, including mine with their crap.
Seriously, I need to get a life. I’m sixteen and most of the rules I have broken were from harassing a cop and other things like that. Don’t I get a wish? I wish for something important to happen in my life. Something worth experiencing, for example.